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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 653.8 hrs on record (553.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Jun, 2021 @ 1:47pm
Updated: 8 Dec, 2022 @ 3:18am

It's relatively "small things" that make the game extremly frustrating at times:
- If there is something between the camera and your target (not your character and the target) you will shoot at the sky (and die if your opponant happens to have the camera oriented in a way where the game lets him shoot at you).
- If you throw a grenade and don't wait a couple of seconds before moving your mouse, your grenade will go completely off target.
- If you use one of those push guns and then dismount / stop pushing it, you can't select your weapons, you first need to press 3, and only after that you can press 1 or 2. It should go without saying that you're vulnerable when pushing a large gun, people will try to get around you and you need to be able to react quickly...
- Pressing space to climb obstacles is still very unstable and works 1 out of 10 tries in certain types of ditches. In combat situations it's like a coin flip, most of the time I don't even try anymore, I just crouch an wait rather that trying "crazy" things.
- The game does not remember the orientation of the camera between sessions, sometimes the camera changes orientation after respawning or when leaving a vehicle after entering a different region. This is super disorenting and frustrating because if seems so simple to fix.
- You can get stuck in the floor at random placed, such as entrence of bunker base or corner of tranches.
- Making the respawn timer longer if you die quickly creates an insentive to not go fight, and feels totally unfair and unbalanced when you die from an artillery shell, wait 40 seconds to reappear, go outside to pick up your stuff before taking another shell in the face.. thanks for trying to play, now wait even longer!
- Queues are very long and the 2 other servers are described as "for new players" so nobody goes there even when the first server is completely full.
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