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Posted: 4 Jun, 2015 @ 9:28am

Dirty Bomb is a fast FPS from Splash Damage.


- Competitive servers need a fix. One game you're in a game with 30-40 ping the game after that is 120+ ping.
- Some balance issues with certian weapons and classes such as the medic, Aura.
- No party system for casual games.
- Buying new mercs costs a large chunk of in-game cash.


+ Art style is refreshing
+ Runs perfectly on my PC. (GTX 770 2GB, i5 3570K 3.4GHz and 8GB DDR3 RAM)
+ Gunplay is fast and fluid
+ "Paid" mercs are on a rotation
+ Not a "freemium" F2P game. Nobody can spend £20 and have access to better weapons or mercs than you. it just might take a while.

It's free. What's the worst that could happen?
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