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167.2 hrs last two weeks / 2,564.7 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 18 Aug, 2020 @ 2:13pm
Updated: 26 Jun, 2024 @ 4:24am

Either this game works ok and it is a good experience. Or you get bombared with small errors that you can't explain yourself, can't find online and can't find a solution for for hours until you ragequit. Why doesn't your PMDG777 not recognized OEDF or EDDB as "not in data base"? I don't know! But it doesn't even let me put in a route !

So I tested it a bit since I first bought it and the first impression has been holding up.

Pro tipp: Do not verify your game files, it will delete the whole Official contents folder, omw to install 300GBs again...

Old review:
The simulator has done something great for the flight simulator market. The new milestone in graphics it has set pushes the devs of other products, XPlane and DCS, to push enhancements in graphics instead of staying static in that field.

The way Microsoft handled the managing of downloads was at first really retarded but after reading a bit it makes sense how it was implemented. At least in a limited capacity. Also the fear that those hours spend installing and downloading the game client with hours played constantly counting was unwarranted. As far as I know Steam can know if you actually played the game or just downloaded it when you file a request for a refund.

The 3rd party products that have been released for the sim are awesome and benefit from the graphics.
I would really recommend the PMDG Boeing 737-800 and nearly all scenery from Aerosoft.
Currently waiting for the iniBuilds A310, Aerosoft A330, PMDG Boeing 777 & Boeing 747-400.
Helicopters are also coming and look very promising.

I recommend this to anyone who has a slight interest in civillian aviation.

Good sim :)
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