Dari   United States
you'll never reach the bottom of this profile

An admin once told me That I could mine some diamonds I have the sharpest tool in my chest
He was looking at me funny Because I didn't have any diamonds So I'm gonna go to a mineshaft
So I didn't stop mining and I didn't stop mining Not gonna stop 'til I get some diamonds

Got a crafting table and a bed You take your sword but then it gets rough
Some much to mine, so much to sight So what's wrong if I mine for days?
You'll never mine if you don't go You'll never find any emerald

Hey now, I'm a **miner** Get my armour on, mine!
Hey now, smelting all ores Gonna keep going, get iron!
All I want is diamonds Only mining ores Break the cobblestone

I'm in the deep dark and they say it gets deeper
You've got iron armor and a old pickaxe
But the server admin beg to differ
judging by the Way they call me N00b digger
The diamends we mine will become Armer
Finding vains of one, might as well get lower
My world's in multiplayer, how about yous?
That's the way I like it and ill Never get bored

Hey now, I'm a **miner** Get my armour on, mine!
Hey now, smelting all ores Gonna keep going, get iron!
All I want is diamonds Only mining ores Break the cobblestone

Hey now, I'm a **miner** Get my armour on, mine!
Hey now, smelting all ores Gonna keep going, get iron!
All I want is diamonds Only mining ores

Some admin once asked could I spare some diamends
I need to get myself nether Armir
i Said ,"yup" what a consept
I could use sum dimends myself
and we could all use netherite

So I didn't stop mining and I didn't stop mining Not gonna stop 'til I get some diamonds
didn"t make snese not to mine for ore
your arms gets stronger but ur pickaxe breaks
so much to mine So much to smelt so what if my armer breaks?
You'll never mine if you don't go You'll never find any emerald

Hey now, I'm a **miner** Get my armour on, mine!
Hey now, smelting all ores Gonna keep going, get iron!
All I want is diamonds Only mining ores Break the cobblestone

And all that shines is diemens Only Miney Crafters get the Ore :cancyman:

En ligne
MY MINECRAFT FANFIC!!! (inspire by Mattpa and Wifeis!!)
I am Jackie mythril ambertide and I am a huge fan of minecraft. I love to play minecraft every day I can when I get home from school and we play on hypixel and survival and creative. In minecraft my skin is a cute girl with long black hair and a gray hoodie and black pants with red tennis shoes, and in my minecraft world I have a compete set of diamond armor all with unbreaking 2 (I DID NOT CHEAT TO GET THEM) and a diamond sword with bane of artopods on it (I dont know what it does but it sounds good)! One day I came home from school and booted up minecraft to something strange happening in my minecraft world. It was the strangest thing because my wolves named Andrew and Jessie and Drew were all growling and had the angry red eyes on them and I didn’t remember beinng hit by any monsters like skeletons and zombies and spiders. i stepped outside of my house and saw a big black skeleton with three heads shooting at all the cows I have in my farm and I could do nothing but cry out “NOOOOOO!” I ran to the skeleton and saw the text saying “Wither” on my screen and began to his it with my sword. It made a lot of scary loud noises and then shot a black box at me and I died! I almost ragequite but then I saw a new button on screen that said “respawn in game” and I was confused so I clicked on it. Before I knew it I was feeling a shock down my arm and stattic all over my body and the screen turned white.
I woke up in front of my minecraft house looked around to see that I was not looking thru a screen anymore… I was surrounded by the game! I looked at my hands to see that they were not my hands but were now blocky long hands like Alexs! I gasped and rolled over to see over the hill I that my house was there just liked I remembered but with a big hole in it. I stood up and walked over to see where the wither went and I saw that it was gone…… and so where my dogs! I screamed out “Jessie!” and “Drew!” and “Andrew!” but I did not see or hear the wolfs anywhere. Tears started to swell in my eyes when I felt a hand touch my shoulder… I turned around and I saw…. Steve! I gasped and jumped in suprise and and blinked a bunch and saw that in my suprise that it really was Steve from minecraft! I jumped and he said “Who are you?” and I said “I am Jackie and let me guess your name is Steve?”
Steve looked at me in suprise and said “How did you know my name?” and I said “I heard about you before.” I put my hand on the back of my head and blushed and looked away because he kind of looked really good in person. I asked him “where is your beard?” and he responded “oh I shaved it” before looking around the destroyed house. He asked “did you build this?” and I said yeah and he say “sorry….” and I looked at him confused. I asked “what do you mean?” and he said “I caused this.”
After a few minutes he explained that he was trying to understand the power of death so he collected soul sand and wither skeleton skulls and built a wither because he wanted to understand it’s power over life and death and the effects of withering. My eyes widened and I said “no way” and he shrugged and continued “I did not know that the wither would be so powerful and it excaped my lab which I reinforsed with obsidian” my jaw dropped flabbergasted when I heard he built his lab out of obsidian! “no way!” I said and then I said “that must have taken forever!” Steve blushed and then looked away and said “It was nothing…. Anyway have you seen Alex?” No. Freaking. Way! I would get to meet Alex too? I did not know where she was but I told Steve that she must be around somewhere… So we started looking for Alex and were walking along the beach near my house when she appeared out of no where. “Alex!!” Steve cried out when he saw her. “Im so sorry!” Steve hugged Alex but Alex did not look too enthusiatic about it. She pushed him away after a second and yelled after pushing him “I told you not to build that thing!” Steve backed away and looked at the floor sadly and said “I thought I could contain it” and Alex slapped him with a stick (she got it from a dead bush) and said “That’s what you said about the enderman!” Steve cried a little and apologized and said “well I am glad you are alive….” and then Alex started crying a little too but she was trying to hide it. in a slight cracked voice she said “Im happy to see you too…” and then she snapped her gaze over to me and asked “who are you?” I told her my name was Jackie and Alex said “Thats a strange name” and held her hand out for me to shake and I shook her hand. Alex told me more about the Wither and said that Steve has been studying the power of souls in the nether and he discovered the recipe for a wither in the carvings of a wall in a desert temple and read that it was a creature that could wither the very life from living creatures. Steve wanted to study the creature to understand how withering worked and also to understand the power of death but it excaped him and chased after the other builders into the end. “But how did you two end up in my world?” And they gave me a confused look and said they were here before I was and I was so confused but let it go. “We must stop the wither and find our friends!” Steve said while he pulled out his diamond sword. Alex looked suprised but looked over to me and said “are you joining us?” and I nodded so then we all set out for the stronghold and I grabbed my armor and diamond sword. We took many days to get close to the nether portal that Steve said would lead to the stronghold so we entered it and I was sweating because it was so hot. Steve and Alex put on gold armor and I was confused because gold is worse than diamond armor and I was going to ask them but then a pig man came and started attacking me and I screamed and start to run away. Steve followed me and threw a gold bar at the pig man and he stop to look at it which gave Steve a chance to take off his gold pants and give them to me. I put them on and he said “if you were gold armor the pigmen won’t attack you” and I giggled and said “you gave me your butter pants!” And he looked at me confused and the shook his head and told me to follow him. We walked through the nether until I bumped into a enderman and he started to get angry at me. Steve and Alex looked at eachother in fear and the enderman attacked me and I tried fighting back with my diamond sword but I wasnt hurting it much. The endermen picked me up and held me up to its face and screamed into my face and for a second I could see some thing strange about its eyes but before I could look closer Alex stabbed it with her enchanted iron sword and it started chasing her and it hit her once before she should kill it. I ran over to Alex to ask if she was okay and she said she was fine but coughed a little. Steve said “we got to move on” and we followed him to another portal inside a nether fortress and he said it would lead to the stronghold. Before we could enter a amry of blazes appeared and shooted fireballs at us and Alex jumped in front of me and took a hit as I entered the portal. Steve built a wall in front of the portal and then left the nether with Alex. I saw them come through the portal and asked them were we are. Steve looked around and said “this is the cave that leads to the stronghold” and walked ahead. I saw that Alex looked really hurt and before I could say anything she said she was interrupting me and said she was fine. We entered the stronghold and Steve lead us to the end portal and says “here we are……. are you ready?” I nodded and Alex said “as ready as I will ever be” and we jumped in. We respawned on a obsidian platform in the void and saw a dragon flying around and Steve asked “where is everyone?” Alex shrugged and then stared building a bridge towards the dragon. We followed her and then we jumpe
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Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. The title of this video is misspelled in honor of mistakes. Mistakes are everywhere, they surround us like air. To err is human. Faults, flaws, faux pas, fumbles and fallacies are as much a part of who we are today as the stuff we've gotten right. For instance, if a knight knocked your knuckle or knifed your knee, why would there be so many "k"s? Well, the "k"s are silent by mistake. The original old English forms of these words were pronounced with "k" sounds. K-nife, k-night, k-nee. But that's a bit of a mouthful to say and because reading and writing weren't as common hundreds of years ago, people just pronounced words the way they want to do, regardless of spelling. Spelling is fun. Warren G knows what I'm talking about. In the fourth verse of his "What's Next", he asks what's next. What's next, what's N-X-E-T. Spelling isn't the only thing we get wrong. The history of science is a graveyard of dead an abandoned ideas. Fritz Machlup coined the phrase "Half-life of knowledge". The amount of time it takes for half of the knowledge within a field to be superseded by new, better ideas or to simply be shown untrue. Donald Hebb famously estimated that the half-life of knowledge in psychology is just five years. Humans are awesome, don't get me wrong, but we tend to believe that what we currently think we know about the universe is reasonably correct, even though statistics aren't on our side. Previous generations incorrectly thought the exact same thing about what they used to think was true. My favorite examples of the ubiquity of mistakes are production errors in popular songs. They're like humbling Easter eggs, just waiting to be found. For instance, Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth". 26 seconds in the "be" in the lyric "beware" is clipped, as is the "p" in "people" at 1:24 minute. Once you hear the mistake, it's tough to unhear it. In "Hey Jude" Paul McCartney misses a chord. And if you listen closely you can clearly hear him say "F**ing hll". Seriously, it's in the actual song. Go listen to it. In fact, there's an entire website that chronicles mistakes in Beatles' songs. Take a look at this 700-year-old prayer book. A monk wrote it on fresh, clean paper. I'm kidding, of course. He scraped the ink off an older manuscript, cut the pages and rotated them before writing all over them. A mistake? Well, kind of. Recent multispectral images of the prayer book have revealed that the old manuscript he erased was a previously unknown copy of a work by Archimedes. It was called "The Method" and laid out the heart of calculus thousands of years before Newton and Leibniz. If that one monk hadn't erased that one book, would we be hundreds, thousands of years mathematically and technologically more advanced today than we currently are? It's hard to say. All that is certain is that we would continue to make ridiculous mistakes, like the Mars Climate Orbiter. This 327.6 million dollar expedition burned up in the red planet's atmosphere because when calculating flight maneuvers NASA used the agreed-upon metric units while Lockheed Martin used the imperial system. This is Neil Armstrong taking humankind's first steps on the Moon. It's about the best footage we have.
The original tapes containing the highest quality recording of that moment have been lost. They were probably recorded over by later test missions. Ten years ago Sergio Martinez became lost in the woods while hunting outside of San Diego. Hoping to attract the attention of rescuers, he lit a small fire. But that fire quickly got out of control and became a giant Cedar Fire. It destroyed 300,000 acres of land, 2,322 homes and killed 15 people. The man carrying a wounded soldier in this painting, based on a photograph taken during World War I, is Henry Tandey, an English recipient of the Victoria Cross. Four years after the event in this image Tandey caught a wounded German soldier in his gun sights. But rather than kill the man, Tandey took pity on his wounded state and spared his life. The German he allowed to live was this man. Later the man whose life he spared wore his mustache shorter but still had the same name, Adolf Hitler. In 1918 did Henry Tandey miss a chance to kill Hitler? Detailed researchers found that the exact days their units were in the same location don't quite match up. The story is apocryphal but what is known is that Hitler owned a copy of the painting of Tandey, and in 1938, when meeting with Neville Chamberlain, Hitler pointed to Tandey and told Chamberlain: "That man came so close to killing me in 1918 that I thought I should never see Germany again." So, who's wrong? Maybe Hitler confirmed the story merely because he hoped to make up extra evidence that providence had kept him alive to pursue his goals. Either way, someone is mistaken. Missed opportunities are a bummer. Obsessing over them is not healthy but regret is a powerful emotion. How do you deal with regret, with guilt? Can you? In the early morning hours on a bench outside a hotel in Anaheim this summer Ze Frank told me something I am going to paraphrase. I love this metaphor. Stuff in your past is like a carving on the bark of sapling. Over time, the scar, the carving won't go away. Because of the way trees grow it won't go up or down much either, it'll just stay right where it began. It might even get darker. But it won't get bigger. You, however, can. You can keep growing, doing more things, more branches, being more things. The wound won't get smaller but you can make it a smaller part of who you are. Maybe regrets are like that. They stick around forever like arborglyphs. Or maybe they make like a tree and leaf. A red or purple leaf in the autumn. As days get shorter and chlorophyll production decreases, the yellow and orange carotenoids, which are always in leaves, appear as the green fades. But red and purple leaves are the interesting ones.
As winter approaches it would seem to be a good time for trees to conserve energy but some trees do the opposite. Instead of giving up, they spend extra energy producing anthocyanins to turn their leaves red and purple hues. These colors protect their leaves from sun damage before their nutrients can all be used and may also be a defense against insects looking for a parasitic home. A way for the tree to tell the insects: "Yes, I am in part dying but not without a fight. I am still very much vital." Drought and even tourniquets applied by man can bring about these colors prematurely. When you look at beautiful autumn colors, you are looking at stress. But the bigger the fight the trees put up, the more energy they put into their defenses at the very end, the more brilliant their colors will be. Winter will eventually come. But scientifically, the brightest, deepest, most remarkable colors come from not giving up too easily or quickly. And as always, thanks for watching.
Jeu favori
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366 heures de jeu
An improved version of Boneworks at its core. Somewhat lacking in a "real" campaign, but the levels included are highly replayable, and the native modding support + unofficial modding already makes this game more replayable and enjoyable in the long-term compared to Boneworks.

Even if you think you may prefer Boneworks for its campaign, the community is already a good way through porting that into this game, so you're better off getting this so you can experience the Boneworks campaign and then also have access to a much greater selection of mods and better mod support. By getting Bonelab over Boneworks, you're literally getting two games in one (which justifies the price a bit, at least).

Additionally, being a modder is substantially easier than it was in Boneworks, especially for some aspects like creating avatars and levels. In some ways, it's the same, especially if you're using the unofficial modding tools, but in the ways that are officially supported it's so much more convenient and easy to do. More people also care to document and share ideas and methods in the community as well, so overcoming the learning curve for more advanced mods is less trial-and-error and feels less like trying to get into a walled garden.

I see this game as a considerable leap for VR because it allows players to freely create content in one of the best engines for interactivity out there. While I don't like the prolonged silence on updates to the game and the modding SDK on the part of the devs, the community has more than made up for the current tools' shortcomings.
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1 172 heures de jeu
it's a little bit fun to kill time with
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don't talk to me or my daughter ever again
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The official group for Senpai-Con.
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✪ old codger 13 avr. 2023 à 20h00 
the port is 25565 btw make sure to put a colon (:) before it (no thats not a smile emoticon)
✪ old codger 13 avr. 2023 à 20h00 
do you want to join my minecraft server please the ip is
MarkipliersMilkers 2 mai 2022 à 22h37 
The Grand Wiz 16 mars 2022 à 22h13 
Wanna mine craf ;)
The Grand Wiz 29 janv. 2022 à 0h37 
Ash{TSV} 13 juil. 2017 à 19h44 
+rep Best sticker showcase 2017.