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Ulasan terkini oleh LucasIV

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 12 kiriman
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Tercatat 7.7 jam
Short, cute and pretty fun! Makes you FEEL like spider.
It's sort of amazing how much things you can do with just a simple web mechanic. This is way more than web-slinging, you can practically create your own path anywhere you like with your webs.
Your webs does so much things it's insane, from building bridges, sticking things together, carrying items and even trapping bugs. World wide web.
The game straight up gives you a lot of power using the web right from the get-go, it's really fun to play around.
Aesthetically it's also great, music is pretty boppin and the critters are all so adorable.
The collectibles aren't too much of a chore if you're attentive but the map is a bit confusing. Backtracking for collectibles is a bit annoying too if you're into completioning games, but it's not THAT bad.
Also you can skate. And wear little hats. And there's a dedicated dance button.
Diposting pada 22 November 2023.
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Tercatat 3.2 jam
Really fun short game.
Every room is a unique puzzle with a fresh solution or fun twist, with using the same simple mechanics but solving it in hundreds of different ways.
There's like, zero texts in this game to explain anything whatsoever. You kinda just go along with the game and it's great that way. Not that it's confusing or anything.
It is like REALLY short though, even 100%-ing the game only took like 3 hours.
Honestly I don't know if I wish it's longer or not, I think the length is great given that the base mechanic doesn't change too much. Maybe it is better this way for it being this short.
Diposting pada 22 November 2023.
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Tercatat 5.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 1.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Really fun but damn it's short, too short!
The mechanic is cool but it left me wanting so much more content, the potential is definitely there for a much bigger game

...But it's still fun, and that's good.

My only complaints are that getting hit by spike/lasers bounces you off weirdly and sometimes bumpers you around a lot, and that i think the achievement might be broken? I did the first and third boss no hit on story mode and the game didn't give me the achievement for it, what's up with that?
Diposting pada 14 Maret 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 14 Maret 2023.
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2 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 455.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 25.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
italian man's suffering simulator
Diposting pada 8 Februari 2023.
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Tercatat 44.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 27.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Absolute must-play. Snake but fun, stylish, and cool.
For context, I stuck through Expert Mode for my first playthrough, and it kicked my ass a lot. I love it.
If you're not the type that likes taking half an hour on certain bosses, then there's always lower difficulty! I basically asked to get my ass kicked anyways, and I got what I wanted.

-Gameplay is unique and phenomenal
-Boss battles are absolutely charming and the next is always more innovative than the last
-Music is absolutely BANGER. It resonates with me a lot.
-Character designs are absolute peak designs. Origin is badass. Fei is cute. Hime is elegant.
-Module and skill modifications can really change fights and playstyles, it's very very cool to experiment.
-Combat feels extremely satisfying in general. From the mechanic of the risk/reward of holding more datas for bigger damage, to just the sheer sound effect of weakening enemies cores, it's so beautifully done.
-Major spoilerYou did NOT need to pull my heartstrings during Tyrant 2 like that. I KNOW SHE'S GONE BUT LET US SAVE HER.

It's not perfect though, I have a couple of nitpicks. It doesn't make my opinion on the game much worse, but I'd still like to mention it anyways.
(I know this list is long but only because it's pretty specific nitpicks)
-Lots of the sections of the map has split path which will lead to the same place, and that's fine and dandy. However, sometimes one of the path (or both paths) may have a module part that you'll miss out on if you don't return and do the other path. Sometimes the map doesn't give you a teleport back after clearing the split path so you'll have to go back the opposite way just to check the other path, and go back in front again to reach your destination, which can be pretty tedious if you want to complete modules.
-Energy regeneration is way too slow. Even when using the cheapest energy skill like EMP, it's basically nigh impossible to be able to use it more than 5 times (1000 / 200). Recharging 200 energy in one battle would already take forever, and you'd usually just win the fight by then. It's even worse for other skills which are more expensive. I personally don't mind that you can only use EMP 5 times or Roaming Mode 4 times per battle, but the energy regeneration system just felt a bit useless when you realistically wont be able to use it more than (1000 divided by energy cost) times anyways
-Purple ring attacks currently seems to be a bit weird, where dashing may not seem to connect consistently? Maybe it's precision problems, hopefully something can change about this in the future?
-FINAL BOSS SPOILER: The 3d section is a bit wack, as some attacks or UIs can kinda make you confused on where Python actually even is. Not only that, you cannot touch the core during these sections which makes the section unneededly long especially on higher difficulties where core depletion is much much faster, and it just ends up dragging the fight. Very specifically, on the 4th HP bar of Calc Virus, that phase in particular always takes forever to clear because the bullets comes non-stop and the core keeps depleting to no end. Playing recklessly will get you killed but playing safely takes forever due to the core not being able to be solidified. It's absolutely the worst phase, it's very long and unfun in first playthrough. In Nightmare you're basically forced to run double blue module to one-shot just that one phase. The rest of the battle is cool though!
Diposting pada 17 Desember 2022. Terakhir diedit pada 21 Desember 2022.
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Tercatat 116.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 49.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
The sigil transfer mechanic alone made what already is an extremely fun and solid game x10 more fun to strategize upon.
Absolutely addicting with very nice story mode, great characters and dialogues, amazing secrets and all that.
Diposting pada 24 November 2022.
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Tercatat 11.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 10.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
A huge blast to play and a very charming game. Highly recommended for just a chill game that may still challenge you here and there.

Important note though, don't expect this game to be like WarioWare in a way that it's just quick story -> microgame gauntlet -> next quick story -> microgame gauntlet.
This game has much more focus on exploration and adventuring, where they will also teach you the gimmicks of the current area. The microgame gauntlet serves as a test to see if you've gotten used to whatever you've learned during your exploration in the area.

Of course, you can revisit the microgames you've payed back in your basement as well!

+ Microgames are hella fun all-in-all
+ The way the game introduces the controls before the 9-tapes gauntlet is smart
+ Characters are charming
+ Exploration and area are generally really nice
+ Music ABSOLUTELY bangs

- Certain microgame's instructions are vague. Looking at you, trace the wires and some of the Hackertool minigames.
- Certain microgames feels, ironically, a bit too long. Maybe it's just me. The boss tape microgame is fine though.
- In the 2nd half of Episode 2, the FPS platforming section is bit awkward since movement is sorta slippery, and it's even worse in the boss tape where you if you get hit during jumping you have to remember to look down and quickly find a place to land right as the microgame ends.
- Also in the same part, the giant alien bossfight was... weird... generally sorta unintuitive and you can just get killed for slapping too close to them.

Most of the negatives are nitpicks and doesn't really ruin the game in any way though i still dont like how you can just die from falling off right as you finish a microgame in the death parkour part. Still very highly recommended for a good time.
Diposting pada 24 Oktober 2022. Terakhir diedit pada 24 Oktober 2022.
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Tercatat 11.6 jam
funny cat game
Diposting pada 25 Agustus 2022.
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Tercatat 3.1 jam
cute game also banger music
Diposting pada 24 Agustus 2022.
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Tercatat 205.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 194.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This game is an absolute banger.
It's absurd how fun this game gets. Somehow the game gets even more fun every playthrough and the more you learn little tricks and tips. The highs of this game is REALLY high, but it doesn't come with no lows of course. It's just that the high points of this game are so high you keep on forgetting the flaws.

- Bossfights are GODLIKE. Definitely amongst some of the most fun bossfights I've ever had in videogames.
-- > They're both unfair and fair at the same time, but they're 100% fun through and through.
-- > Very rarely do I think "How did I not dodge that, that's unfair!" It happens but really rarely.
--- > (Though there are times where I think "How do i even dodge this at the first place...")
- Banger musics. Look up Mischievous Masquerade.
- Movements feels really solid and fast
- Exploring feels nice. I could get lost for 20 minutes and not realize I got lost. And still had fun.
- Some secrets are super rewarding to discover yourself.
- The amount of variety a run can have from others is amazing. They put a whole lot of thought to give secret access for people who lack certain upgrades.
- Cute anime girls lol

Cons: (Almost all are nitpicks but still)
- Number 1 complaint is lack of information.... for... everything.
- > Ribbon's magic types are not so well described, in particular the BOOST. It's not described anywhere on what each different magic boosts do despite them being really impactful.
- > eg: Nobody ever told me hammer roll makes you invul to spikes ? ? ?
- > Moves/Items has little descriptions about the damage they do etc.
-- > Sure you have sandbags, but the sandbag in Starting Forest is sorta forgettable (and should've been in town tbh, it's not really near any teleport sites) and the sandbag in Plurkwood doesn't record damage number. It's hard to tell whether the new skill you get is even worth remembering.
- Status Effect icons are REALLY nondescriptive. Even the name is a bit weird sometimes. Like Frozen and Cursed may not do things you first expected them to do
- NPCs are a pain to talk to when they're clumped up.
- Town is so big and useless. Town members could be stationed on certain buildings but instead they roam randomly and you gotta check the entire town to find the 1 NPC you want to check on, only for you to misremember which buffs they even give at the first place.
-- > Also why don't Syaro just offer us the Strange Box right after we beat her?? I've seen very plenty people not knowing about Strange Box cause they don't care about buffs and assumes Syaro also gives buffs.
- Map could be way better. Lots of details could be added.
-- > Having some kind of map note / pin system would be very helpful as well. There are very often times where I see an unreachable item and think "Oh I'll get that later once I have the upgrade for it" and did not remember about where it is anymore afterwards.
- Getting healing is a bit weird, especially how pricey a healing item is. Feels like you're discouraged to buy it, and yet they're key items to have in every fight for most casual players that doesn't like to suffer as much.
- Some bullet gimmicks are extremely unintuitive. In particular, the "shoot the bullets back with blue/red" kind of patterns and Pandora's "jump to disable bullet" gimmick. Rumi makes it obvious since that's her entire gimmick, but Pandora's was really not that obvious at all.
- And finally...... some of these platforming sections are pretty absurd on your first time play.............

Yes I wrote a lot more about cons than pros but honestly most of these are nitpicks. Everytime the game gives one bad point, it makes up for it with 10 other good points. Overall extremely super fun fun game.
If you're still unsure, at least pick it up on discount then. Absolutely worthed.
Diposting pada 25 Juni 2022. Terakhir diedit pada 25 Juni 2022.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 12 kiriman