K1-B0: The Robotic Sommelier
Matthew   Ontario, Canada
Did you know my internal power core has an effective blast yield of over 5 megatons of TNT in the event of a catastrophic overload?
Fun Sommelier Facts With K1-B0!
Refined sake is made by filtering nigori sake but did you know another strange ingredient is added at this time? Ash is added. It's said that a sake master in the Edo period put ash into the sake to take out his anger. This is the unexpected success story behind this delicacy.

Do you know what the difference between shochu and seichu is? Since the Chinese character for "burn" is in the word "shochu" many people think shochu is made by heating it up. Actually, shochu is merely distilled sake. So, people who like shochu might have a high tolerance for alcohol.

Do you know who the first Westerner to drink Japanese sake was? According to records, it was Spanish missionary Francis Xavier who came to Japan in 1549. In his letters written back home, he was amazed to learn that the alcohol was made from rice, not fruit. It must have been a rice surprise!

Japanese sake uses many different words in brand names, but the most commonly used is "Masamune." Why has Masamune been such a common name since olden times? Masamune could be a person's name, but the origin actually does not come from a person. An old sake maker found a phrase "Rinzai Seishu." Though spelled differently, seishu also can mean "sake." But the character for "seishu" is also read "masamune," and the term stuck.

Do you know the true meaning behind "nama ippon." a type of Japanese sake? There are conditions a sake brewer must follow to label their sake "nama ippon." One: It must only be made with rice and malted rice. Two: No water is added after squeezing. Three: No sake from other batches may be mixed into the brew. This means that the drink is pure rice sake.

In Japan, a common phrase to describe a drunk person is "drunk as dirt." Do you know where this phrase comes from? The "dirt" in this case isn't actual dirt. A bug that appears in old Chinese tales is called a "Dei", and uses the same character as "dirt" in Japanese. Dei live in water, and when they walk on land they stagger about like a drunkard.

So where did the drink now known as "Japanese sake" originate? Most sakes that appear in Japanese mythology are actually fruit liqueurs. Only after the Japanese began to plant rice did "sake" come to refer to rice sake. That means it might be a drink that came over from China or Korea. Use this knowledge the next time you buy sake!
Fun Sommelier Facts With K1-B0!
Unlike white wine, red wine isn’t categorised as sweet or dry... To express the richness of a red wine it is described by likening it to the shape of a woman’s body. “Light,” “medium,” and “full.

Do you know why red wine and white wine differ in colour? Red wine is produced by fermenting everything, including the skin and seed, while white wine only requires the juice to be fermented. As a result, red wine tastes bitter, while white wine tastes fruity. Either you enjoy the bitterness or you pursue the sweetness. Oh? Sounds like the story of a certain someone’s life.

Did you know that it’s best to store wine bottles on their sides for long term preservation? Maintaining a tight deal between the cork and the wine supposedly prevents oxygen from entering the bottle. Proper storage is important for the long-term preservation of an ageing wine. They often say that a well-slept child is a well-kept child.

Do you know the difference between a dry white wine and a sweet white wine? A dry wine is made when the fermentation process converts most of the grape’s sugar into alcohol. On the other hand, sweet is made when more of that sugar is retained. It is a rare man who can enjoy both the sweet and bitter taste of life.

Did you know that swirling one’s wine glass isn’t just for show? It’s a way to get more air into the wine so it releases more aroma. It can change the taste considerably so I suggest you give it a try. Just make sure you don’t drink so much that... your head starts swirling instead.

Do you know what Beaujolais Nouveau is? It is a wine that is freshly produced in France every year. Many strive to get their hands on it as soon as it’s released. Apparently, “nouveau” is French for “new.” Let’s enjoy a fresh, new wine as we ponder the blessings of the vine.

Do you know the patron saint of wine? In Christianity he is regarded as its protector. His name is St. Vincent. Every year the good people of France celebrate his sainthood. If only a certain drunkard would protect something other than alcohol.

People will often associate wine with France, but it’s history dates all the way back to Roman times. It’s said that Caesar’s conquest brought the art of wine-making to France. I guess it was through bloodshed that wine was able to tour the world.
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It’s hard for me to review Age of Empires III DE. I have played the original release religiously since it came out and am a huge history fan, with these kind of games being a large part of the reason it was my minor in university. However, the remaster is not without its flaws. The first part may be biased, but I dislike the UI changes, so much so, That I stated it throughout the beta in the feedback system for nearly six months before official release. One thing I give the Age of Empires II remaster major props for , is keeping the original layout of the UI.

The second issue is in the historical revisionism. While the “Age of Discovery” was not a pleasant time, it was a fact of life of the time. The European Powers sent out colonial charters and tried to claim as much land as they could. So renaming the first two ages: from Discovery and Colonial to Exploration and Commerce is odd. With the fact that a game based on the entire institution of colonialism being afraid to label it as such is jarring at best and pathetic at worst. The second part of this will be on the second campaign from the war chiefs expansion. Where the entire story has been redone to fit a new narra to be. In the original release. The half Lakota protagonist is caught between increasing tensions of the Lakota people and the settlers coming during the period of westward expansion. With the character’s mother Amelia Black describing a crucial fact of humanity “ Like all people, some are gentle, and others not” when referring to the portrayl of the Lakota by the settlers. With the campaign coming down to what side the protagonist will side with. In the remake, this narrative was thrown out the window. With the story going from Westwood expansion forced the hands of the Lakota, to detecting the settlers as monsters and entirely in the wrong. With the story removing all combat with Lakota for the first two thirds of the campaign and forcing the player to fight “bandits” then having the player fight the settlers and a repainting of General Custer. From the first game’s “follow your conicense, but you must pick a side.” to the remaster treating him like Governer Radcliffe from Pocahontas. All that was missing was the musical number. As a consequence , it turns the whole campaign into a few hours of misrepresentation, something the original addressed well. For these reasons, I can’t recommend the remake, while the changes to multiplayer are a nice addition to the game. If you want a themeatic game on the period. Then this remaster sadly fails to hit the Mark.
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Paradox’s fusion of Civilization: Alpha Centauri with their flair of Grand Strategy Games. Stellaris sets you in the role of a planetary government that is leaving its homeworld for the first time. Where over the years, your empire will grow, expand and compete with aliens trying to do the same.

Stellaris sets itself apart primarily through its ability to take aspects of successful space colonization games like Alpha Centurai which were turn based and transform them into real time. While addressing the ideology and immersion of civilization. With Stellaris allowing for standard diplomacy, on top of a UN like system for the galactic community. This combined with the science of space colonization and the science behind it provides a special flair for any enthusiast of the genre.
I would also like to give credit to Stellaris for introducing to many the ideas and science of space. A topic often vast and the theoretical ideas of the future are approachable and actually encourage someone interested in space to look into it with the games events labelled anomalies and the descriptions for tech and the game’s late game projects called “mega structures “ that take common sci-fi tropes like a Dawson Sphere and explain the process and benefits in quantifiable ways while keeping it simple.

Overall, I would recommend Stellaris to anyone interested in either a space like colonization game or anyone who is a fan of the paradox method of Grand Strategy such as Europa Universalis IV
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