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投稿日: 2019年12月4日 16時48分
更新日: 2019年12月4日 16時50分

There are two ideals of what a platform game is.

The first is the ideal embodied by games like Mario 64, Ori and the Blind Forest or the (unfortunately short lived) 'new' Prince of Persia. That ideal is that platform games should be free flowing and give the player a sense of creativity and freedom. Any given location you're meant to go to can be reached in a plethora of different ways and the way that you reach that location is up to your own sense of flow as to how you're going to achieve your goals. You can get up to a hypothetical cliff by wall jumping, doing a back flip, bouncing off some enemies or shooting yourself out of a cannon. Up to you.

The second ideal is the ideal embodied by games such as Super Meat Boy, which hold that there's only one specific way to advance the game and anything else has to result in failure. In these kinds of platformers, the basic task of the game is to reproduce the button inputs and timing that the game designer laid out for success. Platforming sections in these cases are essentially complicated quick time events, where mistiming a jump or dash results in instant failure. You can get up to a cliff by bouncing off a cloud, jumping over the spikes and dashing diagonally up to latch onto a cliff edge and any deviation from that exact sequence means that you die and start again.

Celeste starts out in the first few levels (ignoring the hard-mode 'B-Sides') with the first ideal and then steadily moves towards the second. The first two levels flow easily together, but by the latter half of the game (particularly in the unacceptably long final level), you are going to be expected to do pixel-perfect platforming challenges to send this thing home. The game has some built-in cheats if you get tired of it (and you will), but if you just want to cheat through a game why not just watch it on Youtube?

If you're someone who thought Meat Boy was a genuinely good game, then this thing will supply more of that. It's certainly hard and 100%ing all of the B-Side challenges is certainly well beyond the scope of my patience.

But if you're someone that plays platform games because you enjoy the feeling of movement and freedom, then this is not a good platform game by any stretch of the imagination.
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53 件のコメント
[7-99] Naelok 1月21日 20時17分 
Sleepy._.Liam 1月9日 7時55分 
I ain't readin' allat :steambored:
[7-99] Naelok 2023年6月15日 4時17分 
Ky 2023年6月14日 7時11分 
Skill Issue
[7-99] Naelok 2023年5月2日 14時12分 
I am proud of all that I have achieved.
HockeySalami 2023年5月1日 16時35分 
why did the entire population of wyoming come to shit on this review lmao, I don’t necessarily agree with it but goddamn, chill out lmao
[7-99] Naelok 2022年9月19日 0時06分 
TGI 2022年7月14日 13時07分 
i-it's... it's evolving!!!!