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投稿日: 2024年12月12日 5時43分

Brings me back to the good old days of Nethack and Cataclysm: DDA. Add in a bit of ToME and an inspiration from Rimworld and... yup!

Even though it feels really early access, there's SO much to do. 27 hours in I've maybe explored 1/5 of the world. Fights are EXTREMELY challenging , but the game gives you a 90 in-game day "Trial" where you don't lose anything on death.

During these 27 hours I've:

-Been tomato'd for playing music badly
-Died after someone chose to fling a granite boulder, rather than a regular tomato.
-Been crushed by carrots
-Recruited a Priest Chicken
-Had S*x with half my town
-Bought a philanthropist horse
-(On stream) : Drank a random unidentified potion being out of options. A "Potion of sulfuric acid" to be precise.

Regardless of what other commenters may say (must be mobile phone gamers or something) : Taxes are trivial. Don't get worried about these, you can easily farm the required items by going into a single dungeon, clearing whatever (possibly dying) and then dumping your loot on the shipping box.
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