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Publisert: 7. sep. 2023 kl. 11.21
Oppdatert: 25. sep. 2023 kl. 12.02

Review Update 2
WTF moments are still there and ship building can still be a giant pain with interior layouts, but they're starting to roll out updates and with additional game play have found the quest lines to be superb. So good in fact it has tipped the scales and I'm now switching to recommend the game.

Review Update 1

There's wtf moments. For example, you can choose to "hide" your space suit in settlements. But you're still technically wearing it and can boost jump (edit: it magically appears on your back when you boost jump). People comment about the helmet you're not wearing but technically are. And there's no hotkey to unequip spacesuit. You have to go through inventory to unequip your suit if you actually want to just wear clothes in settlements. Also when on expeditions your companions will take off their space suits every time you go into an interior. So you're wearing a suit and they're not. Which doesn't look stupid at all (sarcasm). Sometimes they won't put them on when you go back outside. Nothing like somebody wearing pants and a jacket on the moon.

The shipbuilder is fun but infuriating. You have no control as to the interior layout of the ship because it'll place ladders and doors automatically. I've heard companionways are supposed to fix this but I haven't had any luck with them and they're troublesome to use on small ships.

For full price I'm going to recommend waiting until they sort out some of these issues, but it's worth it at a discount. Since the recommend decision is binary I'm going to not recommend at this time but expect that to change as they patch the game and the price comes down.

EDIT: Had complaint about bullet sponge enemies, problem seems to have gone away after following the story and side missions instead of just exploring for a little bit. Perhaps I wasn't leveling up quick enough or loot drops weren't updating? Because I'm now getting "calibrated" weapons that do 2x the damage of the original versions. Before I was just exploring and everything was so spongey it was impossible.
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