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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,000.4 hrs on record (345.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 Jul, 2018 @ 11:54am
Updated: 2 Aug, 2019 @ 9:51am

I have really mixed feelings about this game, but I'd still recommend to play it. Game isn't hard, but it's challenging at most times. Also, don't make a mistake - this is not an RPG, there are no complicated dialogues, roleplay or high level of world interaction. This is a 3rd person fighter. With builds, number crunching and broad selection of weapons.

+ Combat system. Hitting somebody with a sword feels incredibly satisfying. The sound it makes, blood splatters and overall the feeling of it is great indeed. I spent about 6 hours just farming Lothric Knights, because of how fun it was.
+ Gear viability and variety. You can use almost anything and be able to complete the game with it. Starting weapons can be as powerful, as boss loot.
+ Build variety. You can mix a lot of things and create different builds. You can specialize or be a hybrid and still be viable.
+ Character customisation is pretty damn good. Requires a bit of knowledge, but options are quite flexible. You just have to put some effort into it.
+ Animation is great. Be it emotes or combat actions.
+ RPG elements.
+ Sounds are awesome.

- As somebody who plays as a mage in every game possible, I'm sad to say that magic in this game is terrible. Not spells but the core mechanics of magic. Lack of passive FP regeneration might turn game into a boring slog. And reliance on flasks might get you stuck in the middle of the area. Always carry some melee weapon with you and avoid going pure caster if you're playing this game for the first time.
- Covenant system is garbage.
- Graphics. Well, game can look pretty sometimes, but most of the time it will look kinda dated. More like 2010 game, rather than 2016 game.
- Camera. Here we go. The most rage-inducing, horrible and disgusting thing in this game - camera. Often switches to weird angles, makes enemies transparent, obstructs your vision and stuff. Man, I can even explain how much I hate camera in this game. It's awful, it's a crime against humanity, screw it.
- UI. Honestly, having a health bar for half of your screen is kinda....eeeehh. I prefer minimalistic UI in games and this game made my OCD trigger during every combat encounter.
-Lack of aestetical consistiency. Some enemies, clothing and weapons look out of place. Some textures are pretty new, some textures look like they are ripped out of DS1, which looks jarring.
Main story is poorly written and delivered, albeit kinda interesting, sidestories are kinda vague and you'll fail like 90% of them during your first playthrough. Don't worry, this game has NG+. You will catch everything up later.

Game is deeply flawed, uninspired at times and borderline bad, but you will forgive it just for its melee combat.
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