George   New Zealand
Watch the highlights on YT @
:monty: You are welcome to watch but don't touch :monty:

My Top 10 Games with a good story:

1. Red Dead Redemption 2
2. Half Life 1, 2, 2.1, 2.2
3. Portal 1, 2
4. Mass Effect 1, 2, 3
5. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
6. GTA San Andreas & GTA V
7. Dead Space 1, 2, 3
8. Spec Ops: The line
9. Alpha Protocol
10. Far Cry 3

Other Games with good story (In no particular order)
* STALKER Collection (All three games)
* Metro: 2033 / Metro: Last Light / Metro Exodus
* Battlefield: Bad Company 1, 2
* Bioshock Series
* Max Payne Series
* F.E.A.R 1, 2, 3
* Binary Domain

PS: Been informed that this list is not Top 10 but rather more than Top 19, soooo you do you
Εκτός σύνδεσης
Extremely Important Information
:TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning:

- Before you add me, please leave a comment first
- If your account is private or below level 5, you are automatically ignored (I won't get your request)
- I do 1:1 on same sets Cards - Use STM []or Direct Trade
- From time to time I buy trading cards, contact me if you are selling
- You are entitled to your own opinions, so long they conform with mine

:TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning: :TOwarning:

:pcrace: ‎‎‎PC Info :pcrace:

:_cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
:pcbs_gpu: MSI GeForce RTX 4090 SUPRIM LIQUID
:pcbs_ram: G.SKILL TridentZ 32GB @4000
:SSD: 4 x Samsung 980 PRO 1TB
:CRTMonitor: Alienware 34" QD-OLED AW3423DWF
:br_tv: LG UltraGear 27" 4K UHD

Such custom box, very custom :emofdr: :bro:

We need you to draw seven red lines
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I do 1:1 on same sets Cards Only. Use STM to scan my inventory: Steam Trade Matcher []
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/r/pcmasterrace Group - Δημόσια ομάδα
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Προθήκη στιγμιοτύπων
Some bugs makes the game beautiful
Προθήκη κριτικών
0,2 ώρες παιχνιδιού
They removed my favourite game from steam, for some reason they also remove all reviews for it, so in term of transparency I'm hijacking this game to put my review for a game that is no longer available on steam since 2016. Valve, pls remove games no reviews, thanks.
I really like how most negative reviews, the players leaving them only has around an hour of gameplay.
Now on my review. Is this game perfect? NO. Is this game p2w? Maybe. Is this game fun? Yes.

Q: Is this game perfect?
A: With every game on the market, it bound to be problems with it. Let's start first with gameplay. This is a tactical shooter, pray and spray doesn't work in here, what works is having patience. Make your movements based on enemy movements and as the name says, “tactical shooter”, have tactics on how to attack and defend, don’t go running. Due to the fact that this game is 99.99% team-based, it is extremely frustrating to play, and I mean really frustrating. People still don’t understand that having a lot of kills means nothing in this game, it should be more rewarding for a player to attack / defend a point, than getting just a kill.
The developers should do something in regard with matchmaking, because as is right now, is pretty bad, you get matched with people from top 10, even though you are on place 2630. I rather wait 5 minutes for a game, but at least put me in a game within the same rank category.
Not sure what to say in regard with the maps and that’s because I have mixed feelings about them, some of them are good, but some of them are just plain bad. Yet again, because this game is team-based, if you have even two people bad in your team, you will still lose because of that. One of this example is Metro, is a linear map, 3 ways to get on point, if the other team has 3 snipers and you have 3 snipers but are less good, then is fair to say that you won’t win this map and this is because of the lack of attack points on the map.
Cheaters? Big problem and every time you bring this point to the developers, they will tell you one of the two things: 1. "We are working to improve the anti-cheat system" or 2. "Use the in-game report system, in order to report a hacker". Let’s start with the first point. WE DO NOT SEE THIS HAPPENING, there are still hackers in the game and a lot of them, most of them extremely hard to identify, because you don’t know if they are really good at the game or simply just using hacks. We suggested killcams to be introduced in the game, but apparently they don’t want to use extra resources for them. Second point, reporting someone in-game does not give me any insurance that someone checked that person, heck I don’t even know that you received the report.

Q: Is this game p2w?
A: I would tend to say maybe. Progressing though weapons is a hard task, it takes a very long time to unlock weapons, armour, upgrades, devices etc…, you can pay to unlock stuff quicker which does give you an advantage over other players who has to play for a very long time to unlock the weapon that you unlocked in 2 seconds by paying money. I am an example of that person. I started playing this game 2 years ago, since closed beta, at that times the weapons were limited and much cheaper to unlock, based on your character level, rather than Tier. When open beta hit, everything changed, more weapons were introduced and progressing through them was taking very long. I quit the game because it became very frustating. Came back after 5 months, same thing, but I decided to buy come coins in order to get new weapons. Not that my character is max at everything, it is easy for me to say that paying, does help.

Q: Is this game fun?
A: Yes, once you have the last weapon, get in a game with a good team, nice map and no hackers, this game is very fun, even getting draw, you really have that satisfaction that you did your best and had fun while doing it.

Q: Do I recommend this game?
A: If you start from low rank and expect to be the best within 5 months without paying anything, NO. If you start the game from low rank and expect to be the best within a year without paying anything, YES. But you will need to understand that you will get really frustating with the game, when your team is bad, hackers are in the lobby, your team doesn't know how to play and you get matched with players from top 10.
Posted 8 June, 2014.
Προθήκη εργαστηρίου
Baby, we're gonna visit Dust tonight. ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ How to download Just hit the subscribe button. You'll be able to play it by selecting the workshop tab when finding or creating a game.­ How to avoid b
60.582 ψήφοι
Δημιουργήθηκε από - Blade x64
Αγαπημένος οδηγός
Δημιουργήθηκε από - DKA
13.915 ψήφοι
A useful collection of great tools for Steam around the web.
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Steam Artwork
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Big Ball
Προθήκη επιλεγμένων έργων τέχνης
Big Ball
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Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
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Archi's SC Farm - Δημόσια ομάδα
Σε παιχνίδι
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Προθήκη κριτικών
0,2 ώρες παιχνιδιού
They removed my favourite game from steam, for some reason they also remove all reviews for it, so in term of transparency I'm hijacking this game to put my review for a game that is no longer available on steam since 2016. Valve, pls remove games no reviews, thanks.
I really like how most negative reviews, the players leaving them only has around an hour of gameplay.
Now on my review. Is this game perfect? NO. Is this game p2w? Maybe. Is this game fun? Yes.

Q: Is this game perfect?
A: With every game on the market, it bound to be problems with it. Let's start first with gameplay. This is a tactical shooter, pray and spray doesn't work in here, what works is having patience. Make your movements based on enemy movements and as the name says, “tactical shooter”, have tactics on how to attack and defend, don’t go running. Due to the fact that this game is 99.99% team-based, it is extremely frustrating to play, and I mean really frustrating. People still don’t understand that having a lot of kills means nothing in this game, it should be more rewarding for a player to attack / defend a point, than getting just a kill.
The developers should do something in regard with matchmaking, because as is right now, is pretty bad, you get matched with people from top 10, even though you are on place 2630. I rather wait 5 minutes for a game, but at least put me in a game within the same rank category.
Not sure what to say in regard with the maps and that’s because I have mixed feelings about them, some of them are good, but some of them are just plain bad. Yet again, because this game is team-based, if you have even two people bad in your team, you will still lose because of that. One of this example is Metro, is a linear map, 3 ways to get on point, if the other team has 3 snipers and you have 3 snipers but are less good, then is fair to say that you won’t win this map and this is because of the lack of attack points on the map.
Cheaters? Big problem and every time you bring this point to the developers, they will tell you one of the two things: 1. "We are working to improve the anti-cheat system" or 2. "Use the in-game report system, in order to report a hacker". Let’s start with the first point. WE DO NOT SEE THIS HAPPENING, there are still hackers in the game and a lot of them, most of them extremely hard to identify, because you don’t know if they are really good at the game or simply just using hacks. We suggested killcams to be introduced in the game, but apparently they don’t want to use extra resources for them. Second point, reporting someone in-game does not give me any insurance that someone checked that person, heck I don’t even know that you received the report.

Q: Is this game p2w?
A: I would tend to say maybe. Progressing though weapons is a hard task, it takes a very long time to unlock weapons, armour, upgrades, devices etc…, you can pay to unlock stuff quicker which does give you an advantage over other players who has to play for a very long time to unlock the weapon that you unlocked in 2 seconds by paying money. I am an example of that person. I started playing this game 2 years ago, since closed beta, at that times the weapons were limited and much cheaper to unlock, based on your character level, rather than Tier. When open beta hit, everything changed, more weapons were introduced and progressing through them was taking very long. I quit the game because it became very frustating. Came back after 5 months, same thing, but I decided to buy come coins in order to get new weapons. Not that my character is max at everything, it is easy for me to say that paying, does help.

Q: Is this game fun?
A: Yes, once you have the last weapon, get in a game with a good team, nice map and no hackers, this game is very fun, even getting draw, you really have that satisfaction that you did your best and had fun while doing it.

Q: Do I recommend this game?
A: If you start from low rank and expect to be the best within 5 months without paying anything, NO. If you start the game from low rank and expect to be the best within a year without paying anything, YES. But you will need to understand that you will get really frustating with the game, when your team is bad, hackers are in the lobby, your team doesn't know how to play and you get matched with players from top 10.
Posted 8 June, 2014.
Προθήκη εργαστηρίου
Baby, we're gonna visit Dust tonight. ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ How to download Just hit the subscribe button. You'll be able to play it by selecting the workshop tab when finding or creating a game.­ How to avoid b
60.582 ψήφοι
Δημιουργήθηκε από - Blade x64
Προθήκη εικόνας τέχνης
Big Ball
Αγαπημένος οδηγός
Δημιουργήθηκε από - Pandallax
This is a guide for getting all of the achievements in the game Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated. I have also made a series of video guides to go along with this or as a standalone resource.
Πρόσφατη δραστηριότητα
3,5 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 19 Φεβ
2 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 13 Φεβ
2 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 13 Φεβ
Choco :D CS.PRO_GG3 9 Ιαν, 12:44 
Hi, adding for trading cards :D
minimoe 6 Ιαν, 13:48 
nice ooga booga celebration noises, unfortunately yall took a fat L. Lmao
ShouBai 6 Ιαν, 12:00 
cheater your mother died?
Czadt 15 Νοε 2024, 3:22 
nice hacks, garbage.
The Emperor 14 Νοε 2024, 14:25 
nice hacks!
Seanald 'the Sean' 16 Οκτ 2024, 14:34 
why the toxicity tho? we were just vibin' :steamsalty: