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Kythira's grand return sale!

After an unfortunately long break from selling and Steam as a whole, I have returned! To celebrate, I am buying all skins over $25 at 97.5% Buff.

My Rep
SteamRep [steamrep.com]


NOTICE! If you want to be paid in cryptos, let me know up front because I make new addresses for each transaction.

Buff163: https://buff.163.com/ (Convert CHY to USD)

$25 - $99

BTC/ETH: 95% 97.5% Buff
PP/CashApp: 92.5% 97.5% Buff


BTC/ETH: 97.5% Buff
PP/CashApp: 95% 97.5% Buff

Certain rare items may also change the price on a case by case basis (low floats, rare patterns, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

"Who goes first?"

Unless you have a lot more rep than I do, you go first. This is not negotiable. I work on small profit margins so I can't take any risks. Not receiving a $200 dollar knife could erase the profit from 10-20 trades.

"How profitable are buying/selling and trading?"

It all depends on the methods that each person uses. Certain famous people like YouTubers can give lower rates because people know that they are trustworthy. Since I am not famous, I have to pay a little bit more, even with rep.

Another important thing to consider if you want to get into trading is where you will sell the skins. You will never make any money trading, buying, etc if you are trying to cash out through CSmoney. I sell skins in a way not many people can or know about, which is how I am able to make money doing this.

"What was the most expensive skin you ever bought?"

A couple years ago I bought a Factory New Medusa for $1150 in BTC. I sold it a few weeks later for $1250, and very regrettably cashed out the BTC a week later. Now every time I see a Medusa, all I can think about is what I would buy if I had kept the bitcoin.

"Do you play/Are you good at CSGO?"

I used to a bit with my friends, but not anymore, that's why I don't care enough to keep skins to play with. I'm more of an Apex guy myself.

"What's your favorite skin?"

I don't play CSGO much, but if I did it would have to be the Neo-Noir collection. Or if there was no limit on the price, the AWP Prince.

Contact Me

(New) Twitter: @KythiraTrades
Discord: Kythira # Seven Six Seven One
Email (business only, not for trades): KythiraTrades@gmail.com

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Zoe 9 Jun, 2020 @ 12:46am 
Comments have been cleared and closed due to an infestation of beggars and scammers. Please do not add me to beg for skins, you will be blocked. If you have any serious inquiries. add me to discuss. Best of luck to all of you.