Life Pilgrim
Nobody Important
"If you respect God, God will favor you"
"If you know the truth, nobody can fool you"
"If you have wisdom, it will save you"
"If you have courage, it will gain you respect and enemies"

"Space, time, and the self are all illusions. This doesn't mean they don't exist but their true nature eludes most people's perception. Space, time, and the idea of self are all mere constructs of the ego"

ALL consciousness is connected to one another. Thus all living beings, seen and unseen, including the animals are connected to each other. It is true that we all experience life subjectively and separately but there's only an illusion that we are separate and the illusion of physical distance. There is no separation only an illusion of separation. In fact, there's only a single consciousness, a single real entity. We are not real. The only thing that is real is that single entity. God.

Furthermore, time as most people understand and experience it may not exist at all. What we call the past, present and future may be happening simultaneously. It is true that we are contained in specific time frame but there is neither past nor future. All there is is NOW, that the past, present and future are all happening NOW. The entire timeline coexists and they are NOT alternate universes. Different timelines coexist together at the same time. There is no time linearity only an illusion of time linearity to subjective minds (egos). The created space is based on timelessness of everyting happening in every moment of now thus to God everyone is alive in any given moment.

Yet God is NOT the sum of all creatures in the whole timeline. As a 7th grader I saw God (yet I didn't see God). God's face was radiating overwhelming white light that nothing could be seen but the light. The light even grew in intensity the closer you turned into the direction of God's face. Thus I saw God yet I didn't see God. God is worthy of praise forever and ever.

Semi conscious people are deluding themselves that the 3 dimensional spatial existence is all there is. More consciousness could perceive reality closer to what it actually is(what I call objective reality). To have more consciousness CULTIVATE a sense of objectivity. This may sound like a riddle, in some way it is. It is to help those already on their way to SELF REALIZATION to be aware of more, quicker(though the word is often twisted to mean only material success which self-realization is not). Self realization is synonymous with self transcendence.

What men are given is time and only time. Nobody takes with onself to his death anything except his deeds and motives. And no man lives forever. It takes God to bring a fully dead person to life both in this life and in the next and the resurrected body is neither a pitiful flesh and blood nor a fading ghost. If you want to know what death is like I will tell you exactly. The dead are aware of nothing at all neither of themselves nor where they are now, they no longer remember God at all, and they are unable to register the passage of time at all. If they are not in such condition it will mean they are not in death. There's no life in death. There's no consciousness in death. It is like having never lived.Those who do not despise death do not appreciate the autonomy that comes with living. The closest word to describe death is sleeping. But don't fear it. Until the time we give account of our lives to God.

Kami no jishin

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⚓ 🅵🅸🅴🅳🅻🅴🆁 17 Jul, 2021 @ 12:06am 

Very, very nice chat, cheers! Look at my Steam-userprofile,
you find the links there!...that might spark your interest...

Life Pilgrim 31 Jan, 2016 @ 6:10pm 
Thanks N Quarter!! I know it's free to play. Just have to find the time to download and play it :). Too many games to play as is.
N Quarter 31 Jan, 2016 @ 6:08pm 
Hey man, I see you have "Snow" on your Wishlist, and thought I'd give you a heads up that it is now Free to Play incase you didn't know already. :golden:
gisa 11 Mar, 2014 @ 8:10pm 
I'm alive :) just very busy with work and studying. Hope you are well! ^^