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게시 일시: 2018년 5월 10일 오전 10시 07분

앞서 해보기 평가
Cogmind is a wonderfully fun, complex, yet not overly show roguelike. The Developer Grid Sage Games provides a weekly SITREP to everything going on in the game and so far. I have spent many fun hours just reading the SITREPs and enjoy just how much information the developer provides the user. Stuff from stats, to everything in between. I love Facterio but their Friday reports have nothing on the SITREPs.

As far as the game goes, I have yet to have a bug. While the learning curve is there, it isn't off putting nor is it any harder than the average roguelike. I will be honest I haven't even touched the surface of all the game has to offer. I have been holding off playing until the Beta 6 dropped which brought achievements. I can't say enough about how great this developer is with sharing information and being an all around great guy who developed an all around super fun game.
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