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Recent reviews by Chad_EmiL

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115 people found this review helpful
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128.6 hrs on record (46.8 hrs at review time)
Where to start?

Forza have had a long-lasting game series where the games brought enjoyment for the Motorsport fans.
I've played all Forza games since FM 2 including all horizon games and really enjoyed most of them. When I heard that they where releasing a new Motorsport that was built from the ground up i got very excited what they would bring us. After playing the latest Horizon games i built up an expectation on what the customization, car experience and car variation would be like.

Release day

As a true fan I of course went for the full premium game and got the early release gameplay. After almost 50 hours of gaming all my excitement was gone and i was left feeling empty. All the expectations and thrills I've had for the older games couldn't be found while playing this one. I don't even know where to begin, the problems are way to many.

Here is a "short" list of whats wrong:

Poor handling, many fps drops, graphical bugs, poor camera view, missing road texture, car colors looking dull.

There must have been literately no testing at all of this game since it contain so many non hidden bugs.

Ai being all over the place, crashing into you and creating an bad experience in the single player.

The Single player career is missing a lot of content, lacking of maps, lacking of some race classes and no 25 lap races. No feeling of actual progress.

The carpoint system is a good idea but lacks understanding of what makes Forza fun, the grind takes way too long and it doesn't make sense to make u do it all over again if you want to customize the same car.

The camera is fixed while changing wheels or other parts which makes the whole experience of customization of the car you worked so hard for feel awful.

The whole menu feels awkward and soulless. Having a fixed car in the menu is probably the worst thing with the menu atm.

No new stickers for the paint options. Neither no new paints.

NO WHEEL SPACERS, no turbo lag option, Car parts prices makes no sense.

No skipping of practice before you start a race.

Car prices makes no sense, i get the idea of making all cars financially available but it isn't done in a good way.

There is no feeling of actually "winning" something. The long asked career where u start with a golf polo and fight your way up to the Le mans cars is none existing.

Forza Motorsport 2 had a transparent car for the ones u haven't unlocked yet which made us actually wanna progress in the career and do all the long endurance races just to unlock some of the rarer cars.

The music, Motorsport 2-4 was peak menu music and overall aesthetic of having a good sound to it.

The good parts?

The multiplayer is where this game shines, as long as no one crashes into you and gives you a 2-second penalty for being in THEIR way.

The intro for the series is a nice touch.

All new hoods and body parts is a nice addition to the cars that were missing parts.

The car list is OK.

The new maps are done well and have a nice feeling to them.


Dont buy this game, wait until its fixed. This game has the foundation for a great game but nothing is certain until its proven.

Turn10, please listen to your fan base. Look at what worked in the older games, what we as the customers want and what made your games desirable. As a hardcore Forza fan this is my official last game i will ever buy from you, you made a lot of fans disappointed and will have a lot to make up to in the future coming updates/games.
Posted 12 January, 2024.
Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award
2 people found this review helpful
31.1 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
amazing game
Posted 29 January, 2022.
Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award
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