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5 people found this review helpful
20.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
With every game that is released, Awesome Games Studio gets better. A game created by passionate people that provides quality to players worldwide. Order Yet Another Zombie Survivors to your steam collection.

Final Score: 9.0
Posted 23 March. Last edited 26 March.
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40 people found this review helpful
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18.8 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Sniper Elite 5 is quite the disappointment. There are no innovations, just the same engine and mechanics. Gameplay is also frustrating, the leaves and trees seem to be a second barrier preventing the player from moving to the other location. Sometimes for a sniper and stealth game you don't feel the immersion at all. However, It brings a few new features and at the same time removes mechanics and simplifies the gameplay into normie levels that shouldn't be possible. This is a case of “one step forward and two steps back” and, unfortunately, the end result is not an evolution and despite a few curious moments, the new game fails to be better than its predecessor.

Rebellion unashamedly copied mechanics from higher profile franchises such as Hitman and Splinter Cell and plasted them on this mess. A game titled "Sniper" doesn't really have many sniping moments like in SE3 and SE4, mainly becoming "Pistol Elite" in cramped spaces more suited to Solid Snake than Karl Fairburne. Also, the inclusion of non-lethal takedowns is mind-boggling and lazy. There is no mission in which you have to incapacitate someone, so the ham-fisted non-lethal option is useless. It is like the devs simply got hold of a checklist of "What do the cool kids like nowadays?" and started swinging.

Following the hot string of lazyness, there are less tanks in this game, with only the King Tiger and without a creative use for them like in SE3: Afrika. Not a single French tank is in the game and the German uniforms are all wrong. The dev team was not even trying.

Sniper Elite 5 is fun mainly if played in co-op, but don't expect too much. The devs banked all their chips on the new Invasion Mode and if you take it away, SE5 becomes an inferior SE4 copy-paste. The map design is dumbed down, being more linear and close-combat. Might as well just play SC: Blacklist, with its far superior mechanics.

Don't expect too much, the story is very generic, the protagonists are weak and you won't remember anyone, basically the plot only serves as a background and the focus is on the gameplay. Long gone is the historical fiction from V2 and SE3, just look at the pretty colors.

The game is said to be set in France but it could take place anywhere. The only French thing in the entire campaign is the RSC rifle. There is no mention of Vichy troops such as the Milice Française or the risk of Resistance members being exposed and summarily executed. The Lebel? The MAS-38? Forget about them. France, Italy, Germany... whatever, the game could take place in downtown London; especially for the Germans being stabbed left and right, at any rate.

The Japanese conexion was a big deal in the promotion of this game but were, in reality, a disappointing afterthought, without the promising idea of a showdown with a Japanese elite guard protecting their admiral.

The game is also full of bugs and invisible walls. The floor just disappears from time to time, plunging Karl into Hades. Recycled animations and recycled burning cities from Sniper Elite V2 are also a sign of the lazy approach Rebellion took while making this game. A really sad final product, especially because I love the Sniper Elite franchise.

I waited on SE5 quite a while because I had heard some bad things about it. Bad reviews on Steam and other places. I'm pretty sure it started out as "mixed" on launch. But I eventually picked it up on Xbox gamepass and played through it on Authentic and felt the base campaign was very good. I hate the concept of multiplayer in single player (especially an Authentic campaign being ruined that way)

I recently picked up SE5 on Steam and went through the whole thing again, this time pretty much doing a no death Authentic run through the campaign because I knew the map layout. With the "perks" system it's much easier than old school Authentic but also much more accessible to single player gamers.

Final Score: 7.0
Posted 22 March. Last edited 26 March.
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82 people found this review helpful
39.7 hrs on record
I completed it on PS5 and now on PC, and I'm generally pleased with the revisions. In my opinion, the PC version is better than consoles. Some of the changes are extremely severe, such as when particular people die or how they are presented, and they alter the tone and impact of the plot. However, I agree that they stuck true to the original to a large extent, and they tried their best to keep the game appealing, enjoyable, and full of personality. I liked what they did with Ashley; in the original, she was annoying and seemed helpless, like a large burden who shrieked frequently, but her remake version appears more authentic, and her connection with Leon appears more natural as it develops throughout the game, with their confidence in each other growing stronger. Ashley is a fun companion in this game, and I believe she brings a lot of personality to the game, some of which was not even present in the original. The NG+ and professional prizes are good and give some incentive to retry the game. The combat is really incredible. Each scenario now has additional depth and player options. The counterattack system is fun to learn, and the ability to hide mechanics gives you even more ways to approach each combat. The gun noises are flawless, the new gore system is vicious, and the enemy AI is significantly more terrifying and hostile. The knife is also more intuitive and streamlined, allowing you to slash without initially equipping or stab when equipped. The finishers are also fantastic, reducing the need to swip each downed adversary like a fool. When you combine this with freshly added ragdoll physics, destructible environments, new weapons, charms, and an infinite knife, the replay value skyrockets. Also, knife durability is important for balancing and making decisions. The tale and characters are more developed and fleshed out than in the original. Leon has a slightly more dramatic history, but he retains his charisma, charm, and sense of humor. Luis is given significantly more screen time and speech than before, allowing him to form a bond with Leon and have a true character/redemption arc. They even added files to his narrative and history with Umbrella. Krauser has also significantly improved. His past with Leon is substantially explored in the remake, adding to the emotional stakes and sense of betrayal that Leon is feeling. Moreover, Ashley is also far more solid, capable, and relatable than she was previously. Her relationship with Leon developed more organically and convincingly throughout the game, and I felt like she had earned a lot of confidence and experience by the end. Many people are complaining about Ada, but I believe they are exaggerating. Each individual's own. It was fantastic to see some of the Separate Ways storylines included in the main campaign. The remake also includes a lot of mythology that focuses on the game's religious and occult elements. From my perspective, the game is frightening. The increased distinction between light and dark is a wonderful improvement. The enhanced lighting and gorgeous skyboxes add to the gothic/folkloric ambiance and make opponents appear considerably creepier when they appear from around corners or behind you. The terror has been substantially intensified, and the plagas are more horrific and can even grab onto enemies. New enemy varieties, such as the brutal and "broken neck" Ganados, are extremely aggressive and entertaining to combat. Conclusion, I hope that in the next remake, Resident Evil 5 Remake, they can give Albert Wesker a new ending and continuing using his personality because Resident Evil is about Albert Wesker.

Final Score: 9.5
Posted 29 December, 2023. Last edited 30 May.
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6 people found this review helpful
116.3 hrs on record (67.9 hrs at review time)
With numerous upgrades and expenditures, the company was able to save the game. A lot of companies would have given up on the endeavor, but they persisted. I've been playing through it again, and I really like it. Like Rockstar Games did with Grand Theft Auto V, I hope that the company can create an updated version of the game exclusively for next-generation consoles and PCs.
Posted 9 December, 2020. Last edited 28 October, 2023.
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