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6 people found this review helpful
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38.5 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Third-person shooter gameplay with abilities (passive + basics + ultimate) but it's FREE-TO-PLAY PvE in a format similar to MMORPG, but without distinct builds or at least a deep skill tree for each class, nor without world-roaming populated by enough side quests to make it genuinely feel like a fully-built RPG. Meanwhile, the cinematics are kind of janky and mild, which doesn't help it to sell an already mediocre story.

As a F2P RPG, there is bound to be a lot of grind; Branded with Nexon, you can expect the amount of said grind to be multiplied by 10 folds, which is hurting the playing experience a lot. It's only a matter of time (and sooner than you think) that you as a player literally isn't going anywhere in terms of in-game growth, since almost anything mention-worthy is barred off behind an lengthy progress or some tedious requirement or outright pay-walled. Every single piece of cosmetic, even a simple hair color, requires premium currency (basically real $).

This game is fairly new so there is little content or features to speak of. Currently, there just isn't much to do after running through the campaign and each boss challenge, as a result the honeymoon phase as a new player ends rather quick after a couple of dozen hours. The good news is: the devs say they will be pushing big expansions from time-to-time and the tech that powers the game is new enough, so hopefully it can redeem its potential down the road.

It's nice that you can mantle over ledges and doublejump, plus grapplehook at any spot within range. That said, these are not as interesting as they sound, but more like a means to an end that makes the map not tedious to traverse on-foot. It would otherwise be a novelty (like it's really cool) for being able to easily traverse highwalls or large gaps in the terrain before 2018 given how these were commonly used for the sake of performance and optimization.

If we use Borderlands or TC's The Division for reference, there could and should be a lot more varieties in terms of gameplay elements like weapons, classes, abilities and enemies, but I suppose this is servicable for a F2P game that's barely half a year old.

Last but not least, the characters are nice-looking, if not too nice-looking to the point where it's odd and kinda creepy (for being too doll-like). This kind of aesthetics might just not be your cup of tea.

In sum, I give it a 6.9/10: Playable, but just playable, minus 0.9 if I don't like buttocks a lot.
Posted 4 February. Last edited 4 February.
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10.0 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
Huntdown is all the fun you can expect as a side-scroll shoot 'em up, but with added depth of 2.5D dodging (imagine that characters can dodge into and out of another lane), suppressing fire, on-hit stumble (especially w/ melee), and a small degree of movement dash.

The game has a surprising variety of main weapons, secondary weapons (nade, molotov, etc), enemy types, and bosses, especially bosses' behavior and how each boss fight is set up. It's also really nice that there is a noticeable change in the map theme/layout as you progress onward to different areas.

With some satisfying onslaught moments on top of excellent art and sprites, I'd say this game is very enjoyable and worthy to get even at the full price (~10$ USD), close to Metal Slug 3 but without the alternative routes for additional replayability. 8.5/10!!
Posted 8 December, 2024. Last edited 12 December, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Posted 15 February, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
590.8 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
THE FINALS 由幾位曾開發過《戰地風雲》和《靚影特務》的業界老手們所建立的 Embark Studios 打造而成。另高水準的製作品質之外,你可在此期待他們把戰地風雲中的磅礡場景和靚影特務的鮮豔畫面、融入近年流行的小隊制戰鬥,並透過遊戲節目的情境呈現一場鬥勇也鬥智的 PvP 競賽;而且規則設計的相當巧妙,很多時候不到最後一秒是不知道誰輸誰贏的。


我認為目前這遊戲為二的缺點只有剛出不久所以沒有太豐富的飾品獎勵,以及 QoL 方面尚不完善(例如沒辦法看網路延遲多少、準星可調參數沒那麼詳細)。

總結以上,我對 THE FINALS 的目前評分為 8.3/10,但核心理念上我認為只要執行得當就算沒有 10/10 也有 9/10:它是近 10 年我玩過最具娛樂性、少有冷場、既能夠輕鬆玩、也能相當競技和考驗團隊合作的射擊遊戲。
Posted 8 December, 2023. Last edited 22 August, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
100.3 hrs on record
  • Gameplay is great overall if not somewhat lacking in the variety: Mobs come, you mow them down. Special enemies come, you mow them down in special ways.

    Boss enemies in this game are a hit-and-miss IMO; While it's exciting enough to fight them, it doesn't feel particularly rewarding to defeat them let alone cutting the boss-battle shorter once players are all leveled up and optimized.

  • Character progression is a bit unintuitive if not somewhat underwhelming, though I'll also add it's very lore-accurate.

In sum I would say this game is 8.0/10 in it's own right.

For those who need progression or regular content updates to keep playing a game, especially when it's not PvP, then this game might be a 7.0/10.

2024Q4 Update
  • Character progress is now decent and less random, but still grindy; Though I suppose this is just the way it is for all games in the horde-game sub-genre.
Now I would say this game is 7.5/10 in this day and age, or 8.5/10 if you like Warhammer a lot. I can't score it any higher given I've gone kind of numb with my taste for horde-games after playing thousands of hours Killing Floor 1 & 2.
Posted 6 December, 2023. Last edited 27 December, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
2.7 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Thumb > Finger Tip > Palm
Posted 18 November, 2023. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
13.2 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 18 November, 2023. Last edited 18 November, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
5.2 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 8 November, 2023.
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8 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
319.9 hrs on record (264.4 hrs at review time)


反派除了是不討喜的屁孩之外,到頭來就只是因為身家背景而空降成為反派... 沒有有趣的起源故事或是能令人信服的動機...


獸王 FL4K 的寵物很可愛,不過實際上沒什麼操作性而是四位可玩角色中裡最無聊的(如果你的女朋友或男朋友是萌新的話可以推薦玩這隻,畢竟沒有操作性基本上就去除了操作失誤的空間 :D

DLC 價不如實,建議等特價再收

Posted 25 September, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
7.9 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Bruh I wish I'd be that nimble in a wheelchair :\
Posted 7 August, 2023.
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