Tomek   Poland
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214 Jam dimainkan
I bought this game quite late (after all major patches and reworks) and after discount wil all expansions.
I could never spend money better than on this game.
1. Risk management gives you feel of continuous gambling and keep you in suspense.
2. Graphic is fabulous and dark - suspends tragic and hopless atmosphere
3. Bosses - many interesting mechanics although like half of bosses seems to be recycled for 3 stages dungeon difficulty.
4. Im a big fan of ACHIEVEMENTS - still grinding most difficult ones but man! this is helluva fun on endless run or meeting specific requirements.
5. Narrator - this guy gives a lot of feel into climate of situation even if sometimes fells he repeats same sentence one after another.
6. Classes, loot, modifiers, everything else what this game has to offer :)

I Surely recommend this game with all expansions.
Aktivitas Terkini
Tercatat 52 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 4 Nov
Tercatat 377 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 3 Nov
Tercatat 121 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 29 Okt