Hanekawa Tsubasa
yes :vanilla:

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m ako

lexidoge [anilist.co]

My Alt:
Gablota prac graficznych
Kizumonogatari III
Ulubiona gra
Godziny gry
Ostatnia aktywność
178 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 19 lipca
30 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 19 lipca
7,5 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 11 lipca
[FAGS] GoonGoblin 22 marca 2023 o 19:37 
such a cutie <3
Goober 8 marca 2023 o 23:46 
best gooby teammate of all time
mob of the dead 19 maja 2022 o 0:48 
It twas a blessed time watching your limbs get blown apart in front of me. I will give this profile one :rewardmoney:
Oshino Shinobu 2 sierpnia 2021 o 0:07 
makoe 10 listopada 2020 o 22:11 
Works Cited
Knoblauch, C.H. “Literacy and the Politics of Education.” 1990.
Adult Literacy in the United States, 2016, nces.ed.gov/datapoints/2019179.asp .
Kozol, Jonathan. Illiterate America. Anchor Pr./Doubleday, 1985.
McLuhan, Marshall, and Quentin Fiore. The Medium Is the Massage. Random House, 1967.
Giroux, Henry A. Theory and Resistance in Education: towards a Pedagogy for the Opposition. Bergin & Garvey, 2001.
Plato. Phaedrus. Macmillan, 1986.
makoe 10 listopada 2020 o 22:09 
As society stands today, many people don’t have the skills to think critically about what they see, and many more even lack the basic abilities of reading and writing required to survive today. Due to this, most people can be taken advantage of without them even realizing. Additionally, the freedom that everyone now has to share their own opinions without anything really stopping them means that it has become harder and harder for people to find the truth. More language abilities are now required to live in our society, and we need a new system in order to teach people how to survive in this new world. Making fundamental changes to our form of education would solve these problems, and lead to a great advancement to our society.