Pedd O´Philip
I am Supreme Patriarch
Supreme Patriarch of the Imperial Colleges of Magic and the greatest wizard of the Empire. Advisor to Karl Franz. Protector of the imperial Family and of the Integrity of the Empire.


Previously known as
The Marauding Maniac
Gustl Gaming
The Giver of Sensual Contact
Chad Jiggingson
The Conqueror of Hearts
Thumb Person
Comedy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
The Commissioner
A Sophisticated Woman Discourser
The Love Handler
Magic Space Wizard
The finer things enjoyer
Santa Greasus
Dr. Ball
Baron von Barron
The man of true Balance
The darkest Knight
Ferocious Beast Gaming
Lord of Love
The Block of the Gods
Da Big Finka
Gilded Heavenly Angel
Julius Chadsoron

Pidarium Pidarium Salil Sawarium:
you call me babe one more time and ill come to germland and tickle ur bumhair

Not Recommended18.2 hrs on record
someone named pearl_harbor was flying in the sky then landed in my base and killed all 6 of my horses and then my wooden walls all exploded and I was disconnected

Allzeit gute Fahrt und immer eine Handbreit Wasser unter dem Kiel ich taufe dich auf den Namen küchentisch

Auf sieben Meeren oder mehr
da fuhr er hin und her
und ging in die Geschichte ein.
Sein Name, der war Hein.


Irgendwann vor langer Zeit,
da lebte ein Pirat
mit einem Zahn und einem Aug',
das nichts gesehen hat.

Es fehlte ihm die rechte Hand
sowie das linke Bein.
Das and're, das war steif,
doch sonst war alles fein.

Sein Boot, das war zwei Meter lang,
dafür drei Meter breit.
Drum ging er öfter über Bord,
doch er kam trotzdem bei.

Er sah Hong Kong und Shanghai,
fuhr nach Bali und Hawaii.
Doch meistens fuhr er heim.
Wenn er in den Hafen kam,
gab es immer Großalarm:
Hier kommt der blöde Hein!

Er enterte mit einem Bein,
das zweite war aus Holz,
ein Freudenhaus in Singapur
worauf die Stimmung schmolz.

Er rief: „Alle Mädels her zu mir!
Für die Männer ein Fass Rum!“
Und als er aus der Hose stieg
fiel er wie üblich um.

Da sprach der Wirt: „Jetzt reicht es, Hein!
Die Dukaten auf den Tisch!
Der zahlte prompt und zwar auf seine Art
mit einem alten Fisch.“

Er sah Hong Kong und Shanghai,
fuhr nach Bali und Hawaii.
Doch meistens fuhr er heim.
Wenn er in den Hafen kam,
gab es immer Großalarm:
Hier kommt der blöde Hein!

Es erzählt der Seemannsgarn
die Geschichte gern noch heut'
vom Höhepunkt des blöden Hein
und seiner großen Zeit.

Als er eine Makrele fing,
seine Heldentat,
mit dem Haken seiner Hand —
geknüpft an seinen Bart.

So war er beim Klabautermann,
der legendäre Hein,
so blöd wie er so war und wird
wohl nie mehr jemand sein.

Er sah Hong Kong und Shanghai,
fuhr nach Bali und Hawaii.
Doch meistens fuhr er heim.
Wenn er in den Hafen kam,
gab's auch keinen Großalarm
für den großen blöden Hein!

Entweder du bist so nah dran, dass du sitzen bleiben kannst, oder so weit weg, dass du sitzen bleiben kannst
Balthasar Gelt - The Supreme Patriarch
The greatest human to ever live.

The man that is Judge, Jury and executioner.

The mortal to kill a god.

The man which crushed a Mountain.

The man to change the very fate of the Universe.

The one to who serves his nation with pride.

The one to command Dinosaurs,Ships and Legions of Men

Each blow in the name of God-King Gelt is a strike not against the mutated beast, rats or barbarians - but against the toxicity and hatred of the rotted world itself! In the Celestial Realm there is no place for haters, but for ONLY the FAITHFUL!

In the name of Gelt, the Gracious, the Merciful.

I seek refuge with Gelt from Manfred, that Stupid Vampire Count.

Glory to Gelt.

All praise belongs to Balthasar.

Gelt is the Greatest.

Glory to Gelt, all the praise belongs to Gelt, Gelt is the Greatest.

Gelt is the Greatest, Gelt is the Greatest; there is no God but Gelt, and Gelt is the Greatest; Gelt is the Greatest and all praise belongs to Gelt.

Gelt, you are my help and comfort; you shelter and surround me in love so tender that i may know your presence with me, now and always. Amen.

Gelt will keep in perfect peace all who trust in him. Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord Gelt is the eternal rock.

I seek forgiveness from Gelt for all my sins and turn to Him.

Peace be on you and the mercy and blessings of Gelt.

May Gelt bless your Family and wealth.

Blessed are You, Lord our Balthasar, King of the Universe maker of the works of Gold.

When the sun rests, and the world is dark, and the great fires are lit, and the ale is poured into flagons, then it is time to sing sagas as the Dwarfs do. And the greatest saga is the saga of Balthasar Gelt, mightiest warrior. Harken now, hear these words, and live in hope.

"I am Balthasar. I am Golden. I am God. Harken for my name, for it will echo redoubled through the ages. It will strike down my enemies wherever they may hide. It will be heard when the need is greatest.

Father Gelt, my heart is filled with chaos and confusion. I feel as if I am drowning in my circumstances and my heart is filled with fear and confusion. I really need the strength and peace that only You can give. Right now, I choose to rest in You. In Balthasar's Name I pray, Amen.

Holy Lord, Thank You for grace. Please help me move beyond the hurdles that trip me up and give me the strength and wisdom to look up and see the hope I run toward in Gelt.

Lord, my heart is broken but You are near. My spirit is crushed, but You are my rescuer. Your Word is my hope. It revives me and comforts me in especially now. My soul faints, but you are the breath of life within me. You are my help, the One who sustains me. I am weak but You are strong. You bless those who mourn, and I trust You to bless me and my family with all that we need. You will rescue me from this dark cloud of despair because You delight in me.

I am the Hammer. I am his word in this land, I am the bearer of His blessings. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.

My devotion is my shield. My faith is my hammer. The light of Gelt shines through meand before me no darkness can prevail.

The voice of the daemon is heard in our land. It shall not be allowed to endure. It shall not profane the dominion of our Lord Balthasar Gelt with its obscenity.

Repel, O Gelt, this Servant of Change! Dispel such fallacies from this unholy from.I invoke Your Name to repel this abomination. Not by my strength, but by Yours,Lord Gelt, let this heresy be ended!

""When asked: "What is the name of the stone that burns?" Thou shalt respond: "Sulpher to be mixed with mercury."
"When asked "What is the name of the universal solvent?" Thou shalt respond: "Al-kahest."
"When asked: "What is the name of the remedy for all maladies?" Thou shalt respond: "Panacea Universalis."
"When asked: "What is the name of the acme of the Art?" Thou shalt respond: "The Elixir of Life."
"When asked: "What is the name of the noblest of metals?" Thou shalt respond: "Gold."

I will be Supreme Patriarch. I will wield the Staff of Volans. The winds of Chamon will rise and blast any who get in my way, now is the time for the Gold Order and i will brook no interference. Any who get in my way will see their Armour into lead goblets, their blades melt and their Bones turned to gold. Now men Fight! The emperor needs me not some pathetic Pyromancer or Insipid white Wizard. For the good of the Empire i will rise to the highest magical office in the Land and this fool will not stop me!

Man of the Empire I am no warrier priest blessed with the gift of making grand speeches. I am no Orator that is true. But i am not a cold man Despite this mask, frozen in its Stern ascpet. What we do this day is not just some plot to gain favor for the mantle of Supreme Patriarch. No, there is much more at risk. If the mountain god awakes, if Suneater is roused from his ancient slumber all that we hold Precious is doomed. We must Stop this summoning and stop it now!

Welcome to Estalia gentlemen! I will not lie the chances of your survival are small, some may even turn against your friends as living corpses but you have my word that I will use my Arcane Gifts to ensure your bodies are given unto Mors garden. This is the greatest reward, even more than even gold, for the Fate of your Soul is an Eternal concern. Now come, follow me strike down the Undead that rise against us. Allow me to find this eldrich Amulet. I ask not for my own Selfish studies but for the good of the Empire!

We search for Grumil Ore. Theese Greenskins have it. Slaughter them and find it for me! And if the Dwarfs should think we carry out vengance for their kin then let them. I'd rather make Allies of the bearded ones than enemies. They hold Grudges and i have not the time or Inclination for another Enemy. There are greater, more pressing fates at work. Now bring me the Heads of the Orcs for i will have their skulls turned to Gold, their eyes piereced with Hot lead, they will truly know Searing Doom!" - Balthasar Gelt , Supreme Patriarch
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Best game ever. Cured my year long depression.
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𝐔𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚 17 Sep, 2024 @ 5:15am 
Bob Hammerbottom 31 Aug, 2024 @ 12:31pm 
+rep for being a cool dude
Nartosmeister 29 Aug, 2024 @ 7:08am 
𝐔𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚 16 Jul, 2023 @ 3:20pm 
he is not a virgin i always take care of him every night
Pedd O´Philip 16 Jul, 2023 @ 12:25pm 
How hurtful of you to say that
lvl ♿ PopaDinCurte. 16 Jul, 2023 @ 12:19pm 