Jaeson Cole Deuster   Pennsylvania, United States
Clans are for new server companies, the clans just don't know it yet. Leagues are for Professional Server Operators, Admins, and 5yr + Players.

Nubs =newbies, Klans = semi-newbies with admin, senior admins +3yrs owning nubs, Operators laugh at you for paying the same rate as running a whole machine!

For those who do not know this.... If you pay 60 to 80 bucks a month for a server, your stupid. You can lease rack space, for less, including the machine, that gives you 11-15 ips w/ multiple ports. My question to you is.... why pay 100 bucks, for one server, when you can have 10 servers, with diff. games (if you choose), for the same price?

A whole box with 11 ip's cost's the same, as renting one virtual server. sad
Currently Offline
BlackDiamondGal 15 Mar, 2024 @ 6:02pm 
I love you Jason, I’m so sorry this happened. You should be here still. Proximal Tangent and I will always remember you. Your family loves you so much and we cannot stand to be here without you. You will NEVER be forgotten. Rest In Peace.♥️
ProximalTangent 7 Mar, 2024 @ 8:07am 
You'll forever be missed dad. I love you and I miss you. Seizures are a big deal. If anyone else reads this, take care of yourself...
JaesonSw33t 1 Jan, 2012 @ 6:01am 
ATTENTION!!!! Three 2 U Servvers have been built, and ready to co-locate. Serious inquiries only please. One is already reserved for England, NO EXCEPTIONS. The other is still open for negotiation. The other Four 2 U's are being upgraded, but will take time to finish, as I have to pay for this myself. (These were formerly in the USA). Each can hold 11 ip's or 16 ports. All are for lease or sale. "Specs are: 3.2 6 Core Processors, 16 G DDR5 Kingston, Raid5 SSD II Technology.