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Verfasst: 7. Feb. 2016 um 4:08
Aktualisiert: 1. März 2016 um 12:24

The game itself is great; undeniably the quintessential Tales experience. This is why it pains me to see the game in such shabby state on the PC.

Tales of Zestiria obviously had a tight release schedule that made its (almost non-existent by comparison) set of issues excusable. This game has had 12 years since its initial release, no translation work was necessary and has been ported to multiple consoles. There is no excuse for the lack of quality here and I am going to call this what it is, shovelware.

EDIT: 2/29/16
The game still has a few technical issues, but they are actually showing signs of caring about the product and their customers. Coupled with my own product (shameless self promotion), TSFix, the game is in respectable shape finally.

The removal of VMProtect was the tipping point for me, and I can finally recommend the game.
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7 Kommentare
tatankasamoyed 13. Feb. 2016 um 6:58 
True words. I only have the game because I got it free with ToZ. I have the PS3 version, so I have enjoyed the game. The release is a shame since it discourages any interest I had of seeing my own faves (Tales of Xilia (Iand II) and Tales of Grace f) ported to PC.
Gerald McMeow 12. Feb. 2016 um 19:57 
I was hoping they would bring Vesperia but now Im hoping they dont. SHAMFUR DISPRAy
boomerdude1962 12. Feb. 2016 um 11:25 
Thank you for the honest and informative review, I whole heartedly agree and this sort of thing seems to plague the gaming industry nowadays with all the ports coming out. While some may be well executed others are just downright lazy. Also I now have a term I was not familar with to call these shitty ports. :D
Brutality 8. Feb. 2016 um 10:11 
Yeah, its understandable, porting games isn't easy.
I think I'll go in and try to support it, hope for more improvements along the way. I love Namco. Hopefully they will listen to the community.
Shaun 8. Feb. 2016 um 10:08 
I have the PS3 version (including the sequel) so I will avoid this completely.
Kaldaien 8. Feb. 2016 um 6:41 
If you rush into purchasing it now, you very likely will. It is plagued with technical problems. Considering it's a 12 year old game, I don't see the harm in holding out until Namco either fixes the problems themselves or removes VMProtect and allows the community to the do the work.
Brutality 8. Feb. 2016 um 6:19 
Even after the patches? I've been waiting on this since the kickstarter, I must have put 600+ hours into Symphonia on the gamecube, am I gonna be that let down?