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214.3 hrs on record (129.0 hrs at review time)
I never was a fan of this style of game, but something about this one made me enjoy it a lot. Overtime I learnt how to do things and progress, enjoy the game.

The combinations and combos you can make are great in numbers, always something new can happen.

Enemies can be challenging, specially if you find yourself killing everything easily and take a breather, once you do all you hear is a random brass spike ball hitting your face and sending you back to the menu.

The music... Chef's Kiss.

Lore wise is actually really good, the game doesn't give much other than the creatures / places via unlocking.
So you'd need to look through some lore elsewhere.

Graphics are quite good, I was surprised.

Dlc Storm and Void. If you enjoy the base game, you might enjoy the expansions a great deal, not only changes a lot of the gameplay, but new enemies, maps, music and challenges are all there to be ventured!

Overall the game is what you pay for, can be super repetitive but still quite a nice game. 8/10.
Posted 23 January.
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36.8 hrs on record
Simple and yet amazing game!

Easy to learn.
Simple to progress.
Not a lot of time required.
Quite simple but cute graphics.
Has Harley <3
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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46.9 hrs on record (35.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Starts playing with friends, friends go around talking and stuff, go inside the complex and go exploring and talking about anything, all of sudden muffed screams, stop playing and starts wheezing due laughter for the amazing VOIP the game has, its just perfect.
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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10.0 hrs on record
Honestly? PayDay2 worths way more than this...
For a sequel of the game, this is just saddening...
I would refund if I could, but seems that you will have trouble to be able to refund it bacause you played for more than 2h, MAIN MENU IS NOT THE GAME ITSELF!!! Literally 9 hours of Main menu searching for a game!

I believe modders would even implement the little new mechanics that it has on payday2...
Not worth half of the price I paid, would not recommend!

Edit: Thanks to the steam support I was able to get my money back <3
Posted 25 September, 2023. Last edited 26 September, 2023.
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104.2 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
honestly I expected more of this game...

The good of the game is the graphics and open world.

The bad in the game is the pvp and pve. As PVE you constantly do knife hits to kill mobs in silence, but there is a constant bug you keep being stuck in place after hitting an mob which usually leads to dying to other stuff of even being hit back to the same mob you just struck...

The pvp is really bad, often you will find people with external programs such as walls and aimbots, most annoying is that just as tarkov, you lose your items, everything you grinded just to be lost by some funny guy with a basic gun that doesn't miss your head once, I am talking about getting shot 8 times on the head in 1 second, which is ridiculous. About wall bots, its really funny, you get in the game, spend 20 minutes on the same spot, not even moving, no view to the external world, no way to be seen! And yet you be greeted with 4 granades in a row... The game is win and lose right? or more like exploit and keep winning... Very sad.

Edit: The servers are also very unstable, why bring big loot when you can lose due server drops? Nope, not my internet, everything was working just fine, the server just droped me out, and I lost good gear and stuff, amazing!
Posted 4 July, 2022. Last edited 5 July, 2022.
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1,663.1 hrs on record (800.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Vrchat is... Its complicated to say to someone who never played the game if the game is good or bad for them.

For someone introverted and looking to find new friends, have fun, and try out new things, its a recommended game from me. Because this is what I am, introverted and very weird.

For me, its a short story, I always thought the game was, well. Cringe and full of weird stuff. Most people must think the same too. But once inside, I started looking around, testing things alone, and slowly approaching other people, I need to tell that I was fearing rejection even from them since I am horrible at engaging conversations and keeping them going, but instead they were very welcoming and playful, helping me out with my problems and my social interaction skills.

After more than hundreds of hours, I've realized that Vrchat is unique for each person, it all goes with how they will see the game, how people around them will interact, and what is his first experience on the game. If you are afraid of trying the game, then, don't be! Go, download, experience alone first if you still not encouraged, then slowly approach people or ask a friend of yours to show you around, its always a better experience with someone that already knows the game and most of its beauty. I exclusively manage to often bring a new person to the game by showing a few maps around, be for PC or Quest.

I hope with the little I've written about this amazing game helps to encourage you new user to be a part of the Vrchat community, even if it be for a small length of time, just like this review, shortly appears on the top of reviews to slowly be scrolled down and forgotten by time... But the value and the positiveness of it just as the memories you can gather in the game, shall be eternal.

Posted 4 April, 2022.
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43.2 hrs on record (11.5 hrs at review time)
The game is actually good... only problem is that is tooooo repetitive, learn, explore, learn, explore, procreate, learn all again, explore, learn, explore, procreate and on and on... Still, its a very good game, where your mistakes can cost a lot!

Edit: I started to understand better how the game work! And I am very impressed! The map is massive! And the evolution is a thing I din't understood at first, soo the repetitive is actually understandable with this>

1-Explore around you, learn all near stuff, crafting, altering, etc...
2-Learn all possible skills or keep limited at 6 or 8 skills, and upgrade them!
3-MATE, have 6 kids for more mutations and reinforcements!
4-Reinforce all you can and repeat, the steps 1,2 and 3 another two times.
5-With this you should have many mutations unlocked and with the adults/elders so now step 6!

6-Evolve! After evolving, you will unlock special perks only possible with the mutations!
7- Now go and learn more perks! And every now and then, repeat all these, and you for sure will unlock a whole evolution sistem!

8- Want to learn how to walk in two legs? "Look around and stand up" this will unlock walking in two legs for a while, getting torn bushes, getting to see farther and all thanks to that!
9- After some mutation you can walk in two legs!

10- Fighting creatures is actually easy, Get a stick, sharp it once, sharp it twice for extra guaranteed damage/piercing, whenever something attacks you hold the buttom of the icon that appears and move towards the attacker, when you hear the sound you get whenever you complete an action such as alter, you release the button, and with few tries, you will have struck your enemy! - Do remember to have a rock on the other hand, sometimes they strike back even after struck!

11- IMPORTANT- Do not leave your clan alone! They will Starve and dehidrate! The IA is very poor in ''self survival'', so take the clan with you and help them eat/drink/not get killed!

12- With this all, you should be able to evolve, survive, and not go extinct.
Posted 6 February, 2022. Last edited 12 February, 2022.
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4.6 hrs on record
Amazing Story, Amazing Gameplay, its simple to run in any computer and its gorgeous! Wish was just longer!
Posted 26 November, 2021.
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560.3 hrs on record (195.2 hrs at review time)
Jogo simplesmente incrivel, diferentes mecânicas, diferentes inimigos, tudo tem sua maneira de ser feita...
É o tipo de jogo que você joga horas e horas sem ficar enjoado, pois sempre tem algo para fazer, alguma armadura para criar, combos para fazer, armas para mestrar...
O único triste mesmo, é a hitbox de alguns inimigos, onde golpes que eram para errar acabam por pegar...
Alguns bugs que raramente afetam a gameplay e é isso... Um JOGASSO!

-Edit: O JOGO É INCRIVELLLL!!! Você acaba a atualização atual, eles jogam mais variantes, mais bosses, e muito mas muito mais equipamento!
Posted 5 March, 2020. Last edited 27 November, 2020.
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