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3.1 hrs last two weeks / 1,668.6 hrs on record (423.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Jun, 2017 @ 10:59am
Updated: 9 Oct, 2017 @ 3:09am

Ok so time to put an actual review down for Elite after 400 hours.

Elite is a challenging game, a great game to get into if you have a high inrest in space and space travel. The endless galaxy has a limitless exploration experiences, intresting factions to side with and help. The combat feels fluid and fast, whilst deliving that satisfying reward of watching your enemy explode right infront of your eyes. But to every great game there is pros and cons.

Endless Galaxy
Vast selection of the classic Elite ships
Fast fluid combat
Landing on non atmospheric planets (Season pass required.)
A choice of factions to work for / side with
Developers that are engaged with the community
Huge choice of weapons and other ship modules

To just name a few, but as i said i will also list what i personally (Note personally before you try to roast me if you disagree.) Find as cons.

Extremely heavy grind to get into the high teir ships
AI that doesnt have common sense. (AI sidewinders starting fights with Anacondas)
Heavily RNG based
Aimbot AI with rail guns
Paper SRVs

To elaborate on me saying its a extremely heavy grind to get higher teir ships because i know some players find that statement controversial in the ED community. I love a good game that requires grinding to get good progression and stuff but god trying to earn credits in Elite really is a slow painful process if you don't have a ship that is capable of bounty hunting. People find little exploits in stations where missions pay out more than they really should and frontier do fix them pretty quick to stop people from doing said exploit. But they nerf it so hard it once again becomes pointless to do missions.

Once again these are my personal opinions, you may disagree or agree with some of them.

In the end i would personally rate Elite Dangerous a 8/10
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