It's like, i pwn, but it's like so much more than that...
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Turf 23 Sep, 2012 @ 6:30pm 
First off, you have no idea what I truly believe. Second, to group what you call "Jesus loving fools" with the Taliban gives anyone reading your comment the impression that you're just as closed-minded as the zealots you so passionately fear.

I would recommend you cut your losses now if you're just going to keep dribbling on like this, Baby Copin.
Balen 23 Sep, 2012 @ 8:59am 
Oh I have plenty of social skills, just not any for ignorant jesus loving fools. It's like trying to talk to an infant. You and those like you are the American Taliban and should be put down.
Turf 21 Sep, 2012 @ 9:02pm 
Because if he was he would have given you social skills?

You certainly do help the evolution theory my primate friend, but go fling your poo somewhere're not impressing anyone here.
Balen 21 Sep, 2012 @ 7:42am 
♥♥♥♥ off Turf. Jesus isn't real.
Masamune_Shadow 8 Sep, 2012 @ 2:56pm 
Not to mention that that replay was for a comment more than a year old! I really need to update that...
Turf 6 Sep, 2012 @ 11:12pm 
COPIN! Why? Because it wasn't saturated with homosexuality like your one-dimensional humor palette? Of all the internet stalking you could be picked me!?! Not sure if I should grab my shotgun or Vaseline...or both (I bet that made you smile). Besides dude, technically, I was making an observant comment on <HIS> "EPIC" joke pic--I had no legitimate wishes to entertain on my own accord, just stopping by his page to say hi. DOUCHE! :D