4 people found this review helpful
52.8 hrs last two weeks / 85.8 hrs on record (20.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Jul @ 5:41am

Writing this review just 20 hours in. Here is what I experienced, and what my opinion is on a few hot topics.

What to take away from this review, before even reading it:

The game is free. Free as in, you do NOT have to spend money to enjoy the game. It is 100% worth your time to download it, click play, and try the game out for yourself. No - It's not a demo. It's the full release of the game that is free. See for yourself before looking at these reviews where people complain because their panda outfit costs too much money, or that Bunny is wearing too much clothes and to remove most of it down to her ult outfit costs too much money for their liking.

A few notable Pro's that I feel should be talked about -

1. Game launch had zero server crashes. From the moment the servers went online, until approximately 12 hours after I finished my first gaming session; I was able to play with no bugs, performance issues, lag or crashes/server crashes. Same with all of my friends who played.

2. The gameplay itself is fantastic. It's an insane mix between Warframe and Destiny. It was simple to learn, and the grappling hook makes traveling the map a lot of fun. I find myself trying to be spider man every time I start running to new quests.

3. Monetization - 100% of the content can be farmed in the game without spending any money, with the exception of Cosmetics. Cosmetics is the way developers earn money, and if you want to support that - you can spend money. Otherwise; enjoy the FREE GAME that is honestly better than most AAA's these days so far.

A few Con's that I feel should be mentioned -

1. The social feature is a bit unpolished. World chat has a delay - and only updates once every 3-5 seconds, so when you send a message you can't read responses instantly which can result in you scrolling through. However; I don't really use global chat in game anyways.

2. No trading, and no Clan feature. - It's a pretty big downside to the game for me. I really enjoy clans/guilds and trading in games like this - However, I do hear that these are features coming down the road.
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