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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 9.7 hrs on record
Posted: 17 Sep, 2023 @ 9:35am
Updated: 6 May @ 2:06pm

Wait for the modding community to make this game good! I have no doubt that modders will use starfield as a base to make it amazing, but currently, even though I was trying really hard, I can't bring myself to enjoy the game.
It's just really bland.
The writing is extremely boring, the companions are annoying and trying really hard to be funny and witty but failing at it.
The RNG planet surfaces are just SAD.
Bethesda had like ~12 years to look at SkyUI to copypaste that, instead the inventory is almost as bad as skyrim unmodded.
99% of the npcs are just "citizens" with no dialogue option. Companion/Quest/Vendor NPC faces can be pretty great but all the filler npcs look disturbing, like Dark Souls 1 PCs with fisheyes. Music feels pretty like a pretty generic "EPIC SPACE OST".

EDIT: After some reflection, I don't think modding can save this game, it's trash
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