Mason   Ohio, United States
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Review Showcase
287 Hours played
I cannot see even 3 feet in front of me. What's that? In the distance. A light. It flickers. I draw nearer. The light wanes and flashes, figures moving past and around the light. A bonfire. Beyond, there appear several structures. I finally approach and am greeted by several naked men making animalistic noises. At first, I feared for my sanctity, but it was needless. It was then I notice the structures were simple door-less shacks.

Through grunting and signaling with fingers and other body parts I recognize they wish for me to live with them. I accept. Together we gather the necessary resources to build another wooden box.. A home. Several days later we find my blood brother and he too joins our struggle. The bears are numerous and merciless but we slay them all and lay claim to much of the surrounding yard. We were finally at peace, top of the food chain, and night fell once again.

I awaken, exposed to the elements in my meager shack. I expected light when I opened my eyes, but little was forthcoming. Puzzled, I climb out of my bedroll and searched the landscape. Where once there were green fields there lie only black. I continue my search and realize the darkness was spreading from a massive tower not a spear's throw away. From the top of a tower, a mad wizard looked down upon us, shouting in his strange language. We beat our rocks and shake our fists in response and he disappears. Several minutes and much creaking and slamming later and the wizard reappears, this time at the base of the tower. The wizard looked much like us, nude, but he had a menacing metal staff of some strange construction or magic. The wizard spoke again. Hold V. We knew not what this meant but through his magic we found that we could communicate in his language. The wizard expressed his interest in our community and wished to be friendly neighbors and with that, he returned to his tower.

Seasons pass and the wizard returned. I have something to show you. Come with me. My brother and I dutifully follow the wise sage up the steps and in to the tower. He pulls several metal sticks and inserts them into a mechanism on the wall. The wall opens and he closes the wall behind us. The wizard repeats this several times, passing room after room. As we walk, we continue to ascend. At last, we reach the zenith of the tower, overlooking the land. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes, but due to the time dilation of the tower or some other strange mechanism, we found that it was night already. The wizard then says Wait here. He disappears. Moments later he reappears at the base of the tower much like the day we first saw him. With metal staff in hand, he slowly strode toward our small encampment. Several of our friends and lovers walk up to greet him. The wizard raised his staff to eye level and a sound like thunder emanated from it. The man I first spoke to when creating that town now lie dead on the ground, bleeding everywhere. His screams echo in my mind. The wizard raises the staff once again and another explosion rattles the tower. Another friend, dead. My brother and I realize our predicament, two strangers stranded in a wizards tower overlooking the carnage of our village. We must assist them. We quickly turned to the wall to find it shut, like all the others. The mechanism on the wall stared back, unblinking. BOOM. And another. Our allies were falling quickly. With only one other way out we looked over the edge and my brother jumped first. With a resounding crunch his limbs folded in on themselves and he died instantly. Determined to meet the same fate, I jumped as well. CRUNCH. Searing pain. I could not feel my legs but the rest of m-- BOOM -- The thought couldn't complete. I tried to run but could not lift myself from the earth. My legs were ruined. BOOM. There was blood everywhere. It wasn't just my blood, or my brother's, but my comrade's. Many of them lie screeching and babbling insanely. Several others were mounting a desperate counter-offensive and charging the wizard, spears in hand. The wizard quickly pulled out two metal balls and inserted them into the staff. BOOM BOOM. Panic and death scattered my brethren. I slowly crawl to the ashes of the bonfire. In the distance I see my brother through the tears and blood. Rock upraised, he struck the wizard. BOOM. He crumbled. I pull myself into the ashes, meaning to burn myself on the coals. To no avail. I continue bleeding as the wizard strides towards me. My own screams destroy my ears. The wizard smiles. Goodnight. BOOM.
I open my eyes and see darkness once again.