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Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am the honored one. :SF6_Delta_Cat:
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SoftServeSplurge 16 апр в 20:28 
I’m not on this planet for this. Not for love or hope or anything like that. I’m here to do something. I have to be useful and once that’s finished then I’m gonna be tossed out like garbage. Just a tool to be used. Nothing more and nothing less.
SoftServeSplurge 16 апр в 20:27 
mmmmmmmmmmm I dont understand it
SoftServeSplurge 9 апр в 16:22 
toy asutao
kelsofthenight 26 окт. 2023 г. в 10:05 
I’m not on this planet for this. Not for love or hope or anything like that. I’m here to do something. I have to be useful and once that’s finished then I’m gonna be tossed out like garbage. Just a tool to be used. Nothing more and nothing less.
SoftServeSplurge 18 июл. 2023 г. в 16:03 
I grew up and became bojack horseman
MarkyMcFly 8 мая. 2023 г. в 0:05 
Huge dong