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512.3 hrs on record (278.2 hrs at review time)
Edit is at the bottom for this review as it was during their nerfing spree

I can't say I honestly understand the direction this game is going in. Enemies with overinflated health bars, weapons that get nerfed seemingly at random, it just feels all so sporadic. And before anyone says get good or anything, I almost exclusively play this game on 9 difficulty and I got every achievement 2 weeks after launch. But finding effective ways to try to deal with things when they can immediately deal with you is just getting too frustrating to the point where its almost not worth the headache. I haven't even done 10 yet because I already know it's just gonna have the worst modifiers and health sponge enemies. Arrowhead, you guys had it right with the first Helldivers...if you need a reference for how this game should be, just go play the original.
Edit: So they have seemingly "learned" their lesson because the new update that buffs so much is actually very outstanding. Though I would caution everyone to at least keep your guard up incase they go back down the rabbit hole of nerfing things back into oblivion as they did before. Otherwise, I can now re-re-recommend people to buy this game again.
Posted 12 February, 2024. Last edited 18 September, 2024.
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28.6 hrs on record (27.9 hrs at review time)
I absolutely cannot recommend this game enough. This game is truly a jrpg enthusiast's dream game. The moment I started playing I got hooked almost immediately. The story, dialogue, characters, how you make your character grow, witnessing proper character development, not to mention how you grow them stat-wise is outstanding. Not to mention various ways to do battles. Buy this game, you won't regret it at all.
Posted 31 December, 2023.
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2.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Just play Smite, or Dota, or League....this should've stayed dead.
Posted 17 December, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
4.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Let's all laugh at an industry, that never learned anything, teeheehee

This game is basically as lifeless as Mars, just find something else worth your time and money.
Posted 12 October, 2023. Last edited 18 September, 2024.
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42 people found this review helpful
36.8 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As it currently stands, I can't honestly recommend this game in good faith. Its fun with friends but there are so many issues ranging from the quests, the amount of experience you get per quest and events, and a lot of the enemies are kinda samey. Not to mention there are a good number of points where you're stuck because you're not high enough level to continue the story. Barring the content update that's adding new dungeons and everything, they really need to improve the leveling experience because its really barebones.

Additional review: So after constantly seeing updates and various patches roll out, I decided to try this game yet again to see what's changed....and I'll be frank here, while yes some things do seem a bit more stable, the overall in-depth problems still persist. It's not as laggy as it once was (not sure if that should be praised as much considering that should've been the first issue worked on) and enemy hit detection has improved but boy is that still wonky. The game still doesn't explain certain systems that you would need to know so its really up to you to mess around and figuring things out. I'll go over a few things I've noticed that I experienced (or tried to experience) but either got okay to medicore results.

The Talent Tree: Okay I will admit that I am a sucker for talent trees. But the one they added doesn't seem to have much depth. There are effects like increasing your AP (still don't really understand that stat or how it scales) and doing damage over time which I never really noticed enemies afflicted with. But even spec'ing your respective talents in each tree is a hassle in itself. Its almost like you have to do some jedi mind tricks nans to get anything to respond, not to mention its bugged. Its an okay addition but...it needs more work.

Grappling Hook: Works only in one known zone, and the game didn't explain how to use it. So after trying to find guides or videos on how it works to no avail, I just simply gave up and considered it just a weird addon, except the addon is just a sticker that you didn't really notice someone put on you that says "grapple hook".

Gliding: This aspect was already in the game but it honestly felt much nicer this time around. The stamina drain was drastically reduced and you can go longer distances. Still kinda busted for skipping mobs in dungeon areas though.

Now that's just a small snippet as I wasn't planning on trying everything, a lot of the other reviews speak on the various other issues like the bow and arrows being weird and cyberninja issues, but my whole reasoning was to see how this game looked before I decided to permanently retire it and to be frank, its not looking good. Aside from the fact that the population hasn't really seemingly exceeded 100 players in such a long time (according to steamdb) you're just better off playing something else or just trying to find 3 other friends who happen to have a VR headset and happen to wanna play this game. Its mostly dead...just like the eyes of the NPCs you see around the locales.
Posted 28 May, 2022. Last edited 11 October, 2023.
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53.4 hrs on record (43.8 hrs at review time)
I'm giving this game a yes but geez do I wish there was a middle ground option for it. This game does introduce a number of new and interesting mechanics and the parkour seems to be fine albeit a little jank at times compared to the first Dying Light. The main problems I have with this game is that you can kinda tell where content was cut and or where they played it too safe. Traveling around the city is nice and all but it feels so lackluster and nowhere near as risky as in DL1 save for when you enter a chase sequence (which is basically like getting stars in GTA but only more meh). You're constantly turning things on whether they be windmills, power plants, or any other utility you'd find in a modern city but the story just feels so disconnected. The choices hardly matter aside from whether you want better parkour mechanics to travel around or just more combat stuff (CHOOSE THE BAZAAR YOU'LL THANK ME LATER). I don't know...the more I play this game the more I find myself missing the first Dying Light. Repairing weapons is gone, most of the weapons aren't really worth it minus the ranged weapons but even then feathers to craft the weapons are just so scarce, ugh I could go on. Point is, wait for a sale or something or convince a gullible friend to buy it for you. I'm gonna give it a 6/10 but I believe that's being too generous. Just don't go into this game expecting the same level of satisfaction as the first one. Aiden is not Kyle Crane.
Posted 17 March, 2022.
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10.2 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
Installed this game and its been the best 5 hours I've invested in in so long. Races are fun, drifting feels EXTREMELY satisfying, the custom tracks are very creative (though there are a few bad apples here and there) and overall the replay value of this game is just...outstanding. Its perfect for those who love arcade racers, track building racers (looking at you Trackmania fans former and current) and just those who love racing in general. Its worth every cent and I implore and encourage everyone interested to buy it.
Posted 30 September, 2021.
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313.1 hrs on record (149.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have no life outside this game...
Posted 9 March, 2021.
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899.9 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Jinns are yokais and Yokais are Jinns, Mares don't make any sense. Bruh I'm salty as ♥♥♥♥. CJ and DK PLEASE FIX THIS GAME

Edit: I'm actually enraged right now
Edit: Edit: The game fun but ♥♥♥♥ man are the ghosts actually stupid at times. Mostly on Bleasdale

Edit: Edit: Edit: Edit: Please fix please
Posted 28 September, 2020. Last edited 16 January, 2023.
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104.0 hrs on record (30.8 hrs at review time)
This is probably one of the best platformers to ever come out. Honestly I enjoy this game more than I enjoy Mario Odyssey, especially in terms of difficulty now that the Seal the Deal DLC has been released. If I can also mention one more thing though if you buy this game (and you should buy it), get the ConductorWare Smooth Moves mod by Elsie(LCL). It will not disappoint you
Posted 14 September, 2018.
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