5 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.0 hrs on record
Posted: 10 Dec, 2019 @ 2:46pm
Product refunded

as of right now its annoying as hell. Was finished the museum stage and game crashed has to completely restart the museum. was reaching the end of the next stage crashed again got reset to the beginning and then died at the end of it and got reset all the way back to the beginning. Gun physics are cool but not worth spending 45 aditional minutes on a level because it doesnt have check points if something happens. also cant access the arena or sandbox until you reach a certain point in the game which is probably the killer for me because i got mad at the campaign and wanted to go mess around and the game said nope, go play the story. so i will be going back to blade and sorcery for a few more weeks until some stuff changes in this game.
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