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183.0 godz. łącznie
Great game, but not enough cards or journey length, which makes it too short.
After i won, i was disappointed because i wanted more.
I feel like they should update the game with more cards and challenges, maybe even bosses.

Note: This game isn't for everyone. I use to play Poker professionally and reading hands, probability and strategy comes easily to my brain. When i think of the common person playing this, i can see them struggle. Tbh id get it on a 50%-75% sale to be on the safe side.
Good job devs, now give us more!
4/5 Stars
Opublikowana: 14 września.
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30.2 godz. łącznie (12.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
(Review In Construction During Playthrough)

-Excited and happily surprized the storyline from the 1st game continues, and you can import your party & items from the 1st game into the 2nd!!
-The start of this 2nd game was painfully slow, a full tutorial again and no fighting occured for like 20 full mins, so boring. Devs, there is a reason why arcade games were so popular, as soon as you push start you get gameplay action.
-There is a congruency error where the main character 'Rook' doesn't know who the Red Witch is when she enters the game, even though she's been in the party for the entire 1st game. They have to re-introduce each other and that felt really off.
Opublikowana: 19 lutego 2023.
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49.8 godz. łącznie (47.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Game played out more Indie than expected.
Turn-based fighting genre with short text dialog, with 'Oregon Trail' events, including chose your own adventure decision options. The decisions were not always game-changing even though the developers market it as such.
Story was interesting, but not well explained or thought out to create engaging lore.
Game & fighting mechanics could have been explained better.
Special Attacks did friendly fire damage and was annoying, discouraging the player from wanting to use them.
Item Trinkets were a welcomed addition but came with issues: Game was too short for characters to level up and use them. When a character leaves the party you lose the item permanently. If the character leaves the party temporary, you lose the item temporary preventing the player to continue to use the item on another character, which is not fair.
The game auto balances the enemy strength regardless how strong you become from making smart decisions, making it a continuous grind.
The game plays very slow and drags. There is no fast travel, no skip scene options, forcing the player to just start at the screen of a moving caravan army for 5 mins at a time.
The foundation of the game is great and there is something special that can be created from it if the developers continued to develop it more expansively, but as is, without the game dragging it's actually a short game. Looking forward to playing the 2nd Game now.
Ending was bitter sweet and very short. The Ending's story built up a lot of big mystery but ended up not even panning out at the end, making the storyline a bunch of non-sense BS. The 2 biggest Antagonists didn't even have a chance to show up at the ending, making me raise an eyebrow to what the Devs were thinking. Maybe they ran out of time & resources and had to wrap it up? But it's disrespectful to the player's time investing into the game.
I enjoyed the party customization as that is something i love in videogames, although very basic in this case.
Tons of characters, but mostly get unused due to unbalanced issues and not enough upgrade points & gameplay to even consider using them.
-Enjoyable art design, lacking voice acting which would have been a beautiful addition to the game.

Overall i enjoyed the game and Nordic atmosphere & theme.
I would have enjoyed more lore and the player engaging the lore within gameplay, creating more fun.
I would be happy to pay $3 for this game on sale, at that price-point definitely worth the investment and time to play.
Although i enjoyed playing the game, i would not recommend it to others as there is not enough "game" here to justify someone investing their time to rush out and play this.

So i loaded up the 2nd game, and it turns out the storyline continues, and even better by surprise, you can import your party & items into the 2nd game!!
Happy to discover this and starting the playthrough of the 2nd game now.
Opublikowana: 16 lutego 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 19 lutego 2023.
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85.9 godz. łącznie (3.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The cheapest Crack you can buy! <3
Opublikowana: 25 października 2022.
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128.7 godz. łącznie (2.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
You are the son of Hades (the devil), and you are fed up with life down there and trying to escape the 4 levels of the underworld to reach Earth. Along the way you are helped by given power-ups by the Greek Gods and other out-worldly beings. Granted to you by RGN, combining powers & upgrades which allows you to have each playthrough unique. You start with nothing, and will die, but each time you do, you will be rewarded with items to upgrade yourself and make you stronger, making your next escape attempt run a lil more successful.

Played for 3 days straight.
Because you spend your rewards to rank yourself up after you've died, makes this game extremely 'just one more turn' addicting!

Fantastic game! The best the production company has made to date.
Even tho i only buy games 75% off on sale, this game is actually worth $20 bucks, it's that good.
It's fairly short, a challenge to beat, but there is so much fun hero upgrading for your future runs that it makes it worth it.

65 Hours in, and got killed by the final boss when he only had one hit left because i charged into his projectile...fml...lol Because of that, wasted another day of my life trying to beat.

5/5 Must-have!
Opublikowana: 29 października 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 2 listopada 2021.
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2.7 godz. łącznie
Favorite American horse-pirate game.
Opublikowana: 20 października 2021.
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80.0 godz. łącznie (1.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Wow, 30 mins playing for the first time, really impressed and blown away for it's graphics during the 2009 era, still hold up in 2021, 12 years later feels like this is still a great game, can't wait to play through it now.
Looks like a living comicbook. I assume that these are the comicbook devs that did the Taletale games?
Feels like this game is like the original Mad Max movie meets Skyrim.
I really missed out not playing this game during release. But finally a game that gives me back that lil kid addiction videogame bug where i don't want to stop playing. Something i struggle to find today due to an older age and an over-abundant amount of games in my digital & physical libraries.
*fingers crossed that this game is good till the end!

80+ hours in, trying to do a hard completion of it, almost done the base game and i can't stop thinking about it, this was so addicting and satisfying of a game, so good and one of my fav shooters of all-time!

Opublikowana: 3 kwietnia 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 29 grudnia 2021.
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15.7 godz. łącznie (14.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Decent 'crawling' simulator with a muddled story and terrible ending that ruined the game for me, i don't recommended and I'm disappointed.
This game imho is a waste of a fabulous idea!
Opublikowana: 2 kwietnia 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 3 kwietnia 2021.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
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61.0 godz. łącznie (58.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The History:

The year of release back in 1996 my cousin who was in college at the time and working a job making decent money bought himself some presents during that Christmas Eve, including the first Playstation console, a high quality bookshelf stereo with great speakers with a subwoofer and this new game called 'Resident Evil' on this recent industry game cartridge method called 'CD/Compact Disc'. The console looked super cool and next-gen at the time so we were all excited to try it out being a video-game family, but because we had so much family from out of town visiting from other cities during Christmas it wasn't appropriate that we'd play video games while they were here visiting as that would be rude and ruin the family Christmas experience, so we (myself, my older cousin, and younger cousin) decided to play when the adults all went to bed.

When 1am approached and all the family adults went to be, we kids were excited af to finally try this system out, we hooked up the Stereo's surround sound system to the PS1, cranked up the volume, and turned off all the lights to play in the dark so no adult would complain we were still up late at night playing video-games. Then, we turned on the TV & PS1 and got this mind-blowing opening start screen!

It' blew our f'n minds!!! We've never seen anything in gaming so high-powered or expected such a modern-sexy next-gen intro like this! :S Imagine you playing SMS/Genesis/NES/SNES all your life then you are unexpecting hit with this 1st Sony Intro! Just wow! Like blow our necks & hair back blast! We knew we had something more special then we originally thought, then the game Intro came out, and we couldn't believe a video-game looked like a movie! And not just any movie, so scary, Rated-R 'only for adults that like watching/playing weird twisted psychological movies' type movie! The kind of movie that any parent in the 1990's era of society would be p!ssed-off and angry if their kid was ever caught watching anything like this Intro, then seeing blood in a real-life manner in a video-game was also new to the industry & gamer, so to have this in a video-game only further blew our minds away, and hit us up in the mind & chest with this massive wave of thriller creepiness that we've never ever conceived being in a video-game!

Then, we have this newer software engine tech which was kinda new to me where we had 3d polygon models look & move in a real-life motion that actually worked! (unlike other earlier games before it where games still just looked like digital 'games'). Then we went into a room and saw this 'thing' eating a person on the floor and slowly turned around to look at us with it's rotting face, scared the sh!t out of us, again wasn't expecting it or even knew a video-game could now produce such real-life looking graphic images! It scared my little cusin so bad that his mother had to console him every few middle of the nights after he woke up screaming from nightmares about the game. (we just recently had a laugh about it on his Facebook wall with his mother teasing him...lol).

And the scope of how huge this Mansion was, and the graphics of taking & placing the items, and inventory system, i mean, with all innovations ive mentioned above combined, this game blew our f'n minds away! Imagine going from SNES games images to this! And we LOVED this new experience and couldn't wait to dive into playing it past the intro. It was creepy, scary, and yet so well made for it's time that it became curious & addicting to keep playing through to see how the game unfolded.
That Christmas long weekend along with Boxing Day shopping interruption while staying at my Aunt's house i was able to finish the game 50%, which is actually having me really impressed for such a young kid to do during this age of gaming, but alas, i had to go back to my own home with Mom after our family Christmas visit, making me unable to ever finish this game. Back then a PS1 cost $300 CND + tax = $320 CND. And games cost $80 CND + tax = $85 per game.
Now money was worth x2 times more back then vs today in terms of purchasing power of a dollar.
So that means that a PS1 would cost $650 and games would cost $170 EACH! (You kids are F'N SPOILED on Steam & HumbleBundles getting games for $.30 cents-$5!!! And in today's purchasing power that means you're getting games for $.15 cents-$2.50 during one-day flash sales!!! And, you don't even have to buy a console if you already have a PC kicking around your house!).
In reality, games were f'n EXPENSIVE to buy and was a big deal to buy one back in this era of humanity.
Another factor that came into play, was that the gaming boom era of the late 1980's & early 1990's had people & families invest soooo much money into the earlier consoles & games for those consoles, that by the time the Dreamcast & PS1 came out most people were financially 'burnt-out' to invest into ANOTHER latest & greatest gaming console and then to buy games for the new console, so most people during this time just skipped buying the Dreamcast/Saturn/N64/GameCube, and since the PS1 was better than those other consoles, those console sales were dismal.
So regardless of how amazing some games were, many were just completely out of reach for most people like myself even tho i had 2 jobs at 13 years old! With that said above, and limited marketing dollars, so many titles for these consoles were never even heard of pre-youtube & pre-free pirating.
The beginning of this review is long, and the reason is to show how revolutionary & big the impact of this game was during the time of release for the gamer, the entertainment & gaming industries.

I never had or made the chance to finish playing Resident Evil and it's been on my bucket-list ever since, until this week 26 years later, while on vacation staying in a hotel at night I decided to finally play through it from start-to-finish this week..........and boy what an experience!!


Experience With Game:

-One of 3 serious issues is a slow walking rate. Ive noticed this is the only game ive installed from Steam that refuses to use my PC's GPU for some odd reason! It only wants to use the CPU for the graphics which over-loads the CPU! Ive tried everything i can think of by confirming all my Nvidia GForce Experience settings, Game Settings, Reinstalling drivers, Reinstalling GForce Experience ext. And nothing seemed to work - but i did find a band-aid solution. In the game's Options > Settings > Video Settings, turn the 'Shadows' setting to Low, turn the 'Textures' setting to High, and most importantly turn the 'FPS' to 30fps.
This will make your game look gorgeous at the same time giving you the max walking speed that i've been able to find within a few short hours of annoyingly painful troubleshooting.

-The 2nd issue is the walking controls - they're horrible. The original game's controls were horrible, and so is this Remastered version. They did such a brilliant job on remastering this game when it got re-released, but the controller gyro controls are still pragmatic, slightly improved vs the original's, but still a pain-in-the-ass because the change of camera angles changes the character's position on the screen, having you in the middle of running have to change the gyro stick in the opposite direction to have your character continue running down the original intended path. Which means you're constantly bumping into walls fumbling about. It's not game-breaking, but you'd think that improvement on running control would be a top priority when remastering this game, judging from all the complaints over the years with the original release. *Kanye shrug.

-The 3rd issue is an extreemly limited character inventory space! With only 6 items maxed allowed at a

(review in construction, more to come)
Opublikowana: 11 marca 2021. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 marca 2021.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
-2001 Game was revolutionary in it's time for multiple reasons, gorgeous next-gen graphics, FPS gameplay, smooth animations, shooting weapons feel, vehicle riding, open world design, the gaming world it created, and much more. It changed the industry, blew my mind and everyone else's at the time. I was lucky enough to accidentally discover & play it from start-to-finish while vacationing at a friends house for the week. Now, i got to re-experience it again in another version of glory.

-This remaster is absolutely gorgeous! The company that did it really out-did themselves and gave it a remaster that the legendary game deserves. It looks like a high-end game made in the 2008 era like Bioshock, colors are vibrant, more detailed textures, new updated music and modern cutscenes.

-Slow to start, games really pics up and gets great 30% in.

-Storyline incoherent the 1st half of the game, started making sense and getting good from there till the end.

-One disappointment, is that the gaming industry has evolved since 2001, and there is so much more to do in most of today's FPS games, Halo today feels a bit basic now in comparison, like 2008 Bioshock for example there are more things to keep the player interested & entertained-busy, but definitely still worth the playthrough! Tbh, today this game would be great for speedruns, and that's how you should play this, get in, and finish it quick!

4/5 Stars Great Game!
Opublikowana: 16 lutego 2021.
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