:DEVOURINGSWARM:Love both competitive side and relaxing fun side of gaming, not to mention a story driven game with a rich plot. :d20dice:
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430 Hours played
Waited so long for this game to leave Early Access before I buy it and I'm so glad I did.

I absolutely loved playing this game, even after 200 Hours of playing it, there are still so many details that I'm sure I missed.

This game has set the standard of story telling and writing that all of us should hold all of RPG games developers up to.

Writing is deep and rich, your choices 100% matter in each and every possible way, to top it all off you can play however and whichever way you want and the game would react to you, full role play.

Like all reviewers said, ACT 3 is def the weakest of all them, I had really big gripes with the endings too, but that's just personal opinion.

Anyway, to summarize, buy this game, it's amazing and very worth it.
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