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Análises recentes de luskito

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151.6 horas registradas (126.4 horas no momento da análise)
Open TTD ktora vznika z Tycon Transport je proste herna klasika ktoru by si mal kazdy zahrat. Krasne uvidite kolko dnesnych hier je nou ispirovanych.
Publicada em 28 de março.
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11.9 horas registradas
Za tu cenu si vela prace nedali. Jedina ako-tak zaujimava vec je pribeh ktory rozpravaju postavicky nahodne pocas hry. Hral som to pred rokmi a teraz som si to zahral len kvoli tomu aby som doplnil achvievmenty na 100%, co som stihol za 4h hry, lebo viac tam fakt nie je co robit. Viac zabavy si uzijete s titulom ako Sims3, lebo to je potom tiez vlastne survival hra :)
Publicada em 28 de março.
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123.1 horas registradas (86.1 horas no momento da análise)
Velmi vydarene dielo! Tvorcovia z ID vzali Doom z roku 2016, opravili, vylepsili a zapracovali na leveloch, pribehu aj grafike. Vysledkom je podla mojho nazoru najlepsi doom od cias doom2. System pohybu kde sa pridal doublejump hned od startu a po prvom leveli hned dash je velmi dynamicky co velmi pomaha aj samotnemu boju. Ked z blyzka vypalite do demona Supershotgun tak mate konecne pocit ze ste mu aj ublyzili. Pri zmene obtiaznosti nedostanu demoni zazracne vyzsiu/nizsiu vydrz. Nizsia obtiaznost len znizi pocet demonov, ich silu a rychlost utoku. Pribeh ma aj krasne pokracovanie v dvoch DLC ancient gods, rozhodna sa oplati dokupit. Jedine co mi prekaza su boss suboje, ktore ostali lenive a jednotvarne. Nesrtelny boss (aj niektory bezny protivnici v leveloch) ktory sa odkryje na kratky cas a ked ho zasiahnete je omraceny a musite do neho solit co sa da... Akoze, pre jedneho, mozno dvoch by to bolo fajn, ale tento format suboju sa neostale opakuje. Ked dohrate single, skvelym ozivenim je potom aj Horde mode a nechyba aj multiplayer v podobe Battlemode. Keby bolo na mne vymenil by som predskriptovane suboje a tym ich otrepanym "omracovanim", inak super.
Publicada em 31 de julho de 2022.
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88.2 horas registradas (51.0 horas no momento da análise)
Je to DOOM ako sa patri. 4 roky po jeho vydani mam konecne komp ktory to utiahne na max detailoch :)

Chvilu trvalo kym som si zvykol na glory kills mechaniku, ale potom to uz bola automatika. Obcas pohneva engine ked vas zastavi neviditelna stena ci drobny schodik na zemi, ale v zasade kvalitne spracovane mapy, hitboxy demonov a mechanika zbrani. Zbrane a ich mody niesu velmi vyvazene, klasicku brokovnicu sa vam ani neoplati upgradovat, este stastie ze pridali dvojbarelovku a daju sa tak vyuzit aj shotgun shells :)
Seecret z klasickeho Doomu je v kazdom leveli a vacina je velmi dobre schovana, musel som pouzit zdroje internetu aby som nasiel vsetky.

Pre pamatnikov klasiky, milovnikov gore a FPS maniakov vrelo odporucam ;)
Publicada em 4 de agosto de 2020.
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13.0 horas registradas
For English scrool down

13h gameplay, hororova adventura zo mierneho sci-fi prostredia.
Predtym ako som zacal hrat SOMA som si najprv zahral ostatne hry z minulosti tejto hernej spolocnosti - Penumbra, ci Amnesia. Je im velmi podobna, zobrala si z predoslich hier tie najlepsie mechaniky, trasenie a zahmlievanie obrazu ak ste zraneny alebo vasa postava vystrasena je mechanikou ktoru nevidite vo vela hrach a sem to velmi dobre sedi. Okrem ineho to zakryva graficke nedostatky priser, ktore ale aj tak nevidite medzi vsetkymi tymi tienmi a tmou v kazdou rohu. V tejto hre ale o grafiku nejde, nie ze by bola zla, ale zameranie tu je naozaj na pribeh. Ziadne tazke logicke ulohy a hladanie ihly v kope sena. Ulohy su jasne, hltate pribeh a jedine co vas vyrusuje su roznorode priserky ktore vam budu zneprijemnovat hru a snazit sa vas vystrasit :) Je to ako citat knihu a zaroven ju prezivat s hlavnou postavou. Posobive myslienky o existencii a zmysle zivota vam spravia v hlave nemalo otaznikov.
Zabavil som sa a parkrat aj zlakol ako sa od hororu ocakava, za mna like :)


13h gameplay, horor adventure, mild sci-fi theme.
Before I started this game I've played previous series from this company, called Penumbra and Amnesia. This game is very similar and took the best from her predecistors, like shaking the camera and blooring the view when your hero is scared or hurt, that's one of the best ones you don't see too much in other games. Graphical defects on mosters are barely visible trough all the shadows, shaking screen and dark rooms everywhere. But as expected, this game isn't about graphic pleasure, it is adventure and focus on story is really strong. No searching for a needle in the hay, no dificult task. Most of the taks are stright forward and only thing disturbing you are the monsters, all kinds of, which are trying to scare you :) It is all like reading a book and living the story in the main character mind. Ideas about meaning of life and its existence are mindblowing and leave you with more questions in head then before.
I had a lot of fun and got scared a few times, like you expect from horror, for me - like :)
Publicada em 8 de julho de 2020.
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5.9 horas registradas
For English scrool down

Adventurka s hororovymi scenami, 5h gameplay. Po prvej casti Dark Descent prichadza druhy pribeh. Lepsie zameranie na pribeh je hned poznat a pribeh celkom dava zmysel. Inak celkom klasika - zastrasovanie zombie-prasatmi popri ktorych musite plnit logicke ulohy.

Celkom zabavne, ak ste hrali Dark Descent toto sa vam bude pacit este viac, ale je to este kratsie.

Adventure with horror sceneries, 5 hours of gameplay. After first story of Dark Descent second one comes, and better. Game is more focus on story then running from zombies everywhere. Pig-zombies "swine" will hunt you here as well, but they are mostly harmless. By the time everything around trying to scare you, you need to fix few logical issues, but mostly obvious.

I enjoyed it more then first one, but it was even shorter then Dark Descent.
Publicada em 4 de julho de 2020.
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8.6 horas registradas
For English scrool down

Adventurka s hororovymi scenami, 8h gameplay. Story plna nechutnosti. Na kazdom rohu zastrasovanie zombie a nechutne vyjavy popri ktorych musite plnit logicke ulohy.

Celkom zabavne, ale trochu kratke.

Adventure with horror sceneries, 8hours of gameplay. Story full of discusting stuff. Everywhere zombies and bugs trying to scare you (or kill) and by that time you need to fix few logical issues, but mostly obvious.

I enjoyed it, but it was quite short.
Publicada em 4 de julho de 2020.
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7.8 horas registradas
***Eng comment below

Adventura s hororovymi prvkami. S grafikou sa extra nehrali, ale to hre neubera na hratelnosti. Ja som to presiel za 7h na hard obtiaznosti, ale obtiaznost nehra ulohu. Pribeh a vsetko co je treba najst a spravit je rovnake, akurat rychlejsie umriete :) Niekolkokrat musite riesit na pohlad zlozite hadanky a hladat ihlu v kope sena, ale to je prave to zaujimave. Pribeh je pochmurny a moc ma nezaujal, ale riesenie hadanok som si uzil, takze mozem doporucit :)

Adventure with horror scenes. Visual of the game was not really a focus of developers, but this does not takes from the enjoyable gameplay. I've finished game in 7h on hard difficulty, but difficulty does not really matter, you will just die faster. It is adventure and main focus is story and dealing with a logical issues, which I enjoed a lot, so giving this game thumbs up ;)
Publicada em 28 de junho de 2020.
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127.2 horas registradas (105.8 horas no momento da análise)
Honesly think this is the best sci-fi suvival there is so far. Not even second Subnautica can beat this. Big open world with many species of fauna and flora, story wide as book with so many dialogs and things to read.

+ you can build nuclear reactor :)
- there is no interaction with other players then via time capsule. Game would be so much better if you can play it with friend or two together
Publicada em 16 de maio de 2020.
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34.1 horas registradas (14.7 horas no momento da análise)
UPDATE after finishing the game and after patch:
List of bug fixes was released but only few game breaking were fixed. Game still tend to freeze in loading screen and all other bugs and glitches I mentioned below are still there. Creators of game were even so proud on them they put their faces and names in big into end game titles... really dudes? This game can be recomended only to those who likes Xcom right now, game still unfinished and barely polished visually and from stability point of view.

After 14h gameplay:
As an Xcom series fan I am dissapointed. Game have so much potential to be full on action tactical beast! With breaches idea with all equipment and hybrid abilities, it looks so good... on paper ... And then booom in your face = so many bugs in it!
First, I could not even run the game for a first week simply because I had controller atached to my PC - WTH! Then finaly running game I am facing so many glitches and bugs. Camera shows weird angles or canot turn when the action is happening, heros are stuck on escape point every single time, firing trough walls, other directions or even trough floor. AI is offen stupid as f. using psyonic bomb on the only member in my squad who does not have any weapon just damaging own members ??? really? When you breaching you can sometimes see who is inside in the botom of your screen :D
Oh god, cannot recomment this game, only if you're really hard fan of Xcom series as I am. This is unfinished game, fast released. Only hope is they will fix it soon so it is worth those 10 Euro I invested in it.
Publicada em 9 de maio de 2020. Última edição em 23 de maio de 2020.
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