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Évaluations récentes de MultiSapman

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9.9 h en tout (7.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Rating - Absolute Banger/10

TL:DR review - Like Metal? Like Doom? Like headbanging on beats? Not tone deaf? Then buy this right now.

1.) Music :- Each track is a banger.
2.) Gameplay :- This isn't really a shooter. This is a rythm game disguised as a shooter. If you are tone deaf
or if you have a hard time tuning to beats, you are going to have a less than fun time in this game(unless you play on easy mode).
You basically perform actions on the beats and shoot on the beats and you can increase your damage multiplier this way.
3.) Vibe:- Most weapons and how they feel with the music is very tight. Incredible job integrating such nice rythm mechanics in a
demon shooter.
4.) Fun factor :- Off the bloody charts.

1.) The last 2 weapons that you unlock don't really have the same "ooompf" to the music and feedback as the other weapons like the
shotgun, the pistols etc. The shotgun is easily the best weapon to jam to the music. The pistols are pretty epic too.
2.) The songs are nice but they are all in beats of 4. like 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4. This works in terms of gameplay since this makes the game
more accessible/less difficult. but it would have been nice to have different beat mixups in triplets/etc. But I totally understand why
they didn't go that way yet and focused more on polishing the existing levels to the music in beats of 4.

Overall, very very fun experience. Takes around 6-7 hours to beat and it feels like 30 minutes since its so fast paced and fun. Also
because you are too busy jamming out to the music and enjoying yourself to notice the time.
Évaluation publiée le 9 décembre 2022.
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9.5 h en tout
Rating - 6.5/10 (Strictly a buy on deep sale)

This is basically an interactive movie where all the cast can die in the blink of an eye if you miss one of the sudden QTE prompts.
Plot is that of a typical teen slasher flick.

1.) Unique experience - One of those movie-ish games that have been coming out recently like Dark Pictures games, Untill Dawn etc etc.
Its a game in the sense you get to make some choices on how characters behave and some QTE inputs.
2.) Animation/Voice acting - Really well done. Some recognizable movie stars. Voice acting was also really well done.
3.) Environment - Perfectly nailed the environment and atmosphere for the kind of experience they were aiming for.
4.) Characters - Typical teenage slasher flick stereotypical movie characters, The dumb jock, the innocent cute chick, the edgelord guy,
the badass asian chick, the diversity actor, etc etc. The only exception was the "dumb blonde" character only turned out to be an obonoxious blonde who is
surprisingly good at saving herself.
5.) Length - Not too long. Around 8 ~ 10 hours.

1.) No way to manual save properly which lets you replay sections.
2.) You have to play through once to unlock the mechanic where you can rewind to change/correct your decisions when it leads to a character death.
That is unless you buy the deluxe edition where it is available from the start.
3.) Sometimes the QTE inputs don't register correctly even if you did it correctly. This is really annoying where it leads to character deaths. And if you
aren't on the deluxe edition, heh, good luck rewinding or trying to reload a save. That doesn't work. Really poor design choices.
4.) Story starts of strong but then there is a very big drop in terms of engagement and quality after about the midway point.
5.) Even on mouse keyboard, the shooting mechanic is absolutely pathetic. And there are very few but extremelykey sequences based on the shooting mechanic.
Again, poor design choices.

So overall a moderately fun "experience" but only if you buy it on a deep sale.
Évaluation publiée le 4 décembre 2022.
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30.9 h en tout
Rating - Makes you feel like Spiderman/10

1.) Story and Characters - Not an origin tale. Peter is already a fairly experienced spiderman at the start of this game. But they have spun a really nice tale
of friendship,camaraderie,love,tragedy and drama here. Characters are really really well fleshed out and introduced. Each has their own motivation, perspective and way of dealing with situations.
2.) Music - A very upbeat music which will remind you of the web-swinging sequences from the Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies.
3.) Web Swinging - Absolutely perfected the spiderman web swinging mechanics and is a big contributor to the "Makes you feel like Spiderman" vibe. They took the prototype web swinging mechanic from
the old Spiderman 2 game which was never used and really polished it up. There is a really nice youtube video discussing this topic.
4.) Spiderman - Spiderman feels like spiderman. With his trashtalking at goons while fighting them. There is even a suit special ability which specifically does the finger point and mocks his enemies. 10/10
5.) Length - My 30 hour playthrough felt like it was 3 hours. Extremely fun to play game.
6.) Combat - Very nice combat which is slightly reminiscent of the Arkham Batman game's combat. They have woven spidey's acrobatics and web based gadget mechanics very well with the combat style. Lot of environmental
interaction as well during combat.
7.) Supporting cast - Usually I hate it when a single player game introduces support cast and makes you play as them. This game has short sequences where you get to play as Mary Jane and Miles and it never felt annoying.

1.) Side missions are kinda dull.
2.) Screwball and Taskmaster challenge sequences. Especially Screwball.
3.) DLCs are...okay at best. Nowhere near as good as the main campaign.

Évaluation publiée le 4 décembre 2022.
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22.4 h en tout
Great game, Amazing Music, Solid Story, Lot of minor annoying bugs.
Very close to being as good as mass effect for comic fans.

1.) Vibe - Absolutely nailed the Guardian's of the Galaxy team vibe(which means a bunch of clueless idiots with moderately decent morals coming together and somehow saving the day).
2.) Dialogue and Characters - Perfect lines and delivery for all the guardian's crew. Each has their own distinct way of speaking, bs-ing and outlook.
3.) Music - Check out the playlist for this game on spotify. Bunch of classics. Absolute 10/10 good time.
4.) Plot - Decent enough. An adventure where everyone faces and overcomes their own personal battles before unifying to take down the bigger evil. Classic plot, very well executed.
5.) Combat mechanics - Surprisingly deep. Was not expecting that after the fiasco with the other Avenger's game. But they pulled out a lot of interesting team based combat mechanics. Super fun.
6.) Characters- This is not a first meet/coming together story, but even with the team already together at the start of the story, they focused a lot on each individual guardian's story.
7.) Visuals are pretty good too.
8.) Strong linear storytelling. Doesn't overstay its welcome. Good length. Around 16-17 hours.

1.) Save system - Absolute trashcan manual save system. The manual saves get overwritten by the auto save if that is the last used save slot. If you die after a lot of exploration, it will spawn
you at the beginning of the checkpoint, so you have to go through all the cinematics and enemies, but all the loot will already be in your inventory. Extremely irritating but a minor inconvenience.
2.) Interface - Sometimes you will interact with an object and the interaction buttons will not disappear even after you have stopped interacting with the item. Sometimes, button presses don't register
unless you are at a specific angle which highlights the interact button.
3.) Lot of minor bugs - They needed to polish the way button inputs work. My controller never worked with this game for some inexplicable reason(controller works fine with all other games).
There is a lot of delay between button press and it registering in the game. This is the one thing they needed to polish in the game.

Rating - 8.5/10 Very very very fun experience with amazing music, story and fun gameplay.
Évaluation publiée le 4 décembre 2022.
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17 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
35.7 h en tout
Alien Isolation: Anxiety inducing greatness.

It blows my mind that this game came out in 2009 and it still holds up so magnificently in 2022.

1.) Visuals : 2009 = Poor graphics right? No. The use of light and particle effects in this game is astonishingly good. Sure its not as good as the
more recent titles, but at no point did I find myself thinking "oh this doesn't look good"/"This is immersion breaking". The visuals(especially the ship interiors) are painstakingly crafted
and recreated from the Alien movies. This results in an atmosphere truly befitting of a horror game.
2.) Sound :- Absolutely amazing. The visuals and the sound make up a HUGE portion of the atmosphere in this game. Since sight and audio cues are your bread and butter in this game.
3.) AI :- Magnificent. The Alien itself has spectacular AI. You can't keep pulling the same tricks to fool it consistently. Sometimes it even makes noises and then stops and waits for you to
move up so that it can ambush you. Truly horrifying experience.
4.) Gameplay:- You basically can't "fight" the alien. You have to hide/stealth/distract your way past it. And this creates a truly gripping experience unlike any other.
This game will give you anxiety. The noise in the pipes, behind the doors, the creaking and the knowledge that you are constantly being hunted keeps you on edge like no other. It actually causes
physical discomfort if you keep playing for long hours. The only other game which made me feel the same was Outlast 1 when you were in the dark and out of batteries.
There is quite a bit of gunplay too if you decide to shoot it out with the cyborgs. Its..okay. Nothing spectacular, but this is not a shooter game.
5.) Story:- Pretty amazing. Set 15 years after the Alien movie, you play as Amanda Ripley, the daughter of the protagonist from the movie,Ellen Ripley. They spun a really nice tale here. There were two
instances where it felt like they could have ended the game, but it dragged on a bit. That aside, magnificent job.

1.) Few sequences in the story felt really unnecessary and could have been avoided.
2.) Not a ♥♥♥, but when hiding in the lockers, Ripley always slams the locker door so hard, everyone on the ship should be able to hear that noise. This annoyed me a lot lol.
3.) The save system this game uses can sometimes lock you into really really tricky spots(on very hard difficulty atleast).

Rating - 9.5/10
Évaluation publiée le 26 octobre 2022.
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3.3 h en tout
You are basically John Wick with bullet time. Fun as hell.
Évaluation publiée le 26 octobre 2022.
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26.1 h en tout
Fun, Challenging game with some annoying and aggravating gameplay issues.

1.) General concept - Good. You are a sword wielding mech-ninja who does parkour, slow-mo and slices enemies with swords and some cool abilities.
2.) Gameplay - Engaging and Really fun when it works as intended and quite challenging.
3.) Enemy Variety and Boss encounters - Enemy variety and combination is good. There are 3 bosses in the game out of which one is a platforming challenge boss. The other two bosses are pretty easy and slightly disappointing to be honest. Could have been better.
4.) Story - Pretty straightforward storyline which is mainly laid out with narration and dialogue.
5.) Level Design - Really good. Sometimes bordering on ridiculuos.
6.) Sound - Music is great and is perfect when it kicks in during gameplay. Elevates the experience.

Some segments are quite challenging. If you have good reflexes and/or patience, you'll like this game.

1.) Whoever decided to map Dash and Slow-mo to the same button needs to be fired.
Tap Shift - Dash, Hold Shift - Slow-Mo. Sounds Good? This works okay during regular combat encounters, but at the latter stages of challenging parkour, sometimes hold registers as tap and vice versa and ends up with the player falling to his death.
2.) Disappearing platforms/ Wall running issues - Sometimes walls will require you to dash into them to register contact and continue the wall-run. Most other times, it doesn't however. And this has led to countless deaths. Sometimes you phase into the wall and fall off the map too. Platforms disappear.
3.) Terrible auto-checkpoint system - Works fine for the most part. But not when you have to clear 6 difficult platforming sections in 1 level. If you remain in the game, it will load in the last checkpoint. However, if the game crashes for some reason, you'll have to go through all 6 platforming sections again.
Like...why though?
4.) Game bugs - Game crashed 3 times in 24 hours. Always happened while loading a new level. Sometimes some enemies will do the prompt for an attack, and then bug out and not do the attack(no its not an intended mechanic).

Overall, a really fun and challenging game with some minor annoyances.

Rating - 7/10
Évaluation publiée le 31 aout 2022.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3.3 h en tout (2.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
One word to describe this game -> FUN.
Its basically Bright Memory part 1 with a lot more polish and some gameplay tweaks(for the better).
It has everything. Good solid gunplay, stealth section, over the top action sequences, boss fights, good music, an awful(but short) car sequence as well.
If you have 2 hours and want to try out a game, this is the one.
Évaluation publiée le 29 aout 2022.
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1.0 h en tout
A 45 min to 1 hour long adventure full of nice gunplay, great music, boss battles with some simple environmental puzzles thrown in as well.
Visuals are very good, gunplay is great along with the weapon feedback. Audio ties in nicely to the situation.
It is surprising that ONE person did all this.
A very very fun ride indeed.
Évaluation publiée le 28 aout 2022.
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9 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
5.8 h en tout
Buy this on a sale.
Around 5 hours of content. 3 paths to choose from.
The thing which makes this game is the art,environment, audio and japanese voice acting. Top notch.

Combat - Absolutely horrible. Delay in movement, enemies do weird things by randomly going in and out of combat mid-fight so your hits intended for the enemies miss and you get hit instead, A weird predictive/slow-mo dependant parry system drives combat which is absolutely terrible.

Fantastic story based game, atrocious combat. Buy on sale would be my suggestion.
Évaluation publiée le 29 mai 2022.
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