
Recensioni recenti di N1ghtmare ∞

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1 persona ha trovato utile questa recensione
418.9 ore in totale (152.4 ore al momento della recensione)
It's free to play, and costs you nothing.

The game has some amazing gunplay, and the gameplay is overall fast paced and highly enjoyable.

I like my Guardian, that I've made and making changes to my outfit.

The constant progression is a nice feature, to log back in and take your character on some Strikes, Raid's and Crucible matches to keep leveling up :D
Pubblicata in data 28 dicembre 2020.
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8.4 ore in totale (7.1 ore al momento della recensione)
It's HALO, on PC.

Includes Forge World, and a bunch of new options for the game.
Pubblicata in data 27 novembre 2020.
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79.4 ore in totale (72.3 ore al momento della recensione)
great drawing software
Pubblicata in data 19 agosto 2020.
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12.6 ore in totale (2.7 ore al momento della recensione)
Glory to mankind!
Pubblicata in data 26 giugno 2020.
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19.0 ore in totale (7.6 ore al momento della recensione)
This game goes above & beyond, the attention to detail is on point.

The gameplay is fun, and rewarding, often changing in fun & new ways. The cutscenes are interesting & not boring at all. I love the character development, and the quirky dialogue between scenes.

You can cook food for the squad, and get funny side bits here & there, like it changes over to anime~
You can also play as the other characters in your squad, not just Sorey. Combat is fun! you can learn new skills and practice new moves, plus the battle system has a rating/points system that evaluates you based on how well you do.

Well worth the price :D ( try and it pick it up when it's on sale, or through Humble Bundle)

I rate the game 9.9/10 <3
Pubblicata in data 26 novembre 2017.
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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
200.3 ore in totale (141.7 ore al momento della recensione)
A classical eyegasm of the times, a real charade of a lifes work being dedicated to the series and making its own independent entity, making own canon and the final chapter from my childhood video game past;

The game has a series that has survived the past, stood the test of time, not only exceeded expectations for most games, in terms of quality, story telling, characters, music soundtracks, cinematic cut scenes, camera angles, stealth camo, bandana, usage and more; this is the final chapter, our goodbye and fitting end.

There's always more though, someone will continue this one way or another, this series, has inspired and been the sign of the times for game development.

It is its own culture, and doesn't have to break away it already did.

What you don't trust me? Hundreds of thousands if not millions of fans have already enjoyed metal gear solid & I also say if in doubt, just buy it anyway, and find out why.
Pubblicata in data 18 aprile 2017.
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0.1 ore in totale
Game launches then gets to the loading screen then crashes

Won't let me launch in a compatablity mode

Not sure if I would reccomend this game, every other game works fine for me...
Pubblicata in data 10 aprile 2017.
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21.7 ore in totale
You gotta do yourself a favour & play the first episode for free

This game has such an incredible vibe to it, sometimes it doesn't even feel ike a video game, it feels like it has so completly drawn you in, you feel so immersed, so a part of the story, so interwoven, connected, and gripping, feelsy moments get you hooked, and you start to love the character development.

Not many games get you to feel like your in a movie, not many at all.

A really well done OST

PLAY the first episode today, buy the rest of the game later.


EDIT; I finished the game & I give it a 10/10 it made me feel something, not many games can ever achieve that
Pubblicata in data 5 aprile 2017. Ultima modifica in data 21 maggio 2017.
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208.3 ore in totale (137.3 ore al momento della recensione)
I've had an account since 2013, now they have removed the time period, and you can level up to 35, don't buy the game, use the free trial to get your character up to level 35, then buy it and sub, you can find out if you like it, and also then already have a headstart, and probs in a guild by then, and already got some friends to talk to in Discord or w/e

It is a really fun game, maybe one of my favourite MMORPGS to play

Puts me in a really good mood

Pubblicata in data 5 aprile 2017.
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153.3 ore in totale (136.1 ore al momento della recensione)
Dark Souls is so very rage inducing, a game that feels addictive and yet at the same time you feel a strong hate while you play it, a feeling of you want to quit, quit the game now, because you've had enough, and you want it to end, you get past the point of where you were, and then you die, and have to start again, or something comes out and poisons you and before you can get to the purple moss clump in your inventory, you die, or something inflicts toxin and you lose HP even quicker, so you die faster, or something goes and does something worse, and inflicts curse, halving your HP and keeping you from going and using humanity, to summon someone else to help you, and you have to break the curse, which to do that is really far away, or you step on a pressure plate, and arrows come from behind, and you die, or you were about to wait for the boulder, and when it wasn't there, you go and charge through, and then you die, because the boulder came back, or you try to fight the hydra, and it spits water projectiles, that change direction mid-flight, and change and home in on you, so you keep dodging, and weaving, waiting for the hydra to put its annoying head there, and you keep at it, and then you kill the hydra, and before all this, there's a gate keeping drake, but they call it a dragon, and it guards this bridge, with fire, so the only way to get past is to hide under the bridge, wait for the fire, and you have to roll, dodge, roll under the bridge, and before you can do this, you would of died that many times, because before you get to the end, the fire has killed you and have to start again, or before you get there you go and think by starting a new game it would be a good idea to go and explore, and how wrong you are, there are skeletons near the beginning of the game, that will hunt you down and kill you, or when you think that's not annoying enough, you go into the valley of drakes, and there is a place, so annoying, drakes, spamming lightning, with unlimited mana, that can fly and dodge your attack, while spamming lightning, lightning that will break through all the stamina you have, then spam more lightning, when you get too close, they use the beak, and have annoying levels of HP and by the time you finally kill them they only give you 1000 souls, there lays a point in the game, when you want to progress further, but instead you have to grind each area again, and again to level up, to be able to get past places that you would have a hard time, trying to do, when that's not enough, they put these swinging pendulum blades, that are about 4 times in succession, and they knock you off the ledge, and you have to start all the way, back from where you where, and something where along the way, when you thought that wasn't annoying enough, you find a way off the elevator, dodge jump over the pillar, and climb up the stairs, roll up into a ball, and get taken back to the undead asylum, where you meet one of the most annoying bosses in the game, so far, and it starts off with you having half your HP, when the battle starts, within about 0 to 1 second, you can die, and have to start again, with one attack from the boss, you die, and if it misses it might leave you with about 1HP, you dodge that, then when you thought you avoided the AOE, it goes and does splash damage, over and over again it crushes your hopes and dreams, over and over again, it becomes this frustrating, eye twitching, thing that somehow, in spite of all that, is enjoyable, I know that is weird, and how it feels so hard, not to try and rage quit, because it's just ridiculous, but it has become my life goal to pass Dark Souls.
Pubblicata in data 17 dicembre 2016.
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