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Posted: 26 Jul, 2014 @ 5:14pm

Early Access Review
For a Free to play Early Access game Its just what I expected. I do not recommend this game in its current state. I feel that the current inventory system is too slow and confusing. Also there isn't really good way to escape from the zombies except for sprinting untill the zombies lose you. I haven't played to much but that is because I got board of find a city, find a weapon (that I can't pick up) then die within 5 minutes of playing. for single player the game is just trail and error untill you somehow get enough gear to defend yourself and leave without dieing. Lastly I feel that where you find gear is completly bizzare and needs to be changed. for example I found A loaded handgun right next to a picnic table in the middle of an urban city. but when I go into a millitary camp the best weapon I find is a bloodbag (still good but how is it that I have an easier time finding weapons in a really small park over a millitary camp?) I think this game can be good if the developers fix some of this things but as of when I upload this review this game is not worth your time in my opinion. but this game is still free to play as of now so if you honestly think that this game is perfect for you go ahead and try it out you have nothing to lose.
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