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Análises recentes de KazooieX1

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52.2 horas registradas (42.5 horas no momento da análise)
soo much fun and absolutely worth it, but they just removed progression when playing offline so i cant even progress anymore. so i guess i cant play this anymore until that's fixed. yay
Publicada em 14 de setembro. Última edição em 15 de setembro.
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15 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
0.3 horas registradas
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Needs a TON of work. id wait till its more stable and they add ability to turn down ADS sensitivity. also i think there's a problem with cheaters, i played one match and the second it would start my dude would fall over dead. happened 3 rounds in a row before i gave up and left
Publicada em 12 de junho.
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34.6 horas registradas (16.6 horas no momento da análise)
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Publicada em 13 de maio.
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169.8 horas registradas (6.7 horas no momento da análise)
Get it or you are a COMMUNIST!!
Publicada em 17 de fevereiro. Última edição em 1 de março.
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36.9 horas registradas (21.7 horas no momento da análise)
a lot of fun but its the same thing over and over. not worth 50 so if i were you id wait till its on sale for 20 or 30
also seems to be kinda buggy at times
Publicada em 27 de dezembro de 2023.
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41.1 horas registradas (26.7 horas no momento da análise)
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best game with friends ever!
Publicada em 1 de dezembro de 2023.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
230.0 horas registradas (26.3 horas no momento da análise)
fantastic game and im not a fan of turn based games.
only problem is the percentages are broken in this game. i miss more 90% chance hits than 30 or 40% chance hits. it makes precision attack with for lazeal totally useless since it makes her miss more often that not. and using rage is even worse with karlach cuz it boosts your attack land chances to 80-95 abd they usually ALWAYS miss. karlach never EVER lands all her hits she usually misses 2 out of the 3 attacks she can do while raging.
Publicada em 9 de setembro de 2023. Última edição em 24 de outubro de 2023.
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394.3 horas registradas (378.2 horas no momento da análise)
some fair warning before you get into this game --- its a lot of fun until you pack a few hours away and you start to notice some things. they need to remove the "crew will be on mission'' nonsense from the game. just because i died really fast doesn't mean i need to be punished with a 8 minute timer before i can go back into a game. punishing players for doing badly is not the right way to do things that's a big NO NO. also the damage modeling is 100% broken. One game your tank will be able to one shot tanks much better than yours right through the strongest part of their armor when you get up-tiered, but the next game your tank wont be able to do any damage to even some of the weakest tanks when you get down-tiered. the whole games damage system is just a dice roll and needs a complete overhaul and half the time you just go through games until you finally get a game where your tank actually does damage to other tanks. oh and don't even get me started on the sound bugs, half of the time enemy tanks make 0 noise if there are a lot of tanks around, its like the game can only produce sound from a certain number of tanks before it just gives up and makes them silent, anything after tier 3 is 100% broken and that brings me to my next point. they very much so make this game impossible to rank up after tier 3 without paying for premium. if you want to play as modern day tanks be prepared to throw away AT LEAST 200 hours of game play to get anywhere near playing with modern tanks. UNLESS you spend money. also they need to rework the whole binoculars thing. they need to make it so we can shoot out each others binoculars. they shouldn't be some invincible device that's also invisible to other players. oh and the spawn camping is ridiculous every single map people rush spawn and just spawn camp the crap out of the people who spawn and the devs don't do a single thing to fix it. some maps are purposefully set up so one side can spawn camp the other. they should ban all spawn campers or make it so anyone who shoots someone in a spawn just explode the second they shoot someone in spawn, also sometimes people can just shoot through the hill and kill you like the hill isn't even there. if you watch kill cams iv'e seen people shoot through multiple boulders like they aren't even there.

PLEASE FIX THE CHEATING PROBLEM. im so sick of being killed by people shooting through entire mountains. and there is another one that auto destroys a tanks barrel no matter where you shoot on their tank and iv'e been encountering these cheaters every other game it seems. they shoot the very corner of my tanks track and my barrel auto explodes. or they shoot you in the back and your barrel explodes. cmon guys its getting old

final verdict - fun game with lots of potential but has an overwhelming amount of incredibly annoying bugs. but the game devs are super greedy, cheap and hate their player base with a passion.
Publicada em 15 de junho de 2023. Última edição em 16 de junho de 2023.
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49.9 horas registradas (21.2 horas no momento da análise)
most fun story game ive played since red dead redemption 2, they did a fantastic job!. my main complaints are the bugs that stop you from even playing the game. the game refuses to patch and requires me to find internet workarounds to figure out why things wont update. then all my game saves corrupt casuing me to almost lose 20 hours of progress. luckily there was an internet workaround for that as well. i could name about 10 more game breaking bugs ive encountered and recorded. but even with all that said this game is still worth it for sure. they just gotta fix the nonsense lol
Publicada em 14 de fevereiro de 2023.
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1.5 horas registradas
Seems fun so far but everything you collect in a raid is pointless. any money you find is useless since you cant use money out of raid to buy anything. if you run out of guns you have to wait 2 hours to get another free gun, or go in with fists and kill an npc. it would make a lot more sense if you could buy a gun with the money you extract with if you do run out of guns. why is there no trader or player market? game has a long way to go before it feels anything but hollow. im gonna give it a few more tries but idk if its for me.
Publicada em 6 de janeiro de 2023.
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