Kirill   Brazil
A picnic. Imagine: a forest, a country road.

“The Visit. Zones, stalkers, military-industrial complexes—the whole
stinking mess. How could it all end?”
For a long time, Valentine stared at him through his opaque black
lenses. Then he lit up a cigarette and said, “For whom? Be more specific.”
“Well, say, for humanity as a whole.”
“That depends on our luck,” said Valentine. “We now know that for
humanity as a whole, the Visit has largely passed without a trace. For
humanity everything passes without a trace. Of course, it’s possible that by
randomly pulling chestnuts out of this fire, we’ll eventually stumble on
something that will make life on Earth completely unbearable. That would
be bad luck. But you have to admit, that’s a danger humanity has always
faced.” He waved away the cigarette smoke and smiled vividly. “You see, I’ve
long since become unused to discussing humanity as a whole. Humanity as
a whole is too stable a system, nothing upsets it.”
“What do you actually think about the Visit? Even if not seriously."
"A picnic. Imagine: a forest, a country road, a meadow. A car pulls off the road into the meadow and unloads young men, bottles, picnic baskets, girls, transistor radios, cameras... A fire is lit, tents are pitched, music is played. And in the morning they leave. The animals, birds, and insects that were watching the whole night in horror crawl out of their shelters. And what do they see? An oil spill, a gasoline puddle, old spark plugs and oil lters strewn about... Scattered rags, burntout bulbs, someone has dropped a monkey wrench. The wheels have tracked mud from some godforsaken swamp... and, of course, there are the remains of the campfire, apple cores, candy wrappers, tins, bottles, someone’s handkerchief, someone’s penknife, old ragged newspapers, coins, wilted owers from another meadow...”
“I get it,” said Noonan. “A roadside picnic.”
“Exactly. A picnic by the side of some space road.”
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like, why not
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Informações | Informations
:csgoa: PC Setup:

:csgox: Headphone: Bluedio T5s & Redmi Airdots 4
:csgox: Mousepad: 800x300mm - HUSKY GAMING
:csgox: Mouse: Logitech G102/G203
:csgox: Monitor: LG 24GN600-B
:csgox: Keyboard: Ajazz AK33
:csgox: Mic: Fifine A8

:csgoa: PC Specs:

:csgox: RAM: Kingston HyperX Fury (4x8) 2666MHz DDR4 Dual-Channel
:csgox: Memory: SSD Kingston 240GB, SSD PNY 1TB, HD WD 1TB, HD WD 2TB
:csgox: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F
:csgox: Graphic card: AMD RX 6600
:csgox: Motherboard: EX-B460M-V5
Review Showcase
>be brazilian
>don't understand any of the russian videos
>see some english ones, game looks promising
>plays it
>loves it
>finish it
>install mods
>get more than 100+ hours just in standalone mods
>thank you sdalger
Completionist Showcase
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last played on 4 Mar
241 hrs on record
last played on 4 Mar
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