Lily Zayli   Greater London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Favourite Games:
:warband: Mount & Blade 1 & 2
:AngrySword: Shogun 2
:WHII_Attack: Total War: Warhammer Trilogy
:falkwreath: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
:medicon: Team Fortress 2
:zealous: Dawn of War 2: Retribution
:Pally: Age of Empires 2
:yata: Duelyst 2
:HelmetS: Mass Effect Trilogy
:luv: Pokemon Heartgold, Soulsiver, Black and White
:resilient: Call of Duty: World at War
:resilient: Telltale's The Walking Dead
:resilient: Paper Mario: the Thousand Year Door
:resilient: F-zero GX
:resilient: World of Warcraft: Classic
:resilient: Starcraft 2
:resilient: Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2
:resilient: Command and Conquer: 3 Kane's Wrath
:resilient: Mario Kart: Double Dash
:resilient: Terraria 1.1
:bb2cabal: Callers Bane and End of Nations (RIP)
... and many more! :SisterRam:
Currently Offline
Workshop Showcase
Sons and Daughters of Fair Bretonnia! At last, I give you the TRUE Definitive Edition version of my Bretonnia Overhaul! This mod is a rework of Bretonnia, adding new units, technologies and balance changes to enhance your feudal-over-lording experience. Th
1,696 ratings
Created by - Dead Baron, Zaylidin, and ChopChop
Workshop Showcase
Loyal Knights of Fair Bretonnia! After much request, I gift you the Bretonnia Overhaul Compilation, a mod encompassing all of my Warhammer 3 mods! This mod includes all non-graphical Bretonnia mods I have created up to this point, including: • Lily's Breto
Review Showcase
2,273 Hours played
I still like Bretonnia.
Recent Activity
216 hrs on record
last played on 4 Mar
246 hrs on record
last played on 2 Mar
57 hrs on record
last played on 2 Mar
El-Matin 7 Feb @ 12:26am 
I have an interesting idea for a mod...I hope you accept my friend request and we can discuss about it further...really lovin the work so far by the way :)
Zaylidin 6 Jan @ 5:45am 
Brilliant, thanks for your hard work! :luv:
For the Lady!
CreamSandwich 6 Jan @ 5:33am 
Hi! I really liked your Bretonnian modifications and was disappointed that they were not translated into Russian up-to-date. Therefore, I translated the main modification and two submodes to it. I'm asking you to add them officially to your collection. :steamhappy:

For the Lady!
[76th] Swoodie 28 Sep, 2024 @ 1:50am 
I can never go back to vanilla Bretonnia again.. Thank you so much for you hard work!
xX_MILK DUDS_xx 27 Sep, 2024 @ 3:22pm 
magnificent modder, delightful human being!
ukee49 24 Sep, 2024 @ 3:52pm 
Keep up the great work!