Alex Kaunitz, Jyväskylä   Finland
:WhiteWolfInterset: GameDev, YouTuber and Philanthropic Dude :WhiteWolfInterset:
:jhheart: Total 1.300.000 Subscribers :jhheart:
:luckyhappy: I do not use the trash called Steam anymore. :luckyhappy:

My PC:

- Processor: Intel Core i9 12900K
- Video Card: Gigabyte Nvidia RTX 4090
- RAM : HyperX 64 GB
- Hard Disk: WD Platinum 12 TB
- SSD m2: Samsung 1TB + SSD Intel 4TB

My Second PC (Custom, made by my team!):

- Processor: Tredator ZX-9600 4.2 GHz
- Video Card: Tredator Gamma 6600X 16 GB
- RAM : Tredator RSP 64 GB
- Hard Disk: Tredator Diamond 16 TB
- SSD m.2: Tredator Diamond+ 2TB
- MotherBoard: Tredator COC Zulpa M130

:russtar: My esport team: -

My previous teams:

:f_russia: Vega Squadron (18.02.21 - 18.03.21)
🇧🇬 Winazality (15.09.20 - 02.12.2020)
🇫🇮 De'Im Team ( 21.07.2018 - 18.07.2020)
🇪🇺 XeonGaming (18.08.17 - 21.07.2018)
🇫🇮 Finnish Mousers (23.01.17 - 18.08.17)
🇫🇮 Ellectrical Sweets (14.09.16 - 23.01.17)
🇫🇮 Golden Lemons (21.05.2016 - 03.07.2016)
🇫🇮 StatTrak Aim Gaming (01.03.16 - 21.05.2016)


:steammocking: Our tournaments (prize on team) :

:gem::firemagic:Total winnings in CSGO (on team): 8985$

:gem::firemagic:Total winnings in CSGO (self): 1635$


:steamhappy: Online Tournaments :

:mwc_cup: ECW Qualifications (2 place) 10$
:mwc_cup: WePlay.tv Cup (2 place) 15$
:mwc_cup: Eclipse Masters (1 place) 50$
:mwc_cup: OverPro Tournament (11 place)
:mwc_cup: Tredator Cup #1 (3 place) 10$
:mwc_cup: GameStorm #2 (10/32 place) NoPrize
:mwc_cup: Synergy Cup #1 (37/256 place) No prize

:mwc_cup: MyTime Tournament League (10/128 place) No prize :d2naturesprophet:
:mwc_cup: A1 League (11/32 place) 150$
:mwc_cup: ESEA Cashier Cup #24 (5/64 place) 100$
:mwc_cup: Tredator Autumn 2020 #1 (2/8 place) 200$
:mwc_cup::mwc_cup::mwc_cup: Tredator Amateur League Season #1 (1 place) 2500$

:cozysmitedaji: LAN Tournaments:

:mwc_cup: Kings of Scandinavia (11/16 place) 150$ ≈ 132€
:mwc_cup: Qiwi Team Play (56/128 place)
:mwc_cup: GG League ( 29/128 place)
:mwc_cup: V4 Future Sports Quals (75/128 place)
:mwc_cup: ESL Katowice 2020 (138/512 place)


Pokemon Red & Blue - #1 in Excellent Pokedex Speed Run (2014)

Pokemon GO - TOP #9 on Beta Tournament (2017)

Pokemon Unite - TOP #78 World Tier - 2612 ELO Champion Rating (2022)

:d2naturesprophet: 2021

:t39trophy: Spring South Poland Cup 2021 (9/189 place) - 100$

:t39trophy: Championship of Finland 2021 (3/32 place) - 712.8$

:t39trophy: Championship of Scandinavia 2021 (7/32 place) - 318.1$

:t39trophy: Spring West Russian Cup 2021 (28/296 place) - No Prize

:t39trophy: Spring South Italian Cup 2021 (12/97 place) - 52.6$

:t39trophy: TOP #2 Of South Finland (2021)

:t39trophy: TOP #7 Of Finland (2021)

:t39trophy: TOP #13 Of Scandinavia (2021)

:t39trophy: TOP #34 Of Europe (2021)

:t39trophy: TOP #69 World Tier (2021)

:d2naturesprophet: 2022

:t39trophy: Pokemon World Championship (GO Version) - TOP #17 (2022) - 3200$

:t39trophy: TOP #1 Of South Finland (2022)

:t39trophy: TOP #1 Of Finland (2022) (:powersupply:100$ award)

:t39trophy: TOP #1 Of Scandinavia (2022) (:powersupply:550$ award)

:t39trophy: TOP #10 Of Europe (2022) (:powersupply:250$ award)

:t39trophy: TOP #27 World Tier (2022) (:powersupply:700$ award)

Coming in 2023...
Some facts from my life & important info
Updated on September 14th, 2024

I do not use the trash called Steam anymore. If for any reason you need to contact me, write to my email kaunitzalex@gmail.com.

:luckyhappy: Steam is the worst thing that happened to the gaming industry. Damn that platform.

P.S. I like to help. Ask me anything. Literally - whatever. If I have time - I will give a hand.

:gng: Hello everyone and those, who just randomly found my account on the net! Let's start. If after reading this text you will have any more questions, please, scroll down to "Important information" section and read more facts there.

:d2puck: My name is Alex Kaunitz. I have seen the light on 11th, August, 2003. Right now I am 20 years old and I don't know how to call myself. Who am I? I used to do a lot of stuff - developing games, programming, art, music, cinema, growing plants, breeding exotic animals... There is shorter list of things I haven't tried yet. But - my main goal is to keep helping people.

:8bitfire: I know 6 languages almost perfectly - as soon as I was knocked by a rare disease when I was a child - I don't have "fluent" language. So I can speak Finnish, English, Russian, Swedish, French and German almost without troubles.

:steamthumbsup: Countries I've visited (27) - in order of visiting: Finland (ha-ha), Serbia, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Greece, Norway, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, North Korea (!!!), South Korea (via another citizenship), Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czechia, UAE, Qatar

:steamthumbsdown: Countries I want to visit (who cares?): Germany, Japan, USA, Iceland

:chessknight: I love the nostalgia about past time, I love 2009 year especially. Probably, I don't remember those time quite well, probably, because in that year I got my second life and for sure because those technologies were not that extremely developed so you could live a normal life for our days.. I enjoy remembering being a kid getting the #1 in excellent Pokemon Fire Red Pokedex speedrun. And I am holding it nowadays still!

:ATWT: I am semi-retired Steam Community Moderator. And like to donate to different projects. Currently I am working at "Kaunitz Games"

I have earned in the entire life: more than 35.000.000 EUR :bbtgem:
I have spent on charity and supporting: more than 9.000.000 EUR :gem:
I saved or strongly supported 4.157 people across the whole world. :jhheart:
Me and my team have rescued more than 25.000 animals. :SPIRITFOX:
We have also planted more than 48.000 trees around the globe! :pistars:

:WhiteWolfInterset: Soon I plan to add here links about mine & co's achievements. People keep asking why do I "show off" money and goods I have instead of sitting calm. Well, I don't count that as showing off. I have my own philosophy which stands that YOU as a human being have only one right and obligation, which is also everyone's true aim of life - to explore the world around yourself. If you help others to do so - you are almost a God. By those money I get my own aims - to help others explore this huge world. Don't get me wrong, I don't like when someone calls me Divine or kinda, I just enjoy helping others (who deserve my help)

:powercrystal: By some decades, my aim is to support at least 1.000.000 human beings.
But I don't give out money to slackers - I will choose myself what and who to support

:Frann: I don't see any meaning in money and hate them, that's why I like to give them out just because. My political views are Lisicism - I have designed it myself. I have played with words Liberty and Socialism - as soon as "Lisa" on russian means a Kettu (finnish) or a Fox - a symbol of it is my favorite animal.

:TFT_fox: I also love all the animals. And love growing plants. Yea, it just what you thought about :) I don't hide my attraction to animals. I never hurt any living creatures so do they. And they love me for that. If you want to talk about that - come to DM, just leave a comment :D

:themark: I am developer of several successful Crypto Currencies

Here you can see my Steam profile in some points of history:

2021 [web.archive.org], 2022 [web.archive.org]

:Hiii: Currently, I am working at Kaunitz Games and it counts 6 employees:

Alex Kaunitz - CEO
Aurora Kaunitz - Developer
Takon Navatoshi - Developer
Andre Wraith - Events Manager
Janito Person - Community Manager & Developer
Egor Gydima - CIS Support & Community

My Jobs History:

:aunope: Cybersport CS:GO (... - 01.08.2018)
:WheelOfAges: Internship in Roston Holding (01.08.2018 - 13.11.2018)
:8bitgrey: Internship in Discord Inc. (14.03.2019 - 13.04.2019)
:piscared: Steam Games Developer (14.08.2019 - 20.11.2020)
:gin_watermelon: Internship in Microsoft (07.12.2020 - 14.12.2020)
:t39trophy: Steam Community Moderator (14.12.2020 - 01.06.2021)
:russtar: Kaunitz Games (03.06.2021 - 08.01.2023)
:WheelOfAges: Roston Holding (08.01.2023 - 27.02.2023)
:russtar: Kaunitz Games (27.02.2023 - 01.12.2023)
:rockon: 663 Games (01.12.2023 - 19.01.2024)
:russtar: Kaunitz Games (19.01.2024 - now)

My Developer Stat:

Released Projects:

:The_Red_Dragon: EQ - Countries (2021) (Total Downloads: 35,315 :Aurion_Happy:)

:infestation: A Second Before The War [store.epicgames.com] (2023) (Total Downloads: 19,624 :Aurion_Happy:)

Projects in Developing:

:fighter1: Police, Open The Door! (2024)

:shotgun_ammo: Realm of Ink (2024)

:8bitampoule: Cornucopia (2024)

Cancelled Projects:

:nisha: Soccer Story! (2021) (Reason - Unpopular Theme)
:8bitampoule: BiTy (2023) (Reason - Valve Partnership Drain)

Total Earned From Game Development: ( 125,414$ :bbtgem: )
Total Downloads : ( 107,553 :Aurion_Happy: )

Artwork Showcase
hello! UwU
Important Information !!
Updated on May 11th, 2024

Important Information!!

Social Networks:

:CapSta_Higemaru: Spotify - 3145 subs: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3rLQEFu95YmR39vYxbvCsl

:jhjusthero: Twitch (rarely stream) - 4124 subs: https://www.twitch.tv/kaunitz

:piscared: TikTok (rarely upload) - 7513 subs: https://www.tiktok.com/@thekaunitz

:Tybalt: Instagram (rarely update) - 11456 subs: https://www.instagram.com/thekaunitz/

:cdx1: Telegram - 1730 subs: https://t.me/kaunitz

:Alexis: YouTube - 12667 subs: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheKaunitz1

:Gorum: Twitter - 144 subs: https://twitter.com/KaunitzThe

:Frann: Discord - 2671 subs: https://discord.gg/tbfhz5nKr5

:powercrystal: Nor Alex Kaunitz nor someone from his staff will add you via Discord / VK / Steam etc. That do only scammers. If you note one, report him and declare to any Admins on my Discord Server. :powercrystal:

:oooo_totem: Since 22.October.2021 due to big amount of invites i don't accept friend requests anymore! I will add you only if i know who you are! If you wanna add me and ask me about smth - actually you should be great friend of mine, but well, try using comments section :))) :oooo_totem:

If you strongly believe, that i have stolen accidentally your copyright on something, or you want to discuss something about this with me - please write kaunitz@kaunitzgames.com with title - "COPYRIGHT"

:Aurion_Happy: FAQ for me:

:infestation: :Aurion_Wonder: Question: How can i contact with you?

:myidea: Answer: If u want to contact with me, ask in comments, i always check it some times in day, if you have private question, write on my email kaunitz@kaunitzgames.com with title - "QUESTION - (*your question*)", and describe what you wanted to ask.

:infestation: :Aurion_Wonder: Question: Do you make some works, arts, music etc. for others? And if yes, what's the price?

:myidea: Answer: Yes, i do. If you have some offers, write me kaunitz@kaunitzgames.com with title- "REQUEST - (*your wish*)", and describe your needs.

:infestation: :Aurion_Wonder: Question: I want to be friends with you!

:myidea: Answer: I have friendship only with people who i know in real. There are much of you guys, but i love everyone from my squadron :P

:infestation: :Aurion_Wonder: Question: Do u really live in Finland?

:myidea: Answer: Yes, why? :P

:infestation: :Aurion_Wonder: Question: Enter my promocode on casino123 / pocker777 / easymoney1337 / etc. and get 1000 free coins!

:myidea: Answer: If you add me for this, you can go explore secrets of desert. :gng:

:infestation: :Aurion_Wonder: Question: Why you have so cheap inventory?

:myidea: Answer: I'm not really interested in skins of CS or DOTA, i just don't see any meaning in them. Better will be if i buy something on money, which i could spend on skins. Actually, i can buy really big inventory, dragon lores, karambits and others, i have money for them :)

:TFT_fox: Hello Guys! :TFT_fox:

:wowsyes: This information about me.

:powersupply: I was born and living now in glorious city Helsinki, Finland, with only 640.000 population and I'm 20 years old.

:TruberFox: Also, i am a big fan of animals, notably foxes!

:savedisk: I work in Kaunitz Games and Legend Of Benoga series belongs to me
Check it in steam!

:RareLupGem: Legend of Benoga: in developing
:RedLupGem: Legend of Benoga 2: in developing

:firemagic: My name: Alex Kaunitz
:cozybrawlhalla6: My favorite games: 1) Legend of Benoga 4; 2) CS:GO (♥♥♥♥ it); 3)Dig or Die and others
:rockon: Also, I KEEN ON POKEEMOON :rockon:
:windmagic: My favorite country: Iceland
:cozycsgoctwhite: My favorite eSport teams: FlipSide and Vega Squadron
:cozybrawlhalla7: My favorite eSport players: GetRight, Flusha
:yiingyang: My favorite sport: Billiards
:hyperion: My favorite colors: Light Green and Light Yellow
:d2puck: My favorite PC Parts developer: ASUS
:The_Red_Dragon: My favorite animals: Every single, but especially Foxes, kangaroos and penguins (my least favorite are cats, never mind:csgohelmet:)
:2019headphones: My favorite songs: The Magikarp song, Sunburn (TLT)


:steamsalty: If you want, you can ask me to sign your profile. :3 :steamsalty:

And that's all :3
Featured Artwork Showcase
Finally reached 1m$ in trading from 1.000$
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Created by - Kaunitz, i am the king, AuroraKK, and DuoWotto
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Some rules and tips which i follow strongly...
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Official Group for Steamworks Development Support
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Smile, please!
13 1
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184 Hours played
I have played more than 2000 games in my life, but this one is first, which had me to wep so long. Excellent plot. 1000/10.
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my working place :P
16 7
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0.3 hrs on record
last played on 23 Feb
1,755 hrs on record
last played on 15 Sep, 2024
Kaunitz 2 Nov, 2024 @ 2:05am 
I do not use the trash called Steam anymore. If for any reason you need to contact me, write to my email kaunitzalex@gmail.com
A.W. Gaming 31 Oct, 2024 @ 4:45am 
:luckyhappy:👻🎃 𝕳𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓! 🎃👻:luckyhappy:
ОТСОСУ ЗА ПОХВАЛУ 2 Oct, 2024 @ 3:24am 
+rep легенда
пахну кампусами 16 Aug, 2024 @ 2:22am 
пописал в профиль!:steamhappy:
Reneon 15 Aug, 2024 @ 6:37am 
+rep заскамил мою маму уехал в финляндию :csgocross:
Sammy the Fox 13 Jul, 2024 @ 6:35pm 
+Rep fox uwu