Πρόσφατες κριτικές από τον MikeymajQ

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Εμφάνιση 1-10 από 12 καταχωρίσεις
1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
69.6 ώρες συνολικά (4.0 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
It's EDF 5 but with a few really good new tweaks, new guns and new enemies. And the wartorn cities look and feel amazing. I'm not happy either about the Epic bs requirement. But the game itself is solid!
Some missions are straight outta EDF 5 though. Just an fyi. If that's good or bad depends. Personally I didn't mind, it created a sort of morbid atmosphere, because you the player knows what will eventually happen.
Αναρτήθηκε 25 Ιουλίου. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 25 Ιουλίου.
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1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
121.9 ώρες συνολικά (55.8 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
To save our Super Earth from any Automaton attack,
From vicious giant Terminids who have once again come back,
We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack

The E... Helldivers deploys!

Our soldiers are prepared for any alien threats
The navy launches ships, the air force send their jets
And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonets

The Helldivers deploys!
Αναρτήθηκε 27 Φεβρουαρίου. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 27 Φεβρουαρίου.
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21.2 ώρες συνολικά (8.8 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
This game feels special. Like the devs love what they're doing or something. The theme is on point, it really feels like Starship troopers. Down to the gameplay, an individual rifle will take almost an entire magazine to bring down one bug, but in a team they drop to the conscentrated fire. And god there can be a ton of bugs swarming at the end of a session. The Community is by large amazing too, using movie quotes and lingo. It's still early in development but already a ton of fun, especially considering how cheap it is. They've nailed the core gameplay and now I just can't wait for more. The roadmap they released looks great.

Maybe there are still devs out there that don't paywall their content and only try to squeeze players for all their money? This kinda makes me feel a bit of hope in this dystopian nightmare.
.... Would you like to know more?
Αναρτήθηκε 2 Ιουνίου 2023.
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29.9 ώρες συνολικά
Such an amazing game, that deserves way more recognition. It has so many great parts, from the turn based Xcom-esque combat, to leveling up with new perks, getting and crafting new items and weapons, tons of events. A bunch of cool stories to play, with emergent storytelling and interactions between your group of heroes. And sometimes getting a really funky transformations on a hero, through events and the choices you make, id both crazy and cool but also changes the abilities of that hero drastically over time. Like getting moth wings and turning invisible to just straight up becoming the human torch and shooting fire. You can also do a lot of cool builds to compliment your group/s with perks and different weapon combos.

There's also a worldmap you can explore to get materials, items and fight enemies. There's a cool Legacy system for rerolling stuff so you can really craft the story in a sense. It's even cool when a hero drops to 0 hp in a fight because you get to decide what happens.
The stories can drag a little long sometimes. I wish there were a couple of shorter ones I could knock out during a day, but they've all been cool so far, and they all span a like a decade or two so your starting heroes will get old and retire as the newer ones take up the mantle.
It can also get a bit wordy and sometimes I skip the dialogue when I sort of know where it's headed.

I would recommend this to anyone who wants a fantasy Xcom game, or enjoyed the transformations you can do in age of wonders 4. Or if you just really like making choices in a story driven game.
Αναρτήθηκε 24 Μαΐου 2023.
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2 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
119.9 ώρες συνολικά (4.7 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
The amount of details in this is insane. the unit designs are gorgeous and the system feels deep and robust. And with mod support in the steam workshop this is going to get nuts.
Currently (at release), having a lot of disconnections in multiplayer, and waiting for someone to do manual combat is a chore. Otherwise I only got positive vibes from this one.
Αναρτήθηκε 2 Μαΐου 2023.
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78.5 ώρες συνολικά (12.4 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
The greatest (and most insane/Fun) game ever is finally on Steam! Get ready to have the DF Wiki up and prepare to have Fun!
Some of the Fun I've had learning this game:

-One fort went down in a blaze of berserk riots as the poor sods got so sick of only drinking strawberry wine (apparently the only thing I had to make booze from for some reason), they rather killed each other than take another sip.
- Sooo many goblin invasions. My militia always suck and is never prepared.
- numerous Tantrum spirals after losing loved ones.
- Were-[insert random af animal] visits. The most terrifying was probably the Wererhino that just charged straight in and demolished my ill-equipped militia and infected them all.
- a necromancer raising my corpse dump inside my super secure fortress, suddenly hands and severed limbs rose up and attacked my citizens while my militia was guarding the entrance.
-a hydra visit to my (long forgotten) side entrance, got in. attacked everyone in their bedrooms and slaughtered half the population before my militia could run back in and take it down. Did make for some nice Hydra sweet bread though.
- Trying to make a 'cork' in an aquifer, or just generally messing with water.
- Oh cool, I found magma! wait, what's that?
- Catsplosions
Αναρτήθηκε 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2022.
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113.4 ώρες συνολικά (23.8 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Fatshark pretty much nailed everything 40K in this one. The sound is spot on, the feel of the weapons. This is a game that comes from a very melee focused series but somehow has gunplay better than most fps. Combine the great feel of the guns, the meaty sound with the most slapping soundtrack this year and you have a bunch of nerds gleefully mowing down opponents while bobbing along to the beat.

As usual with Fatsharks games at launch, it's a bit unstable, and I crash a few times every session but hopefully that'll get fixed asap and we won't have to wait until after the console releases..

I also wish they'll add more classes to the game sooner rather than later to bring more variety as one per character feels on the slimmer side of things, just enough to not feel too empty, but also not enought to feel like you have much choice.

Vermintide 2 introduced the Chaos wastes mode, which was amazing fun and a much needed break from the campaign maps. I've got all my fingers crossed that we will see something similiar to that in Darktide down the line.
Αναρτήθηκε 25 Νοεμβρίου 2022.
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57.0 ώρες συνολικά (44.8 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
Excellent base building game that blends in modern rogue like features and manages to keep each settlement feeling fresh!

This easily made it into my favourite games after playing it for awhile. It kind of starts out rough, and doesn't show its best side first so to speak. But once you get the hang of it and unlock some new buildings and buffs it comes together and starts to shine. Most base/city builders get stale quick, once you've built most buildings you need and all production chains are going you're pretty much always done. This game remedies that by having you do 'runs' and unlocking more and more bonuses, buildings and such. Picking what 'missions' to do during a run is also very satisfying instead of just having a linear path, and it along with what resources you've found dictates what production chains you want to build. It's such a clever blend of genres that I never thought would work. But somehow comes out as the best game I've played in a long while :o
Αναρτήθηκε 24 Νοεμβρίου 2022. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 11 Απριλίου 2023.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
161.2 ώρες συνολικά (148.1 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Rock and stone
Αναρτήθηκε 13 Νοεμβρίου 2022.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
274.5 ώρες συνολικά (248.3 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
The best 4X game out there. It's pausable real time so it moves along nicely, even in mp. The tech tree system is amazing and creating spieces to play as or against is great! The only downside I think would be the buy-in cost now with all the avaliable DLC. :P
Αναρτήθηκε 4 Οκτωβρίου 2022.
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Εμφάνιση 1-10 από 12 καταχωρίσεις