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2 people found this review helpful
125.0 hrs on record (56.4 hrs at review time)
It's a matter of having too much, breaking the game. Play anything but a select few decks and you're in for a very crappy time, devoid of fun. The game has been around for a few decades now and unfortunately, that's the problem. As the game evolved over the years, they had to find new ways to set the cards apart and inadvertently jumped the shark, back flipped and flipped the shark the bird while they were at it.

If you want to play older cards, you'll find yourself, negated, destroyed and overwhelmed in your first turn... Plays so cheap and time consuming, that you can nick off to the kitchen and make yourself a quesadilla, only to return and find your opponent still summoning cards on their very first turn, be it a cadre of over-powered samurai, a brood of blood-thirsty dragons and cards with cheap negate effects that you can't hope to play a card when and if your turn ever comes around.

How can such a problem be fixed? Your guess is as good as mine, but as it stands, in its current and no doubt, future state, 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel' is a wild west card game, where unless you're carrying a gun as big, if not bigger, than your opponent, you'll find yourself dying ten different ways to the same few decks... be it Eldritch, the aforementioned Six Samurai, the absurdly cheap Red Dragons, Blue-eyes decks (Photon or otherwise, Utopia.... You get the point. If you're (un)lucky like me, you'll also encounter turn 1 Exodia decks, with the means to endlessly shuffle and cycle cards until you lose automatically by Exodia.

Bottom line; unless your a kindred spirit to that albino guy from the DaVinci Code, that goes around whipping himself or enjoy the masochism, have time to waste watching endless chains, or, are one of those cheap bastards that enjoy playing those select elite decks, don't even bother... seriously! :P
Posted 16 February, 2022. Last edited 17 February, 2022.
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11.2 hrs on record
Treasure hunting... What springs to mind upon hearing the term? Indiana Jones? Rick O'Connell? Lara Croft? Daring Do from MLP perhaps? ...Or maybe, it brings to mind, an arsehat, cosplaying as Dr Ian Grant wielding a metal detector? At first, the game is rather charming and relaxing even, but after the first two hours, the game loses its charm and becomes overly repetitive.

The 'story mode' is bare bones and virtually none existent and lacking in substance... and the click-click-clickety of the detector in your ears after a number of hours will leave you begging for the next click occurring in your ears, to be the popping of your eardrums, just to give you the satisfaction of never hearing it again. If you must play it, purchase it for 90% off like I did, otherwise, leave this game buried in the sand with the worthless junk items you dredge up in game... like the endless rusty nails, ring-pulls and accursed Orange Soda bottle tops!

Story- 1/10 (Next to nonexistent)
Sound - 3/10 (Some of the music and nature sounds are decent, but that damn detector...)
Graphics - 4/10 (Some areas are pretty nice, but the overall look is nothing to write home about and there's plenty of graphical and lighting glitches to keep the charming locations for getting this score any higher than a 4)
Replay Value - 1/10 (After an hour, yo'll have done all that you truly desire and you're nowhere near the end of the game. Unless you're a masochist, the replay value is null and void.)
Fun factor - 2/10 (Starts off okay, but, the fun dies rather quickly.)
Posted 6 January, 2022.
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47.8 hrs on record (20.8 hrs at review time)
What can I say about this? Hooooooooooo boy! I hate this game! I wanted to like it; I liked the first and second instalments enough, but this...

Coming off playing the first game, the best thing that was done, was getting rid of the annoying objectives in the campaign mode. Plenty of them were bugged in the first game and most of the time, they weren't worth doing outside of getting ability and skill points. So that's something 'The Dark Lord' has going for it... that said though...

Are you familiar with the saying 'too many cooks spoil the broth'? Well, in this game, 'too many dungeon lords spoil the dungeon'! Just something else for you to sink resources into, upgrading three dunderheads each level. You run somewhere and the others will follow; you get into a fight and the others... either stop fighting or don't fight at all! You do have the option of controlling them individually, but the three lords, individually suck for the most part and balancing them becomes a right pain in the arse due to the overhaul of the items and the pitiful amount of soul energy you get in this game. (FYI - Soul energy is the primary currency in the game and is needed to buy gimmicks to upgrade your prestige; the higher your prestige, the more 'useful' the item you can buy in order to earn more soul energy down the road.)

The problem is that, unlike the first instalment, earning soul energy is a nightmare! The heroes enter the dungeon, travel around and for what? They deposit you low amounts of energy like 10-20 at first and slowly rises with the hero level. But because the turn around is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ low, we come to out NEXT problem,..

Too many lords in the dungeon? How about TOO MANY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HEROES! The timer for these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to enter is absurdly small as is the timer for them to increase in level... as such, before you know it, you have 30+ unsatisfied heroes swarming around your dungeon because they keep offing your pathetic amount of goblins running around, trying to perform standard dungeon maintenance! (First game the upper limit for goblins was 20) This game however, you're usually restricted to a very stingy 6 total... oh. and only one of your lords can actually spawn the ♥♥♥♥'n things so again... WHY HAVE THREE!?! ♥♥♥♥ me!

Anyways... before you know it, the swarm of heroes out-levels your monsters and you, because you're not getting soul energy and not getting enough ♥♥♥♥ to build you dungeon and upgrade the fellowship of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ losers! The entire game has a balance issue and rather than adapt to it, I recommend passing this game up altogether as this game isn't worthy of licking the ♥♥♥♥ off of the bottom of Mr Sidekick's peg leg!

Oh yeah... That bastard is an annoying redundancy too! The mission I gave up on, a spy would scout you out and return back to base... The stupid green ♥♥♥♥, Mr Sidekick would then tell me "A scout returned back to base and they are sending out an army, master!" Well... WHERE THE ♥♥♥♥ WERE YOU A MINUTE BEFOREHAND, YOU LITTLE GNARLED TURD!? Seriously... Can't tell me that the scout is departing? And don't get me started on the useless information the bastard provides in game... Every few seconds/minutes... "A hero is leaving with a satisfied ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ grin, master!"

You know what? WHERE'S MY SATISFIED ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GRIN? I'll tell you where it is; it's somewhere else right now, buried in Calypso's ♥♥♥♥♥, Mr Sidekick, because I ain't ♥♥♥♥♥♥' satisfied at all! ♥♥♥♥ this game; don't get it! Get something better... Like Dungeons 2... Or even the original! Sure... The ending for the original had no payoff whatsoever, but it's the better game to play by a country-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mile! Now... I'm going to find something else to do, because this game DESTROYED MY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DUNGEON HEART!

-Another note I forgot to mention; if you do play the game, play it on easy. You'll have a far better experience, should you play this buggy, piece of ♥♥♥♥.
Posted 21 July, 2021. Last edited 22 July, 2021.
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55.4 hrs on record (54.1 hrs at review time)
For what it is, the game isn't too bad. Kinda fun and it passed a few hours, but... The game is marred with bugs, the ending feels phoned in, the fashion contests are a waste of time and the end game mode is utter pants. As it stands I can't recommend this at its full price. Pick it up if its on sale for $5 and under, otherwise better off giving it a miss.
Posted 18 June, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Dishonored is fantastic, as is the DLC 'Knife of Dunwall' and 'Brigmore Witches'. This, however... is ♥♥♥♥. Ten unique challenges that will show you the cracks and flaws in an otherwise beautiful game.

Most of the challenges are mediocre, the challenge 'assassin's run', tries to be a precision shooter when Dishonored just isn't... Shonky mechanics and inconsistent AI will leave you utterly bald after yanking your hair out in frustration.

If you want good DLC, get the other stuff... but leave this piece of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ alone.
Posted 4 March, 2020.
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15.4 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
A quaint little game; perfect burn burning a few hours and somewhat relaxing too.
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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11.5 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
So... What to say about 'Pixel Puzzles: Japan'... It's a puzzle game! No rotating blocks... No floating pills... No exploading candies, gems or animals... But an actual jigsaw puzzle game. Now if it were just that, my review would be done now, but there's more. The puzzles are lovely and are in various shapes, cuts and sizes.
The goal of the game is simple... Complete a puzzle and obtain a golden puzzle piece for your monk so that he may ascend to a higher state... and ultimately, puzzles with more pieces. As you set about the task putting together the puzzles, the pieces not on the board yet, float around on the surface of a pond and you have to try and scoop up the piece you'd like. If you toss a piece back into the water, you can sink a number of pieces foor a moment in hopes of making it easier to grab the piece you do want... And that's it.
It's a nice, simple and relaxing game, set to soothing oriental music; perfect for the casual gamer that enjoys a slow paced game or the hardcore garmer looking to find that calm before the storm of bullets and rampaging zombies... among other things.
Posted 16 March, 2015. Last edited 16 March, 2015.
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128.5 hrs on record (125.7 hrs at review time)
Wayne Campbell: Ah yes, it's a lot like "Star Trek: The Next Generation". In many ways it's superior but will never be as recognised as the original.

In many ways that quote holds true with Clear Sky when you compare it to Shadow of Chernobyl, but Clear Sky is riddled with a lot of bugs and half baked concepts that, on the surface seem to be great improvements, but in reality, are poorly implemented and in a lot of cases, are almost game breaking, if not so. I don't make this assessment lightly and it's with a heavy heart that I do so... From start to finish, I wanted to enjoy this game, but it just never threw me a bone! Right down to the last boss, that glitched out and began to walk upon air, 50 meters above ground and take cover behind non-existent crates.

*It was a pleasure to gather artefacts in the manner stated in the encyclopaedia from Shadow of Chernobyl, however it was often times frustrating to find artefacts that now had new abilities, some of which did the complete opposite of their SoC counterparts.

*The upgrade system was nice, but needed a lot more work and an explanation in game of how the upgrade trees work.

*The bandits at the Garbage can go eat ♥♥♥♥! Avoid them like the plague! And if you're like me and save up lots of money... Don't! Twice these no good ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bled me dry and with no way to get it back... not even through bloodshed!

*Exploration... What can I say? Shadow of Chernobyl... You look around... Find a nice gun... Or a suit or armour... With Clear Sky however, it's high risk for low to no reward! I know it's only early days in the Zone but at least reward exploration! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Scrooges!

*GLITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love them! And 'them' there are many of... From the aforementioned floating final boss, to side quests the refuse to acknowledge the presence of the PDA in your inventory, to enemies that kill you in one hit if you happen to be in the air or jumping.

*Faction wars... Actually the biggest problem here is your allies! Constantly pushing you out of cover and shooting you in the back, mindlessly trying to shoot an enemy! I lost count of the amount of times I was killed in the FW tutorial portion of the game... Shot in the back by a friendly shotgun! If you survive... You're expected to suck it up! ...And if you accidentally hit an idiot that walks in front of you, they get angry and gun you down... ♥♥♥♥ IT!

(SIGHS) I know a lot of this sounds like nit picking, but hey! THIS IS THE GAME!!! This is the experience I had! ...And coming off of an enjoyable stint in the zone, in 'Shadow of Chernobyl', 'Clear Sky' was an utter disappointment and seemed more like a fart in an enclosed room than a clear blue sky of promise and in my opinion, will forever live in the 'Shadow of Chernobyl'... What? That didn't make sense? Get ♥♥♥♥♥♥! XD

Don't play this unless you're a die hard S.T.A.L.K.E.R, fan!
Posted 21 December, 2014.
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40.1 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
Excellent game! It's refreshing to see an RTS that has realistic scale. The battles can be long and epic also. Very addicting!
Posted 22 April, 2011.
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278.8 hrs on record (189.5 hrs at review time)
A great addition to the Civilization series, although to be honest, I haven't played it as much as I would like to.
Posted 20 April, 2011.
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