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Recente recensies door LDSky

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26.5 uur in totaal (4.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
This game is crack pure and simple. One minute its 8:30pm and when you look up… it’s 1:00am. Animal Crossing… on crack… with Disney characters. Worst on Steam Deck because you can be in the bathroom not feeling your legs and you can’t get up.

Of course it’s highly recommended.
Geplaatst 29 januari 2023.
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20.9 uur in totaal
Hugely underated game back in the 360 and PS3 era. Super enjoyable and it’s great that it concentrates morenon melee then guns in this game. Played it back when it was on PS3 and going back felt great. I forgot how condensed the world is and how quick you can do side jobs and missions which is a breath of frrsh air from the newer games that have long treks to showcase there worlds. Only issue is that the DLC’s are very short (1-2 hours max per DLC if you stick to main missions). Works great on the Steam Deck with no issues found.
Geplaatst 23 september 2022.
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20.8 uur in totaal (10.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Great game that’s very hard to put down. This game will throw you in the ocean and let you explore and figure out how to survive and what to do. This is a pure exploration survival game and let’s you do what you want to do. Scan wrecks for blueprints, explore deep caverns and evade the dangerous wildlife. I set it to survival which means I need to check my health, hunger, thirst and oxygen level but you can set it to health and oxygen only or remove it completely just to enjoy and explore with no consequence. Highly recommend and plays beautifully on the Steam Deck, you only have to go into options to enable gamepad controls to swap it from M/K and you’re golden.
Geplaatst 13 september 2022.
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7.2 uur in totaal
This game made me love my Steam Deck. Play this game in bed with headphones and get sucked into it and actually get immersed in the story and hear every little voices and sounds around you. This game got my pulse racing and actually can be pretty tense and somewhat scary at times (looking at you Blindness Trials and Helheim). Steam Deck was awesome for this game.
Geplaatst 26 augustus 2022.
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23.4 uur in totaal (8.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Just. One. More. Round. Hell it’s 2:00 am but I just can’t stop.
Geplaatst 26 augustus 2022.
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2.4 uur in totaal (1.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Loved it on my Steam Deck just as much when I playdd it on the PS3. Beautiful game with gorgeous visuals and music. Definitely play this with headphones and enjoy the scenery of this game. Only issue with the Deck is that this thing it a battery hog.
Geplaatst 26 augustus 2022.
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11.6 uur in totaal
A lot of people hated this one when it came out. Compared to the first game it’s different for sure. Gone is the harder combat (still hard but less so because of the easier health regen) and in come stealth missions. I actually enjoyed this one mire than the first. Stealth missions were fine and pretty short, only issue I had was the stealth mission with a boss midway in the game that had dead leaves all over (that part was total BS). The bad camera angles from the first is replaced hy a complete controllable camera (praise) and yes the modern city is not as majestic as the castle but it works. Story is fine and I enjoyed the combat more in this one. Runs perfectly fine on the Steam Deck.
Geplaatst 26 augustus 2022.
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19.4 uur in totaal
A different telling of Castlevania. Action is awesome but hard, platforming is… questionable. The camera angles back in the day was more for show than gameplay and it shows in this. You’re running down a hallway to gauge a jump and suddenly it swaps angles right before and messes up your timing. Other then that, it’s beautiful, soundtrack is awesome and a good story about a different Castlevania. Played awesome on my Steam Deck.
Geplaatst 26 augustus 2022.
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5.6 uur in totaal
Great metroidvania game which got good action and fun gameplay. Aged fine but the platforming can be a little finicky. Runs great on Steam Deck.
Geplaatst 26 augustus 2022.
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66.5 uur in totaal (46.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Loved this game! Every moment I enjoyed and loved going back in. Not Witcher 3 stage but awesome open world. Started on my desktop PC which some odd reason just crashed all the time at the start screen after 30+ hours of gameplay, so finished it when I got my Steam Deck and it ran great. Solid 30fps at medium settings with FSR.
Geplaatst 26 augustus 2022.
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