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Neue Rezensionen von FrostByte

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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 36
5 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
2.1 Std. insgesamt (1.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Edit: I have requested a refund. I can't kill any of the first area's bosses because of it being so overtuned. This game is NOT non-souls like player friendly, and it should definitely state that it is a souls-like game.

Difficulty is easily a 20 out of 10. Don't get me wrong; the game looks amazing, feels good; but they don't specify its souls like so the overtuned difficulty makes the game not fun unless you want that genre.

The entry level difficulty in this game is way too overtuned. If you like souls-like games, and extremely difficult boss fights then this game is for you.

I'm at the Wandering Wight fight, and I never come close. No difficulty slider that I can see.
Verfasst am 20. August. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 20. August.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
85.8 Std. insgesamt (20.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Writing this review just 20 hours in. Here is what I experienced, and what my opinion is on a few hot topics.

What to take away from this review, before even reading it:

The game is free. Free as in, you do NOT have to spend money to enjoy the game. It is 100% worth your time to download it, click play, and try the game out for yourself. No - It's not a demo. It's the full release of the game that is free. See for yourself before looking at these reviews where people complain because their panda outfit costs too much money, or that Bunny is wearing too much clothes and to remove most of it down to her ult outfit costs too much money for their liking.

A few notable Pro's that I feel should be talked about -

1. Game launch had zero server crashes. From the moment the servers went online, until approximately 12 hours after I finished my first gaming session; I was able to play with no bugs, performance issues, lag or crashes/server crashes. Same with all of my friends who played.

2. The gameplay itself is fantastic. It's an insane mix between Warframe and Destiny. It was simple to learn, and the grappling hook makes traveling the map a lot of fun. I find myself trying to be spider man every time I start running to new quests.

3. Monetization - 100% of the content can be farmed in the game without spending any money, with the exception of Cosmetics. Cosmetics is the way developers earn money, and if you want to support that - you can spend money. Otherwise; enjoy the FREE GAME that is honestly better than most AAA's these days so far.

A few Con's that I feel should be mentioned -

1. The social feature is a bit unpolished. World chat has a delay - and only updates once every 3-5 seconds, so when you send a message you can't read responses instantly which can result in you scrolling through. However; I don't really use global chat in game anyways.

2. No trading, and no Clan feature. - It's a pretty big downside to the game for me. I really enjoy clans/guilds and trading in games like this - However, I do hear that these are features coming down the road.
Verfasst am 4. Juli.
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1,149.5 Std. insgesamt (670.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
670 Hours and I very much still have that "This game was just released" feeling. I'm learning new stuff every single time I play. No exaggeration.

There's a significant amount of this game I don't know about so I don't really know how to write this review. It's insane how much content I've played and how new I still feel. If you're looking for something free to play that doesn't feel like it's free; this is it.
Verfasst am 29. Januar.
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184.4 Std. insgesamt (28.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Edited after 150 hours -

Okay, So from the get go I always recommended this game. It's amazing. Here is some feedback from me at over 150 hours of gameplay and still NOT finishing the game.

1) So many different choices and outcomes in your decisions.

There are so many different ways you can play the game and accomplish your goals. Both feature and story related. I've got over 150 hours in the game and I just realized that you can change how act 2 is played completely just by doing a specific quest or two. It literally changes all of act 2.

3) Choices matter. Big time.

You neglect doing a specific quest or doing the quest a certain way, different outcomes will change how the ENTIRE REST OF THE CAMPAIGN is played out. I have played in a total of 9 different campaigns and have barely made it a few hours into act 3.

4)Builds matter

Your build, and how you play, matters. Role play it up.

If you want to be an evil necromancer who literally kills everyone he comes across, do it. It's insane.

You want to be a Paladin who's a holy knight and makes morally sound choices? Do it! Multi class into the Bard class while you're at it and bring more buffs!

You not good in combat and strictly want to help your friends who are? Light Domain Cleric is absolutely monstrous. You will never run out of available heals and utility.

You want to be a Wolf? How about an Owlbear? Sabre Tooth? Etc? Or, How about being a ranger and have a wolf companion at your side? You can do that too.

And just when you think we're done, There are Sorceress builds and Wizard builds that are completely different from eachother. Thrower builds where you throw spears, or builds without weapons doing an Open Palm Monk who attacks like 135136134 times a turn.

There are plenty of good reviews on this game. Mine may or may not be the one that pushes you over the edge to buy the game - But one thing that my review will have an influence on is this;

Be creative.Put a bunch of explosives in a barrel. Throw it at an enemy. Light it up with an explosive spell. Jump off of 20 crates as an Owlbear and slam the ground. Grab enemies and throw them off the map. Don't lock pickdoors and chests, break them. There are so many different options.
Verfasst am 20. August 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 15. September 2023.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
4 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
95.9 Std. insgesamt (24.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I really don't wanna spend a long time on this review, because I want to get back to playing it.

This game is absolutely fantastic. F2P is extremely possible, and there's no real "P2W" stuff going on. Yea, sure a single character is locked behind the battle pass but I'm playing a build (Free) right now that is insta-clearing screens all the way up to end game. I just started end-game and hit my first difficulty wall, but with some help from the discord community (Thanks Banana!!) I was able to literally quadruple my dmg output with very little effort.

So far, 100% of my game time has been without spending any money. I am definitely going to support the developers and spend some money but I'm going to wait until I get a little more familiar with my build.

The game is free; Try it instead of reading all the negative nancy's and debating. Worse comes to worse, the free game will give you 10-20 hours of fun gameplay at minimum.
Verfasst am 15. Mai 2023.
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114.8 Std. insgesamt (15.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Alright - Last time I edit my review. Game has been good since previous update, but was scared to update review in case it went south. Game is great, new updates bring in fresh content. Some small performance issues still but they have been working on it (albeit slower than it should be IMHO).

Would I recommend game if a magic force made absolutely no performance issues with the game: Yes.
Would I recommend the game in its current state: Yes, but at your own risk?

Maki Maki.

Edit: Well, spoke too soon. More crashes than I have fps.

Edit: Performance update as of 4-06-23 has made the game not only playable, but the most fun since it's release. Very stable 60+FPS now, TONS of QoL updates, weapon changes, item updates, and more. Updated to would recommend :)

Edit: Performance actually got worse for me after the latest update. Sometimes its borderline unplayable for me now.

Alright, so it's definitely complicated.

If the game had no bugs, is the straight gameplay and content worth the $70 price tag? Yes. Sure, some of the graphics could be better, but the content itself is there. The monsters, weapons, and moveset shows exactly where the focus was put. Each weapon is unique, fun, and impactful. Each monster you fight is different, difficult, and is almost souls-like in the terms you need to understand how the monsters work before you just "run and gun"

However - The bugs and performance issues. There are definitely bugs and performance issues that need (and will) be worked on. The optimization/performance of the game has SIGNIFICANTLY improved since launch, but it still has a lot of FPS drops and quick stutters. For the geeks out there; I run a 3070ti with an i7 6700k.

The game is a fantastic competitor to MHW, and is a very welcomed addition to the monster hunting genre. If money is tight I'd probably pick a different game to play for now, but if you're fine with possibly blowing away $70 on a game that may not run smoothly on your rig then do it! The gamble was worth it for me.
Verfasst am 16. März 2023. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 22. April 2023.
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105.5 Std. insgesamt (40.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Look, Does it have bugs? Yes. So does the other game(s) you play. Does it sometimes crash? Yes. Only often enough to be annoying though, and not really discouraging.

The TTK is significantly better (shorter) and it doesnt take a full mag to kill someone. For that reason, I'm in.
Verfasst am 21. Dezember 2022.
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75.4 Std. insgesamt (74.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Just noticed I never wrote a review.

This game is great! No, for real.. There's so much you can do.

Want to start a colony on a planet? Check.
Want to start a big farm and get into the trade business? Check.
Want a crew on your ship? Check.
Want a car? Check.
Want good lore? Check.

It's worth the full price, every day.
Verfasst am 30. November 2022.
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7.7 Std. insgesamt
So, I do recommend the game; but based solely on the (hope) idea that the developers will make it more difficult.

I've put in 7 hours, and feel like I've done some decent exploration. The game is just flat out too easy. Maybe it's because I have not done the boss fights that make the game difficult? I can't seem to find them either.

Anyways; On to the nitty gritty...

This game is definitely inspired by Terraria and Rimworld. You see the Terraria inspiration almost instantaneously, and the second you start your own village you see the Rimworld aspects immediately.

The farming is well thought out, there seems to be a decent variety of crops and food sources. Being able to use the Rimworld aspects in terms of workloads for your villagers, and the different tasks each of them can do is really nice.

The dungeons are pretty bad. There are a lot of generation issues where rooms are blocked off by stone, and also filled in with stone - Instead of that room/area being filled with it's furniture/loot, it's got stone everywhere.

I've accidentally attacked, and been attacked by other villagers while doing things like cutting down a tree.

It's definitely worth playing, and the full price of $10 is exactly where it should be.
Verfasst am 2. August 2022.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
59.0 Std. insgesamt (22.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Screw the review bombs, the game is fantastic. DO NOT MISS OUT because of fake reviews or negative reviews because someone doesn't like the company.

22 hours in and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. Stealth + throwing knives are my favorite, and my next playthrough I plan on doing a Samurai hacker play through.
Verfasst am 8. März 2022.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 36