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117.7 uur in totaal (113.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Game is great but the forced account creation/linking kinda cringe

Edit: With Sony stepping back on their stance and the above no longer being mandatory.

The game is a lot of mindless fun, especially so with friends
Geplaatst 3 mei. Laatst gewijzigd 5 mei.
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37.9 uur in totaal (7.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇⠢⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀are ya winnin', son?⠀⠀

games great 10/10
Geplaatst 25 augustus 2023.
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16.4 uur in totaal
As a big fan of the original, seeing the love Motive put into this has me happy, it's clear they respect and care about the original version. Some of the deviations from the original felt natural and not too strange. My only concern is some of the stuttering that has appeared recently (but that could also just be my computer hardware slowly showing its age). 10/10. Here's hoping EA realizes we love single player non-live service games and gives us a remake of 2 or completely remaking 3.
Geplaatst 23 maart 2023.
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413.6 uur in totaal (275.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Praise the turtle pope 🐢
Geplaatst 6 april 2022.
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1.1 uur in totaal
Okay game, definitely needs some polish. As the game is right now, can't really recommend it. Random CTDs when alt tabbing for more than a min, lots of frame drops when fighting enemies/exploring the hub(though that may just be my hardware finally becoming outdated). Music is good from what I experienced. Here's hoping the devs can polish it up.
Geplaatst 2 juni 2021.
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11.6 uur in totaal (10.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Reminds of the times before the modern world, where Papa would teach his young buck about proper hygiene and the dangers of soap on a tiled floor.
Geplaatst 7 september 2015.
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13.0 uur in totaal (4.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I've played this on console and on PC. Before the "OMG I HATE YOU FROM AND BANDAI" trolls downvote my recommendation. I was incredibly iffy on spending the money on this since it's just Dark Souls II MK 2 but for the $20 price I got it for, I don't see anything wrong with buying it. Maybe it's wrong and maybe the features should of been there since launch but that doesn't matter. I'd still support a company I like so they can continue to make games. Now for the actual review
Take into consideration that I hardly write serious reviews or even review in general.

It actually feels a lot better than it did in the base game. The frames feel better in some heavy traffic areas than they did before. Overall it feels like a polished game than a buggy unsupported game.

Enemy AI
The enemy AI has actually improved a lot more than I had expected. I remember being able to cheese the enemies in the Forest without them backstepping me. Now they actually backstep and put up a fight. It also feels like the enemies will try to out-strategize you in some fights. With the Turtlemasters and the archers/firebomb throwers. Gives the game a nice crisp new feel to it.

Enemy Placement
Enemy placement got me quite easily. Wasn't ready for the Turtlemaster on the bridge near the ladder to the Pursuer's first encounter. Nor was I expecting the archer to shoot down arrows at me on my way to the Cardinal bonfire. I haven't gotten far into the game [Early lost bastille and up to the Dragonride boss fight] but the fights are nice. Especially with Heide's Knights actually being in the Tower of Flame, it actually makes sense now instead of them being spread out drastically across the game.

Online Stability and Connections
I normally never had a problem with my connection to the host but it feels a lot smoother than it did before, I have yet to PvP as well so hopefully there will be less lag-connected hits(even though that was a slight problem on my end and didn't seem like a major problem at all.)

Minor changes(?)
I'm not sure if anyone else took this into account or even bothered to notice it like I did but the movesets and animations feel a lot smoother as well. Especially when low on STAM. Your punching hardly even stuns the enemy now and makes for a nice improvement, there is also the weapon movesets which I've noticed. It feels fluid(?) Using the broken straight sword and dagger on my Deprived felt weird. Felt like the Broken S.S was lagging behind a little to give that moveset it's "Heavy and slow" combo chains.

Would I recommend this game to new buyers? Yes, if you currently own the base game with all DLC or even if you don't own it, it's a nice change to the current game. Ignore all the salty kids that are upset about this apparent 'cash grab'.
For the price you can get it for depending on how much you actually own, you save quite a bit of money on the game.
Geplaatst 2 april 2015.
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63.4 uur in totaal (35.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
>Send ninja to assassinate Daimyo's son
>Ninja does a plunging attack and misses
>Ninja flees with his life
>Ninja executed by Metsuke the next turn

Geplaatst 2 maart 2015.
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Deze recensie is verbannen door een Steam-moderator voor het overtreden van de Steam-servicevoorwaarden. Het kan niet door de schrijver worden aangepast.
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0.1 uur in totaal
(tekst van recensie verborgen)
Geplaatst 12 november 2014.
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12.1 uur in totaal (10.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Alpha Review:

Evolve is a 4v1 Hunter .VS. Monster game where both sides can literally demolish each other. At first, it may seem like hope is lost as the monster but as you 'Evolve' and put your points into abilities you become a real terror to the hunters if used correctly, the time I played was mostly as a Trapper or Monster, both of which I can say were amazing. Being able to decimate a group of hunters as the Monster was extremely satisfying after all that feeding and evolving. On another side, being able to work with my team and take down this monstrosity before it killed us was exhilarating. The start of the Alpha wasn't super great but hey, it's an alpha, what do you expect? After the devs quickly fixed the issue which in my eyes was nice. They immediately sprung to action to fix it, that's quality dev work to me.

The four classes you can pick from are as follows;

Medic: Basic healing class that has a slow for the monster
Trapper: Pretty much a support class that traps the monster with Harpoons and the Mobile Arena
Assault: Basic tanking class comes w/ a shield and tripmines for extra damage.
Support: Literally as the name suggests. Support the tank by providing a shield or help out a teammate getting pummeled by that monster and shield them and there's also the orbital barrage which unleashes a devastating orbital bombardment on the monster.

The three maps that were available were nice as well and didn't really feel similar at all. Some monsters did but overall the layout was nice and different each time.

Now for the progression system, I don't normally play survival-shooters like this with a progression system to unlock characters but it felt challenging and simple. "Get so many kills with this to partially unlock the big unlock" That's a nice simple way to put it, it gave me a sense of satisfaction when I finally earned the character/elite skin.

The bonus' you can get too helped when you were playing certain classes. Want to track an enemy as a trapper? Movement speed increase is your best friend. Need more damage? Better grab that damage output.

Overall, I'd definitely replay this game with my friends and would even be willing to buy it. On a scale of 1-10, it'd definitely go for about a 8 at it's current state.
Geplaatst 3 november 2014.
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1-10 van 11 items weergegeven