Prince Jules Moonshade-Darkov
New Mexico, United States
Let there be ambiance, and may it be white, white as the snow; For even someone shrouded in darkness...can be the hero who saves the light.

"Give me a thousand guns and I'll place them just right to kill ten thousand."

-My friend Manchura regarding the game HoI4

"English is three languages stacked on top of each other wearing a trench coat"

-des-zimbits a person online

"I am a simple man. I see the enemy - I start to QE"

-Siege Tales

... and yet, a voice none of the three Ares IV astronauts could hear proclaimed, Today, I am still here

-From the story “The Maretian” and the last words of the cave farm on mars dubbed “Salvation Base”

Nice dreams are the true nightmares. They create a world we cannot inhabit. A place of pure fantasy. The sweetest of dreams can be a nightmare when you have to wake up.

-Sarcastic brony (modified slightly by me.)

Sometimes were like stars, we fall so someones wish can come true.


Forgiveness can open the door to happy moments in life. Cherish them while they last.


I'm telling you that it doesn't matter, I've spent my time thinking about this and I've come to a conclusion.

You should live every day to the fullest, try to make every individual measure of time a joyous as possible. Enjoy your time, treasure it.

I think that's the meaning of life for all human beings.

There's a painful irony I've had to accept...

Despite my intrpid fourth wall breaking, mind reading and the ways i've played around with ya...

I realize that in the end, as a dimensional being you're above me.

I'm a charcter in a story, limited to two dimensions; I exist outside of time...

I'm only real when ya boot me up, play me, you can even rewind this conversation and I'll be none the wiser.

I am that immortal being trapped in inky blackness whenever you shut me down, I wonder if I've already gone insane?

And you? You're like a god, You can't imagine how reality shattering that is to me.

Guess there's nothing you can do, even if you sit here with me forever.

I won't expect you to do that though, I just have to face reality.

-Cream (A Pinkie esc clone) from a game

If you ever encounter an unknown armed force, fire a burst over their heads and await a response. If they respond with a volley of accurate, precise rifle fire, they're British. If the response is a ♥♥♥♥ ton of machine gun fire, they're German. If there is no response for several minutes and your position is then destroyed by an overwhelming and utterly destructive airstrike, they're American.


Today I learned something that is truly special about friendship.....I learned that true friendship dose not have to be explained.

-Cadence & Chrysalis

Even the toughest person can attach to a very heart-melting storyline of a character in almost every game.

-A person on the internet
Quotes from amazing authors and people
There is a world where Life and Death govern all imaginable realms. A world where watchers guard over their planets and the creatures that roam them. In this world, A young man goes on a journey to a place he never thought existed, After cutting an untold deal with Death.

Equestria, A place of magical creatures and mysteries offers him a new chance at life, A chance he will have to pay dearly for. This is a written story of his adventures, the sorrows and victories of his life as he goes through great challenges and fights his inner darkness.

At the end of this journey, one begs the question: What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil side through great effort and Sacrifice?

-Alexaroth Prislopeanu (From the back of the cover for his story 'Stairway to Equestria')

The Noblest art if that of making others happy.

-P.T. Barnum

"As terrifying and painful as reality can be, it's also the only place where you can find true happiness."

-James Halliday from 'Ready Player One'

"Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're 'equally infinite.' Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too."

"Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else."

-Mr Rogers from 'Mr Rogers Neighborhood' final two quotes in his final goodbye

"If you talk to a person in a language they understand, that goes to their head. If you talk to them in their language, that goes to their heart."

-Nelson Mandela

"A story for the heart, a tear for the soul,"

-D.J. Ribe

"The greatest way to destroy a man, is to break his spirit."

-Abyss Walker

“It’s our actions that make our destinies, not what people tells us.”

-Castok the Shadow

“How brave can you be when it comes to protecting a country?

If you were left with the choice of dying for your loved ones or telling the truth about how you were betrayed, which would you choose?

Would you give yourself to becoming the hero of an empire, a country, a world...or risk everything by giving up the one that deserves to die?

Love has a price, a consequence, and even though you wish for revenge...sometimes you must allow them to live. For if they do not...then you chance evil to come when the rarest of power is never to be seen again.

So ask yourself this..."Will you die in lies and become a hero...or save yourself with the truth?”

-A Story by SaiyanUltima called 'Love has a Price'

“True courage is knowing when to spare a life, rather than take it.”


From silentpegasus’s story ‘A Sparkle of Love’

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."

-Friedrich Nietzsche

"He who is loved is already rich, he who is humble is already glorious, he who is wise is already powerful, he who is all three posses's all that is worth having."

-From Thule117's Story Guardian

“Here lies proof, that as pride may turn angels to demons, so might mercy turn tyrants to heros!”

-From Thule117’s story Guardian

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

-G.K. Chesterton

“There’s more to being a warrior than killing. A true warrior — the best warrior — isn’t cruel or mean. He doesn’t claw an enemy who can’t fight back. Where’s the honor in that?”

-Erin Hunter, Forest of secrets

“We all have our flaws. But we overcome them. And sometimes, it's our flaws that make us who we are.”

-Erin Hunter, Tallstar’s revenge

“Our code is different from the warrior code. It reaches across boundaries. To us, every cat is simply that — a cat, with the same right to life as any other. We made a promise to heal and protect, remember?”

-Erin Hunter, Night Whispers

Fairy tales are more then true: Not because they tell us that Dragons exist, But because they tell us that Dragons can be beaten.

-Neil Gaiman

“Which is the true good? Harmony(Order)? Or Discord(Chaos)?”

“Neither, our lives are a road filled with twists and turns. Sometimes the right thing to do requires a touch of Discord. Other times it requires a touch of Harmony. Finding the balance should be our ultimate goal. Too much Harmony can lead to stagnation and people can be hurt because we are feeling comfortable with where we stand and don't take action. While too much chaos will lead to unnecessary conflict and in sometimes unnecessary loss of life. Both have their pros and cons. We need to do both as our lives move on. Even if the right thing to do sometimes hurts a bit.”

-From Azvameth Rose’s story Eyes to the Heart

Once again take the quill, these stories are lives expressed in words.
The paper is their flesh, the ink their blood, and your moving hand is their beating heart.
But what sets all of this into motion is you, the one who reads these tales.

However, to those who write and want to create:
Please care for these beings, they are all alive from the moment you imagine them to the moment you forget them.

-Azvameth Rose

“Depression lies. It tells you you’ve always felt this way, and you always will. But your haven’t. And you won’t.

-Halley Cornell

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t be sure, wether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.”

-Haruki Murakami
Quotes from amazing authors and people Part 2
UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.

- Dr. Seuss

'Do not stand at my grave and weep' Possibly by Mary Elizabeth Fry (If possible play 'Rameses B - Lonely Souls before reading)

Do no stand at my grave and weep

I am not there, I do no sleep

I am a thousand winds that blow

I am the diamond glints on snow

I am the sunlight on ripened grain

I am the gentle Autumn rain

When you awaken in the mornings hush

I am the swift uplifting rush of quite birds in circle flight

I am the soft stars that shine at night

Do not stand at my grave and cry

I am not there

I did not die

If this is you, blowing out somebody else's candle will never ignite yours. However, if you help somebody else ignite their candle, that will automatically ignite yours too!

-David JP Phillips

Across the field of battle, the changeling hordes fell back. The united armies of humanity and Equestrian driving them off, back to the tunnels which they appeared from. Though victory had been won, there were no cheers, or cries of victory.

What joy could be found in victory, when all across the field of war, the bodies of the dead stretched as far as the eye could see. And where the once green grass, now shone red with blood.


"What is a wave without the ocean? A beginning without an end? They are different, but they go together. Now you go among the stars, and I fall among the sand. We are different. But we go... together."

-Lani Minella (AKA the Sea Emperor from Subnautica)

“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

-Sherlock Holmes

You can’t hang onto yourself.
You don’t have to try not to hang onto yourself.
It can’t be done, and that is salvation.

Memento Mori—be mindful of death.

-Alan Watts

What if you gave all of you that you could possibly give; yet is still not be enough?


If you can't fly then run...
If you can't run then walk...
If you can't walk then crawl...
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

-Martin Luther King jr

“You don’t need any costumes or fur dye to be beautiful Skye. You are perfect to me just how you are.”


'It is a human tendency to lose wonder at the miracles of their day, even when presented with actual magic. Every so often, you need a reminder of what kind of a magnificent universe we all live in.


'I entered your dreams to say one last goodbye..before the end of the story..I fly into another world, in the black night sky.'


It is the youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow.... that are the aftermath of war.

-Herbert Hoover

I don't really care if you think I'm strange, I ain't gonna change

-Joan Jett

Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.

-Anne Geddes

I gotta tell you it was fun playing through these games again and reminding myself of why the series was so special to me, journeying through these lands again have helped me feel a bit more creative. I know not everyone agreed with my opinions but the thing is, I don't really care and neither should you there are opinions I had fun with some of these games more then others and I'm aware that various people can think differently if you loved Twilight Princess that's great if you hated Skyward Sword we'll hot dog that's fine too. Opinions help make us unique as people just as so many parts of each Zelda game makes them their own if you pair it yourself to others opinions you lose track of who you are you become a ghost of your former self and a shell of the person you admire it's okay to be influenced just as Zelda has influenced countless successful games throughout the years you shouldn't be getting angry and threaten someone just for not thinking exactly the same way as you or someone else, strive to become your own person, someone worthy of leaving behind of a legend of their own.

-ScottFalco (A youtuber who has a series called 'The Legend of Zelda with a side of salt’)

“discendo discimus, scribendo cogito, ductus exemplo; ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt."

"while teaching we learn, think by writing, leadership by example; the fates lead the willing and drag the unwilling.


"Immortality isn't living forever. That's not what it feels like. Immortality is everyone else dying."

-Doctor Who

The reason why they call it ‘the American dream’ is because you have to be asleep to believe in it…

-George Carlin

“People who cry aren’t weak, people who cry have been strong for too long.”

-Jonny Depp

"One of us walked in light, one of us in darkness. We never should have met, but a bridge brought us together, and we found something more in the middle."

-From Xmier's story, 'The Bat and the Teacher'

“I sacrificed my life, in an attempt to save the world. And I doing so, I’ve learnt that life is beautiful. Most of my life, I always thought that I was entirely different from everyone else. But it was until I put aside my differences, that I saw the true power that myself, Digimon, humans, even ponies all share deep inside. It matters not where you come from. Be it from another land or another world. Because in the end, we’re all the same. With the same feelings, the same emotions, even the way we think. I’ve seen now that the consequences of one’s birth is completely irrelevant. Because it’s what you do with the gift of life, that determines who you are.”

-From I-C-U-P's story 'BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony'

“It doesn't matter how many obstacles you may face in your life. It doesn't matter how many mistakes you've made in the past, or how many enemies you've accumulated. Heck, it doesn't even matter who you are, so long as you know who you want to be. Because in the end, everything is going to be okay.

All it takes is a little bit of love.”

-From RunicTreetops story ‘Run Without Debugging’
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