5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.2 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 Jul, 2022 @ 12:55am
Updated: 20 Jul, 2022 @ 1:16am

Loplight originally started off as a light tone first person action GZDoom game call Ygg until it was switch to a Zelda style 2D game & then later on mutated to a dark tone game that fans of Scumhead are familiar with.

The game is a fun top down action shooter/melee hybrid that's meant to be played with a controller although sadly I don't have a working controller so I used M&K which was a bit awkward but a playable experience. After beating the game in over an hour is this game worth the 5 bucks?

Yes I think it is :)
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