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Created by - BunnyBot 5000
A guide to 100%-ing VA-11 Hall-A, including a complete guide to your customer's orders and all Achievements.
Favorite Guide
Created by - mdcurtis99
673 ratings
This guide goes over all achievements, song and gallery unlocks, plate unlocks, music videos, and will be updated after each new DLC release.
Review Showcase
Pros: Raifus
Cons: charts are too hard with tears in your eyes... and they put my raifu ST AR-15 on the AIR MODE SCREEN?!?! LOL RIP
Review Showcase
122 Hours played
DJMax Respect V is probably the most robust, complete rhythm game on Steam, albeit with a steep price point for those wishing to jump in at this point. I have logged ~100 hours in this version, WAY more on the PS4 version, and play a LOT of other rhythm games across all platforms - please take this into account when I give my thoughts and opinions on this game.

+ Great, diverse soundtrack. From slow orchestral songs to upbeat bops, I'm sure anyone would find at least a dozen songs that they'll want to play every session. And this is made by a Korean, so there's a lot of songs with Korean lyrics too. So Korean speakers or K-pop fans looking for something fresh might enjoy a lot of the songs
+ Great UI (in and out of song). UI elements are both stylistically-superb and functionally-relevant, menus are relatively easy to navigate (esp. by rhythm game standards), etc.
+ Large range of difficulty. Not only do songs have different difficulties, but there are different button modes: 4 button, 5 button, 6 button, and 8 button. So beginners and experts will find somewhere to start. AND the different button modes has the added bonus of accessibility, so it's a win-win!
+ Lots of content. Lots of stats to look at. Lots of things to collect... almost to the point to it being a bad thing
+ Online mode. It's a mode. Online. With friends or ranked. There's a lot to do. It's so fun and robust that you start to forget that few rhythm games even have online
++++++++ There's a Girls Frontline pack. Abandon laifu AND waifu. Obtain raifu

- LOTS of paid DLC, though I am more sympathetic about this. I don't think this is really a cash grab - there is just a lot because most of the DLC is from the original PS4 that came out 3 years before this game. Some people might say, "well if you already had the charts/songs on PS4, just include them in this version for free;" but there might be some re-mapping or re-licensing that they might need to do for the PC version, so idk. Regardless, it is a lot of money to spend to be current. As someone who spends a lot of money at the arcade, this isn't a huge dealbreaker. But if you want a PC rhythm game experience and are broke AF, you might want to stick to stuff like Muse Dash or Beat Saber.
- Air mode is very lackluster. It feels like they wanted to go with the whole live play experience (remember GH Live?), but they didn't fully commit. You'll play it once and never again
- Season pass and FOMO content is very toxic. Normally, I'm on the fence on this one, but there is a LOT of paid DLC in this game.
--------- To start this version of the game, you "Press any key to pay respect." But in the PS4 version, you "Press X to pay respect." The PS4 version of this game is by far superior to the PC version in this regard.

Tipping points:
~ Most of the songs in this game feature keysounds. Keysounds mean that if you hit a note early or late when playing a track, the note in the song will play early or late respectively. Some people love this, some people HATE this, and most people feel whatever about it (think O2jam or IIDX). If you HATE rhythm games with keysounds, you will not like that about this game; but there are a few DLC packs w/o them (i.e., Deemo, Cytus, Nexon packs... off the top of my head). Conversely, if you LOVE keysounds, you will be disappointed with some packs NOT featuring them. And Neowiz isn't very transparent regarding what will or will not feature keysounds
~ PS4 functional and DLC parity issues. Neowiz did a lot of changes (and even nerfing) to the PS4 version to keep it on par or lesser with the PC version, especially at launch. And as of this review, starting with the Nexon pack, all collab DLC packs will be PC exclusive. This means that the PC version is the definitive version of this game, but who knows what will happen if Neowiz moves back to console.
~ SC charts. If you're coming from PS4, please note that SC charts cannot be played on a Dualshock controller due to how the Dpad functions. Inversely, this ONLY applies to SC charts - any other chart can be played on a controller as they are up-to-par with the PS4 charts.
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