3 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 20.4 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 May, 2018 @ 11:32am
Updated: 10 May, 2018 @ 12:31am

-Appropriate for ages 3-6 years old.
-Fairly short, Aprox. 5 hours or under of playtime to complete.
+Slightly better than the first game in the series.
+Added a few new small addition of concepts & objectives for each level.
-Same music as first game, maybe a few new tracks added, disappointed.
+Game has a slightly higher polish.
+Runs a lot faster, units are zippier!
-More of the same from the first game, disapointed.
+Game difficulty has greatly increased due to new options, making timer extreemly faster, but thats a poor excuse for adding challange.
-Boring, more of the same for every level, very little challenge.
-Has a mobile game feel to it, and yet has a clean indie polish.
+Cute music & sound effects.
-Along the lines of a Clicker genre.
-Game is really just a time-waster.
-Game model does have some potential in making a great game, but this isn't a winner.
-Game levels are more of the same making it eventually boring, a chore to get through.
+Out of the first 2 games, this one is the better one of the series.
-Would not recommend as there are so many amazing games made in the last 30 years where your time & money are better spent.
-2/5 stars.


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